Monday, August 29, 2011

Daily Message 8.29.11

"There are times when a man should be content
with what he has but never with what he is."

— William George Jordan

Abraham-Hicks Publications:
The majority have been programmed from their past experience to expect physical decline. And while it is something they don't want, they are programmed to expect it. And so, they're going to get what they expect. It's not that what they expect is the reality that everyone lives, but that everyone lives the reality of what they expect.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Philadelphia, PA on Wednesday, May 7th, 2003 # 180
The child is thinking, and receiving vibrational thought from you on the day that he enters your environment. That is the reason that beliefs are transmitted so easily from parent to child, from parent to child, from parent to child. The child is vibrationally receiving your fears, your beliefs, even without your spoken word... If you want to do that which is of greatest value for your child, give thought only to that which you want, and your child will receive only those wanted thoughts.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from "The Law of Attraction, The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham" # 179
One who is mostly an observer thrives in good times but suffers in bad times because what he is observing is already vibrating, and as he observes it, he includes it in his vibrational countenance. As he includes it, the Universe accepts that as his point of attraction and gives him more of it. So the better it gets the better it gets. Or the worse it gets the worse it gets. While one who is a visionary thrives in all times.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Portland, OR on Tuesday, June 10th, 1997 # 178
Our Love,
Jerry and Esther

From …

Daily Feng Shui Tip:

It's as if my friend Doctor Oz came out from behind his curtain and christened today 'More Herbs, Less Salt Day!' And we would both agree that this is very good advice when it comes to your daily diet. However, there's a physical agenda that addresses arthritic anomaly by using both of those condiments. In the first case, there's an African anti-inflammatory plant called devil's claw, named because its large fruit resembles a claw-like hand. Some herbal practitioners say that this herb may prove useful in arthritis pain relief and it has the potential to improve joint mobility while enhancing healing. Devil's claw can make such claims because of its anti-inflammatory properties and because it can also act as an all-natural analgesic. After getting proper medical attention, you might want to explore using the extract of this herb, which can be easily found in most health food stores, as a way to ameliorate acute arthritis discomfort. If you want to use salt to address this sam e complaint than heat a half cup of kosher or coarse salt in a frying pan and use it to prepare an inflammation and pain reducing poultice. Pour the heated salt into a cotton handkerchief or cheesecloth and then place the poultice on the affected area. Place a hot water bottle or heating pad on top of the salt to keep it warm. When combined and used jointly, this herb and salt agenda gives arthritis a one-two punch that will make you the winner. But remember, if you're talking about seasoning your food, shake things up a bit and try to use more herbs and less salt. That way, no matter which part of this tip you use, everyone's a winner!

Daily Dream Decoder:

Without Assistance
Flying in a dream is a fairly common, but very powerful event. Flying events seem to be divided among those who fly spontaneously in their dreams and those who have a lucid dreaming event and choose to fly. In either case, the dreamers report powerful feelings of freedom in the flight.
Flying as a spontaneous event often includes some special effort, like flapping one's arms, to get going. However, many people experience flight as soaring by a mysterious, jet-like power. These events are precipitated by a strong desire to travel or an imminent danger that requires escape.
Flying as a lucid dreaming choice is often of the levitation variety. These dreamers simply choose to fly because, in the reality of their dream, they know they may. This may be related to astral projection or an out-of-body experience that some people undergo.
These flights allow dreamers to trans cend circumstances and acquire a more favorable or safer perspective. What prompted the will to fly-danger or euphoria-and where did the flight lead?
Nonsensical Means
In addition to flying independently, dreamers may fly on bikes, cars, boats, or other non-airborne equipment. These flights are generally brought about by circumstances where the current means of travel suddenly became inadequate or endangers the dreamer. A good example of this type of flight would be a bicycle that becomes airborne rather than be struck by a car. This dream may reveal a dreamer that sees dangers as inconsequential. It may also be a hero dream.

Most of us go through seasons of life that create the feeling of juggling-having responsibility for more objects than we can reasonably handle.
If you successfully juggle alone, or for no particular reason, this may reflect the desire or feeling that you actually are controlling numerous facets of your life. Often, we are juggling publicly and being judged for our success in doing so. In these juggling dreams, the audience is key. Perhaps the audience consists of people to whom you should be delegating tasks or from whom you feel unreasonable expectations.
Who is watching you juggle, and what is your relationship with them in waking life?
How well are you juggling, and how does the audience react?

Dreaming of rubies is often a dream of wealth, power, and energy. The ruby is viewed as the crystal of leadership and kings.
Are you receiving them as a gift, finding them, or stealing them?

Daily Wish:
Make a wish on a grain of corn and bury the corn.
If you have a cob of corn with either seven or fourteen rows, you can make a wish as you take your first bite. (If you forget-too bad, wishes made on anything but the first bite have no chance of coming true.)
An ocean may be wished on if you have not been on its shoreline for three months. Say the following chant after you make your wish:
'Ocean blue, ocean blue,
Here's my wish;
Make it come true.'
In all customs having to do with wishbones, it is taboo to put a finger on the head of the bone to give yourself a better grip. The person thus applying unfair leverage invalidates any wish he or she would make. In some areas, the wish automatically transfers to the other person.
Two people should each grasp one end of a chicken or turkey wishbone. Each person pulls on the wishbone while making a wish. The one who gets the larger piece of bone (the one with the head on it) will get his or her wish. The wish must not be told to anyone.
(United States and elsewhere)
Another tradition in some places says that the person who gets the shortest piece will be the first to marry.
Wait for the wishbone of any fowl (chicken, duck, quail, turkey, etc.) to dry. Two people then grasp the bone and snap it. The one getting the piece with the head on it must quickly say lucky break and make a silent wish.
Two people each grasp one end of the wishbone and make a silent wish as they pull and twist the bone until it breaks. The person who gets the larger piece will get their wish; the other person must tell what their own wish was.
(New Jersey)
A wishbone should be dried in the Sun and kept for a long time. Touch it any time you want to make a wish.
Past Lives 
          "Outside of the linear there dwells an infinity of experience that plays a part in your current physical existence.   Since when you are born into most cultures you are taught and expected to consider only the current moment this can sometimes be overwhelming.

     It is, however, a fact.  You have multiple lives that make up the "novel" of your linear participation.  When not embodied you do have recall of the information.  In body there are sometimes coincidental moments that often give one pause.  Sometimes one can explain them away, however, often they remain an enigma to the current perspective.

     So if there are incidents that feel incomplete or out of sync with your life, it may be that it is an episode in the grander picture of your existence.  These incidents often may make perfect sense in a full perspective of your multiple incarnating.

     Opening the mind to such a possibility can give clarity to the confusing moments while defining who  you are as a soul not the personality you are manifesting as in this life.

     An advanced soul will often have several thousand experiences to draw upon while engaging a lesson or plan. 

     Multiple lives are a tool to the soul's evolution. 

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