Thursday, September 15, 2011

Daily Message 9.15.11


"The best thing to give to your enemy is forgiveness;
to an opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your heart; to your child, a good example; to a father, deference; to your mother, conduct that will make her proud of you; to yourself, respect; to all men, charity."
— Benjamin Franklin: Founding Father of the United States of America

"The Internet is becoming the town
square for the global village of tomorrow."
— Bill Gates: co-founder and chairman of Microsoft Corporation

"Thinking is easy, acting is difficult, and
to put one's thoughts into action is the
most difficult thing in the world."
— Johann von Goethe: Was a German poet, novelist, and dramatist
"You seldom improve quality by cutting
costs, but you can often cut costs
by improving quality."
— Karl Albrecht: a German entrepreneur who founded the supermarket chain Aldi

Abraham-Hicks Publications
Attempting to Control Others Attracts More to Be Controlled... It is easy to understand how you would come to the conclusion that your path to feeling good is through influencing or controlling the behavior of others. But as you attempt to control them (through influence or coercion), you discover that not only can you not contain them - but your attention to them brings more like them into your experience. You simply cannot get to where you want to be by controlling or eliminating the unwanted.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the book, The Vortex, Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships # 181
Abraham is not a singular consciousness as you feel that you are in your singular bodies. Abraham is collective consciousness. There is a stream or river of consciousness. As one of you asks a question, there are many, many points of consciousness that are funneling through what feels to be one perspective, (because there is, in this case, one human, Esther, who is interpreting or articulating it) so it appears singular to you. We are multidimensional and multi-faceted and, certainly, multi-consciousness.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Kansas City, MO on Sunday, August 29th, 1999 # 182
If you decide to make someone the enemy and you're pushing very hard against them, you don't affect them at all, but you disconnect yourself from the Stream. If someone cheats you, they cannot diminish your experience. They only diminish their experience. You cannot be diminished by someone cheating you unless you get all upset about being cheated and push against them and use that as your excuse to disconnect from the Stream.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Diego, CA on Saturday, July 25th, 1998 # 196
Someone asked us recently, "Is there any limitation to the body's ability to heal?" And we said, "None other than the belief that you hold." And he said, "Then why aren't people growing new limbs?" And we said, "Because no one believes that they can."
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Rafael, CA on Saturday, February 27th, 1999 # 197
Our Love,
Jerry and Esther


Daily Feng Shui Tip:

Even though today is 'Greenpeace Day,' it's not that environmental organization that I want to talk about. Rather, I would like to point out the obvious relationship between the words 'green' and 'peace.' In Feng Shui these two words are almost interchangeable and are symbolically synonymous. In fact, this philosophy teaches that green is also a color that represents harmony and balance. Feng Shui also says that green is the color of your soul, thereby reflecting the fact that the soul is the mediator between the work of spirit and bodily personality. Compassionate and sympathetic, this color is also considered one of health and healing, hence the propensity of green in places of healing like hospitals or rehab centers. It is also considered the color associated with fresh energy, renewal and beginnings. Nourishing, calming and balancing, working with this color with intention can color your own world. Sleep on green sheets to effect healing during the night hours. The Feng S hui gold standard for green is to position three green plants in the Family/Friends area of the main floor. These plants will emit a healthy healing vibe and bring balance back to your living space. Green. Peace.

Daily Wish:

If you find a comb with the teeth pointing away from you, make a wish. (If the teeth are pointing toward you, the comb is not a wish-on.)
If you accidentally drop a comb, point the teeth down and make a wish.
If you accidentally drop a comb, step on it as you make a wish.
If you see a snake track, spit on it, make a wish, and rub out the track with your shoe.
(Southeastern United States)
If you get a two-dollar bill, fold it three times and hold it clasped between the palms of your two hands. While twisting your palms three times (thus stroking the bill), make a wish. Put away the two-dollar bill, still folded in three; don't spend it for at least three weeks if you want your wish to come true.
If you see a kite caught in a tree, make a wish. A kite entangled on telephone lines entitles you to a wish. If there is at least one bird on the line as well, there's a better chance of the wish being granted.

Daily Dream Decoder:


Neither Freud nor Jung had anything to say about cellular phones. However, as they become more prevalent they are obviously making their way into people's dreams. Cell phones have changed from being a symbol of status to a symbol of security. We feel a sense of connection to our resources when the cell phone is nearby. If your dream includes a cell phone, you are probably seeing yourself as connected-or desiring connection with additional opportunities.
There also may be a sense of wanting to change one's social status to necessitate use of a cell phone. Try to discern who you are calling and under what circumstances, as the phone may have a lot of symbolic lifeline or security image to it as well.
Does it feel like a social crutch in your dream, or a helpful tool?
Is it tying you down ... ringing incessantly and keeping you from experiencing a sense of peace in your sleep?

The unique element of an infection dream is that it may have developed from a specific injury to a specific body part. The location of the wound and how it was infected are central concerns to interpretation of this dream.
Did the wound come to you randomly, from your own actions, or from another person? Does the infection carry a sense of fatal dread or just discomfort?

Keys stand for power and access. To lose one's keys in a dream is to be out of control or lack the means of access. It may symbolize that you feel unable to acquire what is needed to complete a task or obtain access to persons or knowledge.
To find your own keys is to assert your own power in a given situation. You have the ability to be captain of your destiny, so to speak.
What is most interesting is to find a key that previously had no meaning for you. This is especially important when the key has no direct use, but feels as if it might be important. In a dream like this, you are probably searching for options to identify new potential within yourself or in relationship to others.
Who was with you when you found the key and with whom did you share the discovery in your dream? There will be numerous clues in the answers to these two questions.

Fruit can be a symbol for femininity, harvest, or decay. However, it could just as easily fall into interpretations of food. Therefore, how the fruit was present in your dream should be carefully considered.
Did you offer fruit to someone, or vice versa?
Did the presence of a particular kind of fruit in the dream correlate to an appearance of that fruit in your recent waking life?

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