Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Daily Message 8.24.11


"Be fully aware. Be engaged. Remind yourself
to live in the present moment, The Zone."
Jim Fannin: Nightingale-Conant author

"What's dangerous is not to evolve."
— Jeff Bezos: is the founder, president, and CEO of

Abraham-Hicks Publications:
"I must be aware of bad things, and guarded about bad things, and I must watch out for bad things by trying to guide myself toward good things." You can't do both at the same time. You can't watch out for bad things, and allow good things at the same time. It is vibrationally not possible.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Los Angeles, CA on Saturday, March 10th, 2001 # 174
Nothing is more debilitating than to care about something you can't do anything about. And you can't do anything about your adult children. You can want better for them, and maybe even begin to provide something for them, but in the long run, you cannot do anything about someone else's vibration other than hold them in the best light you can, mentally, and then project that to them. And sometimes, distance makes that much more possible than being up close to them.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Ashland, OR on Saturday, July 19th, 2003 # 175
Our Love,
Jerry and Esther

From …

Daily Feng Shui Tip:

Only after years of intense debate amongst astronomers was the planet Pluto demoted on this date in 2006, igniting a wholesale redefinition of what scientifically constitutes a planet. We astrologers, on the other hand, mostly still contend that Pluto is the planet that holds sway over every aspect of how we use our personal power. As a professional astrological interpreter, today I want to pay homage to Pluto, the planet. Pluto is also associated with all things regarding death, rebirth and transformation. That last energy, the one that promotes and predicates rising from the ashes and positively transforming into a powerful being living to their fullest potential, is the blessing that invoking Pluto brings. As well, that same transformational energy is associated with the Fame area in Feng Shui. This philosophy says that Fame energies also relates to our future and our progression through life. This arena relates to recognition and rewards and impacts upon any enlightenment we are likely to receive. If this area is balanced and then activated with the appropriate Feng Shui, you will be able to proceed rapidly up a personally powerful ladder of success. Many of these same attributes are associated with Pluto. Download any image of the glyph or symbol that represents Pluto and place it in the Fame area of your main floor. Leave this symbol in place for three days in order to experience your own personally powerful transformation and rebirth!

Daily Dream Decoder:

Hats as noteworthy objects in dreams are not too common. A hat can be seen as an extension of power and influence in the dream. Removal of the hat by another can be taken as an invitation to confrontation. Giving a hat to another may be considered a romantic wish-fulfillment projection.
Also, the presence of a hat may be related to a dream of percieved balding.
In some cases, the hat is simply a reminder of another event, such as a sporting event involving a professional team, or an activity like skiing or fishing.

Topaz is the crystal of spiritual wisdom and intuition. Often, it is found in dreams of problem-solving concerning interpersonal relationships.

Daily Wish:

Make three new wishes on entering a new church or temple.
If you see a church you've never seen before, go inside and make the same wish three times.
If you see a church you've never seen before, place both of your hands flat on the front door. Say your wish three times in your head. Walk away without looking back.
If you see a candle or light in a church accidentally go out, make a wish quickly, so it can travel with the light.
Gather three of the first icicles of the season. Hold them in your hand as you silently make your wish three times. Then put the icicles under a bush and leave them there. When they have melted, your wish may come true.


In Regard To Relationships
     "In regard to relationships with others, the image of the self plays a huge role in how they are played out in the linear.

It is very difficult to love another if one does not love themselves.

     We are not speaking of a physical attraction, which is often labeled as love.  We are speaking of the deep connection that has roots in the unconditional.

     A good look at how you participate in your own energy will help you in how you love others in a relationship.

     Start by being aware of your own energy.  How often do you feel in harmony with yourself?  If you are at odds in a relationship, more than likely you are finding difficulty in your own energy.

     Everything in the reality you participate in is based on an ebb and flow of energy.  This is true right down to the molecules that create the solid moments.

     By taking care of your energy you enable yourself to attract energies  that match your own.

     So, if you are only participating half way with your own energy, you are going to attract someone who is half of what you really want.

     Tend to the garden that is yours.  By doing so you create through the ebb and flow someone who is worthy of participating with you.

     If you are already in a relationship, keeping your energy balanced will help bring clarity to the union.  You may find they are not so attractive after all.

     Being honest with the self and nurturing your relationships with your self will bring forward the perfect opportunity.

     Consider the love of self.  It may remedy all the difficulty."

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret and The Power 

From The Secret Daily Teachings
Here is a checklist to make sure you have your receiving channels open:
Do you receive compliments well? Do you receive unexpected gifts easily? Do you accept help when it is offered? Do you accept your meal being paid for by a friend?
These are little things, but they will help you know if you are open to receiving. Remember, the Universe is moving through everyone and every circumstance to give to you.

May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne
The Secret... bringing joy to billions

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