Monday, September 19, 2011

Daily Message 9.19.11

Motivational Quote of the Day 

"It is the nature of thought to
find its way into action."
— Christian Nevell Bovee: Was an American author and lawyer in the late 1800s

Abraham-Hicks Publications:
Are we for marriage? Yes. Are we for divorce? Yes. Are we for monogamy? Yes. All of you have different ways of satisfying your desires, and all of it is appropriate or not. And only you, individually, know if it is appropriate or inappropriate unto you in this moment.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Los Angeles, CA on Saturday, July 24th, 1999 # 199
I Have Complete Control Over My Own Thoughts... You can find yourself in an endless loop where you explain that you feel negative because of the negative behavior of someone else. But if, instead, you take control of your own emotions and you think an improved thought because it feels better to do so, you will discover that no matter how the negative trend got started, you can turn it around. You have no real control of what anyone else is doing with their Vibration (or with their actions, for that matter), but you have complete control over your own thoughts, Vibrations, emotions, and point of attraction.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the book, The Vortex, Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships # 201
Get so fixated on what you want, that you drown out any vibration or reverberation that has anything to do with what you do not want.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Boston, MA on Saturday, October 2nd, 2004 # 198
The Law of Attraction is responding to your thought, not to your current reality. When you change the thought, your reality must follow suit. If things are going well for you, then focusing upon what is happening now will cause the well-being to continue, but if there are things happening now that are not pleasing, you must find a way of taking your attention away from those unwanted things.
You have the ability to quickly change your patterns of thought, and eventually… your life experience.
Take 15 minutes daily, thinking of pleasant scenarios regarding your body, with the sole intent of enjoying your body and appreciating its strength and stamina and flexibility and beauty. When you visualize for the joy of visualizing rather than with the intention of correcting some deficiency, your thoughts are more pure and, therefore, more powerful. When you visualize to overcome something that is wrong, your thoughts are diluted with the "lackful" side of the equation. In time, your physical condition will acquiesce to your dominant thoughts.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth and Happiness" # 193
Our Love,
Jerry and Esther

From …

Daily Feng Shui Tip:

You might want to make today's mantra 'Yo, ho, ho and a bottle of rum,' because today is 'Talk Like A Pirate Day.' That reference is as much pirate as I speak, and when I refer to a plank, I'm most likely describing a standard yoga pose and not something I'll soon be walking. But if there's one piece of pirate vernacular that I do embrace, it's the effective 'Treasure Map.' Treasure mapping, or vision boarding, has long been used in order to create a visual representation of your hopes, wishes and dreams. Your personal pot 'o gold, so to speak. Cover a piece of poster board with pictures, symbols, and words that visually represent your most treasured goals and desires. Be sure to represent yourself on this map by putting a picture of yourself that you love in the center of this board. Remember to use verbal affirmations as you create the visual one. Once done, keep the map somewhere where you can see it daily to remind you of what's coming now that you did the work. The promise inherent in this effort is that before a year is done, some or even all of your intentions on that map will have come true in some shape or form. Now that's a reason to mine this map if I ever did see one, matey!

Daily Dream Decoder:

The great thing about dreams is that you can live anywhere. Being underwater can be a potentially threatening experience, as with drowning. However, it can just be the place you are, hanging out with the other dream characters.
Dreams of this nature may be wish-fulfillment, especially if you have an affinity for ocean life at some level. It may also be a desire for escape from the more mundane experiences of land-locked living. Perhaps the most interesting effect of underwater dreams is when the appearance of the dream environment seems as if it is underwater even when it is not. People may be moving in slow motion, you may feel particularly buoyant, or there may be aquatic life intermingled with the above-water scenery. In dreams of this type, the dreamer may be feeling a need to escape or slow down the pace of life in order to observe the circumstances more accurately.
If you have been underwater in a dream, do you recall feeling like it was a normal environment for you, or were you nervous in the situation?
Asleep / Sleeping

Dreams of being asleep are not unusual. After all, it is the actual state of your body while you are dreaming. However, dreams of being asleep are not usually dreams of being at rest. Sleeping is one of our most vulnerable circumstances in life. When you are asleep, your cares are disarmed, your ability to defend yourself is limited, and your care for others in a practical manner is practically impossible. Dreams of this nature often reflect either our great ease or a sense of violation in life. How you awake, and who wakes you up, are important elements to consider.

Supernatural Powers

If you have supernatural powers in a dream -- flying, magic, mind-reading, etc. -- it is often a dream of regaining control. Very often, you will be the only one in the dream with these powers and you will use them to work towards a particular end: escape, winning a battle, or rescuing others.
Sometimes, these powers extend to or are opposed by others. In this type of case, your mind is tempering your powers with you inability to fix your own world completely and individually.

The appearance of a bear in a dream is a good example of dream interpretation as being culturally shaped. For most of us, bears are not very good companions, and they represent ill-temperament. The exception is in Native American traditions.
For the Navajo and Crow Indians, the bear is a father or grandfather figure that possesses wisdom and knowledge of the sacred.

Exposure in dreams is a powerful event. Often times, people report dreaming they are nude or dressed only in undergarments. These dreams often reveal the vulnerability that lies just below the surface of our more confident selves. This vulnerability comes from the self that we hide from others. The hiding may be conscious, such as taboo behavior, or less conscious, stemming from a general sense that if you were fully known, you would not be fully accepted.

Daily Wish:

Make a wish on the first snowflakes of a snowfall. Watch one particular snowflake drift down as you make your wish.
As you eat the first kumquat of a meal, put the entire kumquat in your mouth (peel and all) and make a wish as you chew it. You mustn't bite it off in pieces, but it's all right to swallow it in more than one swallow.
Eat three slices of raw yam, making the same wish with each bite.
On Halloween day walk out the door backwards and pick up some dust or grass. Wrap it in paper and put it under your pillow that night. If you make a wish before falling asleep, it will come true.
Eat a crust of dry bread before going to bed on Halloween. Any wish that you make will be granted.
If there's someone you haven't seen for at least three days and you wish to see or dream about that person, say the following chant to the Moon:'I see the Moon, and the Moon sees me.The Moon sees someone, I want to see.'Then turn around three times while saying the person's name three times.
If you suddenly glimpse the Moon over your right shoulder, make a wish and it will come true.
Some customs say the Moon should be glimpsed over your left shoulder.


The Results May Amaze You

     "In the current moment of this particular time-frame it is most easy to step into despairing thoughts.  Reality has a way of coming after your well being when it is allowed to run rampant without control.

     In bad times it is important to retain the validity of your own thoughts.  Clearly, the impact of others participating in negative processes can lead the most powerful energies to slip upon the slope of the mountain they wish to climb.

     Linear reality is based upon a give and take of energy.  Being clear with your own thoughts is somewhat easier than exchanging thoughts and energies with others.

     It is important to be completely comfortable with your energy.  This will lead to a better creation during co-creating and mass consciousness creations.

     Do not allow others to diminish what you know to be your truth within yourself.  Stand strong with what you know is a product of your own energy.

     Giving and taking the essence of that energy is what the physical experience is all about for you.  It is your journey.

     Your particular energy pattern is contributing to the mass consciousness of the complete reality... and it does make a difference.

     Remembering who you are should be followed by being who you are in physical reality.

     It is possible.

     The results of "being who you are" in this reality may amaze you."

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret and The Power 

From The Secret Daily Teachings
Faith is trusting in the good.
Fear is putting your trust in the bad.

May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne The Secret... bringing joy to billions


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