Friday, August 26, 2011

Daily Message 8.26.11


"Innovation distinguishes
between a leader and a follower."
— Steve Jobs: co-founder, chairman, and former CEO of Apple Inc.


"I've failed over and over and over again
in my life and that is why I succeed."
— Michael Jordan: is a former professional basketball player

From sublime to ridiculousness there is only one step.


Abraham-Hicks Publications
So, look at your world that seems bent on revenge. The suicide bomber didn't just wake up one morning in the middle of a joyful life and decide to go kill some people. That person, whoever it was, was living such a feeling of disempowerment, that the only access they had to anything that gave them even an opportunity to have a breath of air, in that moment, was a feeling of revenge. We agree, we don't want them to get stuck in that feeling of revenge and then go kill themselves and other people. But we certainly understand how they got there. Nobody wants to feel powerless. And so, the suicide bombers are just those who are saying, "Well, I can do this one thing. You've taken away my power in this way, and in this way, and in this way, but there's one thing you cannot take away from me: my power to take myself out and a bunch of other people with me, hopefully."
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Fort Collins, CO on Saturday, June 19th, 2004 # 177
Make a decision of what you want, give your attention there, find the feeling place of it — and you're there instantly. There is no reason for you to suffer or struggle your way to or through anything.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Kansas City, MO on Sunday, August 29th, 1999 # 176
Our Love,
Jerry and Esther


Daily Feng Shui Tip:

No, you're not barking up the wrong tree, it really is 'National Dog Day!' So can I get a 'Woot Woot!' -- um, I mean, a 'Woof Woof!' As a practicing aromatherapist I once learned something very interesting about dogs and essential oils. Dogs have very good instincts for these pure oils and so an experiment was done where a digestive oil was put on one hand while a pesticide oil was put on the other. A dog that had an upset stomach who was then allowed into the room immediately came forward to lick the hand with the digestive oil. This could be because dogs have a much more acute sense of smell than humans, so we generally try to use a minimum quantity of essential oils when addressing doggie illnesses. But for today's post we're going to use these oils to scratch what's itching them. If you regularly shampoo your best friend (and you should) one of the easiest, safest and all-natural ways to deal with fleas is to add one drop (for small to mid-size dogs, two drops for larger breeds) of either lemongrass or citronella oil to their shampoo. Most dogs cotton to the scent and it gives them a nice, fresh smell as well. If your dog has been cut or grazed from too much scratching, bathe the area of the wound in a solution of six drops pure lavender essential oil to a half gallon of water. The essential oil will help to clean the wound and serving as an all-natural antibiotic and disinfectant. Rest easy that if the dog licks the wound afterward he won't be ingesting anything harmful, which isn't always the case with OTC products. A healthy, happy and itch-free dog -- now would be the time for that 'WOOT WOOT!

Daily Dream Decoder:
Out-of-body Experience

The out-of-body experience can be a dramatic one. Clinically, this falls into a phenomenon called dissociative experience or disorder.
Often times, the experiences that create this feeling are powerfully ecstatic or traumatic. In either case, the feeling is similar to watching oneself in a movie. Basically, whatever is going on in the dream is so powerful that the dreamer is separating herself from experiencing it directly. The result is a self watching the self in a moment of life. Dreams of this nature can be very revealing about the self at work in the world (see Medard Boss). Lucid dreaming can also create this feeling. In lucid dreaming, the dreamer is conscious of dreaming and may be watching herself in the dream.
Dreams of this nature may create a feeling that the dreamer has projected herself into another sphere of reality, creating a sense of astral projection. This idea has been popula rized by certain paranormal studies on perceptions of reality.
Native American cultures view the out-of-body experience as a fuller unity of the soul with nature. As such, it is not surprising that they hold such experiences in high regard. It is in this sense that you can consider the out-of-body experience a brush with great power-in a world of physical limitations you suddenly have the ability to go wherever you wish to go. You have complete control regarding your place in the universe.
Conversely, another possible out-of-body experience involves a complete loss of power: seeing yourself lying on an operating table in a hospital.
Does your out-of-body experience empower or frighten you?
Do you choose your travel destination or do you simply appear somewhere through no choice of your own?

If yoga is a feature of your waking life, then dreams of it usually do not have substantial interpretative content -- they are merely replays of normal events. However, if you are not a yoga practitioner in waking life, this dream may indicate a desire for more mind-body balance or harmony with the universe. Or, it could indicate some sort of reference to a convoluted situation in your life.

Daily Wish:
If you are going to use a yo-yo you've never used before, make a wish before you start playing with it.
If you accidentally bump your knee, hold a hand on each knee as you make a wish.
If you accidentally bump your knee, make a wish as you say, 'Bee's knee; Knee be.'

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