Monday, August 22, 2011

Daily Message 8.22.11

"Make the most of yourself, for
that is all there is of you."

— Ralph Waldo Emerson

Abraham-Hicks Publications:
We would like you to reach the place where you're not willing to listen to people criticize one another… where you take no satisfaction from somebody being wrong… where it matters to you so much that you feel good, that you are only willing to think positive things about people…you are only willing to look for positive aspects; you are only willing to look for solutions, and you are not willing to beat the drum of all of the problems of the world.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Cincinnati, OH on Wednesday, September 22nd, 2004 # 173
When you begin to understand Law of Attraction, and you understand that which is like unto itself is drawn, then it is easier and easier to understand that you are offering a signal, and the entire Universe responds. And when you finally get that, and you begin to exercise some deliberate control about the signal that you offer, then it really begins to be fun, because then you recognize that nothing happens outside of your creative control. There are no things that happen by chance or by circumstance. There is nothing that is happening because of something you vibrated a long time ago or in a past life. It is not about what you were born into. It is only about what you are, right now, in this red hot fresh moment emitting.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Seattle, WA on Saturday, June 20th, 1998 # 172
Every emotion, from despair all of the way up to ecstasy; from complete Connection to who-you-really-are, all the way to pinching yourself off pretty severely, all of those emotions are about your perception of freedom, or your perception of bondage—every one of them.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Orlando, FL on Saturday, January 22nd, 2005 # 171
Our Love,
Jerry and Esther

From …

Daily Feng Shui Tip:

You don't always have to have a shiny golden halo and an expansive pair of wings in order to be someone else's angel. In fact, on 'Be An Angel Day,' neither of those attributes are even necessary. Why not commit some random act of kindness for a complete stranger today, or even do something heavenly for someone that you know could really use the hand, um, I mean, wing. Now, if you could use a little cosmic assist and would love for those same energies to hover around you, then first locate the Helpful People area of your home or office. On a piece or white paper and in green, gold or red ink, write the names of the following Archangels in exactly the order that I am prescribing here. These names will go one atop the other starting with Michael and moving down in a columnar manner. The next name down is Raphael, then Gabriel and Souriel. Next comes Zaziel and Badakiel until we reach Suliel, the last angel. Once you've written all these angel names on that pure white paper, aff ix it somewhere in the Helpful People area so 'someone' can be your angel for a day. Or seven of them can work to dwarf any obstacles, challenges or negative energies coming your way while lifting you on wings of prayer. Literally.

Daily Dream Decoder:

The Earth has numerous symbolic roles in dream language. Mother Earth and Mother Nature are idioms used to describe the Earth as a source of life. In dreams, this often translates to the Earth as a source of our being. Other dreams of earth include worry over having a home, being outcast, or chaos dreams involving the end of the world.
Dreams that include fear of environmental destruction may appear because of news garnered from the daily headlines.


If everyone had their own personal background music, interpersonal relationships would be a lot easier. If you didn't like someone's music, you would know to avoid them. If a love song was playing, you would know what to do; heavy metal likewise. It is not unusual to have background music in dreams. We are used to having music on television or in a movie set the tone of a particular scene or character.
An interesting phenomenon is when you compose music in your dreams. It may be very telling regarding the emotions present in your dreams which, in turn, can help you decipher the meanings of the images.

Images also include Apocalypse, Flood, Natural Disaster, Tornado.
The radical annihilation of the world is a theme that seems to recur in many of the world's cultures, cults, and religions. Sometimes there is a subsequent reordering and renewal of the world that includes a particular group being placed in supremacy. Other times, there is a mystical translation of chosen inhabitants into a structured paradise. Another option is unrelenting chaos and loss of this world without recourse.
Sometimes, the premonition feeling that you get after these dreams leaves you feeling very eerie. You may be unsure (or fairly sure) that what just happened in dreamland may be about to happen out in waking life. The means may be different for any given dreamer depending on your worldview, but the feeling is roughly the same-that time seems short for this world.
There can be several different approaches to seekin g meaning in this dream. The origins of these approaches are in personal psychology, cultural tensions, and religious or spiritual revelation.
Feeling dramatically out of control in your personal life can trigger apocalypse dreams. This may be caused by hormones in adolescence, the death of a loved one (especially parent), or divorce and other significant relationship losses. The ending world is an escape mechanism to avoid dealing with a world so dramatically changed by new circumstances. This world-ending dream often features the dreamer alone amongst generally unrecognized figures. This reveals that all people close to the dreamer are gone.
Cultural cues for world-ending dreams come out of a collective angst about the frailty of our planet or the human race. Angst is concerned about what might not be, as in radical non-being of the self, planet, etc. These dreams may be triggered in times of global hopelessness and unpredictability. A millennial change generates this k ind of dreaming for some people. Damaging news about the earth, global warming, and cosmic collision potentials will do it for others.
Economic uncertainty will create angst for some people. Whenever instability or insecurity become themes of cultural awareness, apocalyptic dreams increase. Interpreting this type of dream asks, How is the world ending and who is to blame? This dream may be a calling for you to protect yourself against a risk that is beyond your comfort zone, become more involved in a particular cause, or to think again about the rationale of your fears.
Religious or spiritual revelation that heralds the end of the world is a powerful image. Usually, the dreamer will see some significant icons of their faith initiating or withstanding the destruction. Another scenario is that adherents to the mysticism are identified in a particular way and survive the destruction because of their association. In these dreams, the world is often reordered. Many times, thes e dreams will accompany a time in the dreamer's life when he or she feels that the entire world is against them and only their association with something larger than themselves can provide a resolution to the struggles being faced. (Or, they may just be receiving an oracle about the conclusion of this world ....)

The awareness of crime in our society is creating sensitivity about the potential victimization we all face. Dreams of being victimized are common and on the increase. You can be victimized by almost anything in a dream: beating, rape, theft, murder, a monetary swindle, an abusive sibling, parent, spouse, partner, object ... anything. Each means of being victimized carries with it certain explicit, as well as subtle, implications.
The primary considerations are how vulnerable a position were you in prior to the victimization occurring, and who was the aggressor.
Did a relationship that generated a sense of security suddenly turn evil?
Was it a random act of violence committed by a stranger?
Did you observe or have the feeling that the aggressor knew you or that you were somehow connected with them?
After these considerations are elaborated, turn inquiry to the specific crime and the impli cations of it.

Daily Wish:

If you are the first to sleep in a bed, make a wish.
If you see an ostrich, make a wish while looking at it and then turn away.
An ostrich feather is considered lucky. If you can touch one, make a wish for good luck about something in particular.
If you wish to be assured of a restful night's sleep, you should make this wish as you turn out the light:
'From ghillies and ghosties
And long-legged beasties,
And things that go bump in the night-
Good Lord, deliver us.'
Should you see an umpire scratch his nose, immediately make a wish. If he scratches again in a short time, there is a good chance your wish will come true.
If an umpire touches his head during a game, quickly make a wish; if he scratches his head, there is a better chance of your wish being granted.

Click here for Daily Motovations

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