Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Daily Message 8.2.11


"You were born to win, but to be a
winner, you must plan to win, prepare
to win, and expect to win."
— Zig Ziglar: Motivational author and speaker

Abraham-Hicks Publications:
Have you heard the expression, "We're either growing or we're dying."? Well, what they're saying is, "You can't stand still." We are either giving our attention to where we're going or we're giving attention to where we've been or we're giving our attention to where we are, but in any case, wherever we're giving our attention is our vibration, and the Universe is matching it.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Syracuse, NY on Tuesday, October 13th, 1998 # 153
Our Love,
Jerry and Esther

From Astrology.com …

Daily Feng Shui Tip:

Some calendars call this entire first week of August 'National Friendship Week,' while others call today 'International Forgiveness Day.' Since friendship and forgiveness seem the order of the day, I thought I would talk about what happens when friends don't see eye to eye. Let's explore how to heal when a tiff (or worse) makes breaking up the hardest but best thing to do. If you find that a trusted friendship is irretrievably broken, then cutting those cords cosmically could ease the pain. Put a small cactus plant into a terra cotta container, remembering that Feng Shui says that cacti are never allowed into the house, although we will be using this cure for only 27 days. Position the cactus in the 'Fame' area of your main floor and with intentions of the highest vibe (think 'goodbye' as opposed to 'good riddance'), write the name of the ex-friend in red ink on white paper. Fold the paper up and place it under the cactus where it will stay for the next 27 consecutive days. O n the 27th day, take the paper out and burn it anywhere outside. Imagine only the highest good for all involved as you send those smoke signals into the Universe. The promise here is that the break-up will be less heartbreaking. But after serious reflection and pause what if you decide to try to mend those fences? Take any clear glass lidded jar and do the same writing exercise, only this time with green ink on white paper. Fold the paper and put it inside the jar, cover it with honey and tightly seal the lid. For the next nine consecutive nights, light a small white candle either atop or directly next to the jar while sending forgiveness and healing to the friend, and health and wholeness to the friendship. After nine days, bury the jar and the hatchet. You should now find that it's easier than ever to approach your BFF and put the past behind you. Good friends are so hard to come by.

Daily Dream Decoder:
Losing a Valuable Object or Person

The things we value most often serve as an extension of our self-awareness. A favorite hat, car, or relationship reflects a part of how we feel about ourselves. Therefore, the loss of such an object in a dream is significant. It is equally significant whether you actually own the object in waking or not.
If the thing lost is an inanimate object, what does it symbolize for you? Examples would be jewelry, favored clothes, or pictures and family heirlooms. In losses of this kind, the indication may be that you are nervous about losing an expensive or important new object in your life.
If a person is lost, the first question to ask is, Who? It may be that you have questions about your commitment to another or their commitment to you. However, it is not to unusual to be looking for a stranger.
Why are you searching for this person?
Do you find this person? Where?

Daily Wish:
To wish on olives, you must eat three, repeating your wish silently with each one.


Action vs. Reaction
     "The reality of th earth plane at this time is chaotic at best.  Most are attempting to regain their balance upon very slippery paths.  It is always so when the consciousness of an environment is expanding and raising its vibration.

     It is important at such times to maintain one's perspective in a positive way.  Upheaval and negativity can present themselves, so it is up to the individual soul to choose its path during these times.

     If one merely reacts to whatever is presented through the mass consciousness, then individual focus power can be compromised.  It is always preferred to be proactive while moving through the dramas.  This way one is able to introduce one's energy to the situation purely so that their positive influence may help remedy the creation of the reality.

     In essence it is better to remain individualistic in any situation.  Inserting one's energy that is active is important.

     If one allows a reaction to occur then the blend of energy creating the situation is compromised.

     Stay focused and active while participating in your day.  If something does occur, process the moment without reaction, then continue your creative flow.  It will help with the co-creation.

     Be an energy of action.

     Allow your soul to flow through with power into the reality.

     It has the potential to change the moment.

     Ready, set, action.

     Try it."

Click here for Daily Motovations

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