Monday, August 1, 2011

Daily Message 8.1.11


"Language is the close-fitting dress of Thought. "
— R. C. Trench

Abraham-Hicks Publications:
You will never reach the place where you will not need to be diligent about your choice of thought. Because you live in a world that is determined to show you every pocket of despair. So you must diligently choose. But it gets easier and easier and easier to do so. Right now, it may feel to you like those moments of Connection are the rare ones. There will be a time when those moments of Connection will feel so normal that it will shock you when you get into a place of disconnection.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Antonio, TX on Saturday, November 24th, 2001 # 152
We're not wanting to be insensitive to what so many of you are feeling, but we are very much wanting you to put this death thing in the proper perspective: You are all going to die! Except there is no death. You're all going to make your transition into Non-Physical. It is time to stop making your transition into Non-Physical sound like a subject that is uncomfortable and begin acknowledging that it is something that happens to everyone. This death thing is so misunderstood that you use it to torture yourself never-endingly and just absolutely unnecessarily. There are those who feel such fulfillment of life and such Connection to Source Energy, who understand that there is no separation between what is physical and Non-Physical; who understand that there is not even a lapse in consciousness, that "death" is a matter of closing one's eyes in this dimension and literally opening one's eyes in the other dimension. And that, truly, is how all death is, no matter how it looks, up to that point.. The re-emergence into Source Energy is always a delightful thing.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Buffalo, NY on Tuesday, September 25th, 2001 # 151
Start taking pleasure from your inner reality. Most people are approaching this backwards. Most people are saying, "Okay, I want that, and I am not fulfilled until I get that manifestation." The reason for that promise of manifestation out there, to begin with, is that it gives you the reason to play the game in the inner reality. It is your imagination, it is the feeling of Energy flowing through you that is life.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Kansas City, KS on Sunday, September 27th, 1998 # 150
Our Love,
Jerry and Esther


Daily Feng Shui Tip:

Oh, what a delicious way to start a new month. Today's 'National Raspberry Cream Pie Day' is devoted to a red and rambling tangle of brambles that can be just like the dog days of August, sometimes sour, sometimes sweet. In fact, in most magical mouthful folklore, eating raspberries is believed to bring happiness, protection and even love. The white flowers evoke the white light of protection while the scarlet fruit can induce an aphrodisiac effect almost as potent and fruitful as any other. The scent of the fresh berry can cheer while eating a handful lifts both vibration and mood. I recommend both smelling and eating raspberries to invoke happiness, but I think we can all agree that adding them to a cream pie and offering a piece to a partner is a really sweet way to say 'I love you.'

Daily Dream Decoder:


The snake is a difficult dream symbol because it is so widely interpreted among various cultures. Interpretations run the gamut from blood-curdling fear to wisdom and peace. These options are determined by literary history and folklore from different cultures, as well as personal experience.
In waking life, it is not uncommon to be afraid of snakes. For some people, this fear is disruptive and pathological, even to the point that a photo of a snake represents an oppressive threat. For these people, snake dreams are almost universally bad. If the dream includes someone who handles snakes, whoever tames the object of the fear is likely a source of wisdom and control in the dreamer's world, and may be a representation of some aspect of themselves or someone else they know.
Among Asian and Native American cultures, the snake is a wisdom symbol. The idea of wisdom comes from the snake's ability to sh ed its skin and renew itself. If one dreams of snakes from this perspective, it is a dream of renewal, problem-solving, and good tidings in general.
In Judeo-Christian cultures, the snake is a symbol of temptation or spiritual opposition against reaching one's goals. This concept is derived from Bible when Satan tempts Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden in the form of a snake. Sometimes, a snake dreamt in this context will remind you of a particular person in your waking life with whom you have a competitive relationship.
Finally, Freud and classical psychotherapy have also thrown interpretations into this pit. The contention is that the snake is a type of phallus. The snake often embodies fear about intercourse and an aversion to it.
Coming up with an insightful interpretation for your dream snake could be tricky. What emotions are prevalent regarding the snake: fear, respect, or opposition?
What is your attitude about snakes in waking life: neutral, fearful, or friendly?
Did the snake appear when you were alone or were others with you when the snake entered the dream scene? What are your feelings about those others?
Answering these questions should lead towards a productive interpretation of the snake dream.

The pearl has become an archetypal semi-precious stone. Individual pearls in dreams usually have to do with moments of personal discovery. Most people who dream of pearls understand where they come from and view the pearl as a treasure to be discovered. However, in dreams the pearl is rarely discovered in an oyster but simply found and conveyed to the dreamer or from the dreamer to others. Usually, this is done as a metaphor for some other kind of conveyance of intimate personal knowledge between the dreamer and other characters in the dream.
Pearl jewelry is often a gift of wealth and is something associated as classical, rather than contemporary. Metaphorically, this could be contrasting old versus new money.
How did you come to possess the pearl or jewelry in your dream?
Was the pearl a material possession or did it seem to have heirloom-quality emotional features to it as well?
Did you experience the pearl as a gift from the world, a gift from another, or a gift you gave to another?
Who was involved in the gift-giving? Did it seem like an event that is congruous with your waking life?

Blood in dreams is rarely a well-received image, unless it is connected with an anger object. The blood of another in this case may reflect seeing oneself as ultimately victorious. Most times, blood represents depletion, injury, or death. This depletion may be physical, or it may reflect the loss of other essential resources, including emotional or financial assets.
Blood can have a kind of direct meaning as life source. In this regard, blood may be seen as a metaphor for becoming one with another person-this type of feeling is conjured from our exposure to Native American blood brother images.
Blood also may serve as a sacrificial metaphor-as in the sacrificial lamb or other animal. It also may have occult implications for persons involved with such practices.
Draining, drinking, or drawing and/or writing with blood are practices of this nature. Many genres of cult literature often include th is type of reference. Whose blood are you seeing in your dream? Can you discern who caused the bleeding? Is the presence of blood accompanied by a feeling of threat?

Daily Wish:
If you accidently speak in rhyme, make a wish and then say: 'Make a rhyme, make a rhyme, Make a wish before bedtime.'

If you spot a Quonset hut, blink three times and make a wish.
Should you see a Quonset hut within city limits, make a wish ending with the wish that your wish will come true.
Make a wish if you see a Quonset hut and a cow at the same time.
If you blow out all the candles on your birthday cake with one breath of air, you may make a wish. Don't tell anyone what it is or it won't come true.(This is one of the most widely practiced wishing customs.)
The birthday person should make the first cut in the birthday cake, making a silent wish while cutting.
When it's time to cut the wedding cake, the newlyweds should both put their hands on the knife as they make the first cut; each should make a silent wish while cutting.
If you put a piece of wedding cake under your pillow, you may wish on it last thing at night and repeat the wish first thing in the morning, provided you have not spoken to anyone during that time.
Some say you will have good luck if you sleep with wedding cake under your pillow, and others say you will dream of a future love.


Eternal Plan

          "It was never intended while in the linear to separate from the eternal viewpoint.  As an energy evolved it was to participate fully with all aspects of the multiple experiences.  This was to occur as the soul integrated more fully in the physical forms of choice...  a condensed experience coupled with all experience so the soul energy involved could make choices based not only upon the current linear but layers of life experience.

     In various cultures the perspective speaks to the eternal differently.  The more advanced the energy the more the layers came into conscious participation.

     The history of your earth plane is far more diverse than has been imagined or discovered by the current measurement.  The ancient cultures viewed are but a mere fraction of what has transpired on the physical stage you now participate in.

     With each participation the souls involved became more adept at the integration.  Ancient belief systems included the eternal perspective + plan.  Each generation adds or subtracts according to the soul evolvement of the culture.

     Often an energy will feel a lack or loss of meaning while examining a single linear life.  It would rather be like reading one chapter of a novel then being expected to define the storyline ... an interesting chapter but nonetheless incomplete.

     All linear experiences build upon each other while working towards the soul's purpose.  The eternal plan is based on many experiences.  There are none who have had only one.

     The soul's purpose is as diverse and different as the physical manifestations of the energies involved.   Unique and driven the soul seeks the full story of its participation.

     Not just one chapter."

Click here for Daily Motovations

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