Friday, July 29, 2011

Daily Message 7.29.11 -BEEN AWHILE =)

"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness
has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now."

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe: Was a German poet, playwright, novelist
Motivational Quote of The Day

"Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional."
Roger Crawford: Motivational author and speaker

"If you aren't fired with enthusiasm,
you will be fired with enthusiasm."

Vince Lombardi: Was a football coach and speaker
Motivational Quote of The Day
"The Creator gave us the complete, unchallengable
right of prerogative over the one thing, and
only thing we own, our mind. "
Napoleon Hill

Abraham-Hicks Publications:
Always, when you know what you don't want, that's when the rocket of desire is born of what you do want. That is the fruit of your experience. Now pluck it and savor it and enjoy it. Visualize it, and find the feeling place of it. And live happily ever after, once you get the hang of this.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Spokane, WA on Wednesday, July 7th, 1999 # 138
Many people are wanting to fan your flames of discomfort, because they believe that "you're either with us or against us; if you don't stand in the same disgust and horror that we are all standing, then you are not with us." It's hard for people to understand that you can not agree with them — and not be against them. That you could be for something without being against something else.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Orlando, FL on Saturday, December 15th, 2001 # 137
Life is supposed to be fun. You said, "I'll go forth and choose. I'll look at the data, and I'll say yes to this and yes to this and yes to this; and I'll paint a picture of the things that I want, and I'll vibrate about them because that's what I'm giving my attention to. And the Universe will respond to my vibration. And then I'll stand in a new place where a whole new batch of yeses are available, and I'll say yes to this and yes to this and yes to this." You did not say, "I'll go forth and struggle into joy," because from your Nonphysical Perspective you know it is vibrationally not possible. You cannot struggle to joy. Struggle and joy are not on the same channel. You joy your way to joy. You laugh your way to success. It is through your joy that good things come.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Los Angeles, CA on Sunday, August 2nd, 1998 # 136
As you look for a better-feeling way to approach whatever you are giving your attention to; as you continue to ask yourself from your ever-changing vantage point, "What is it that I do want?"... Eventually you will be standing in a very pleasing place—for you cannot continually ask yourself what it is that you do want without your point of attraction beginning to pivot in that direction. The process will be gradual, but your continued application of the process will yield wonderful results in only a few days.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth and Happiness" # 139
You are the vibrational writers of the script of your life, and everyone else in the Universe is playing the part that you have assigned to them.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Francisco, CA on Sunday, March 2nd, 1997 # 140
We would like you to release the word "achieve" or "earn" from your vocabulary and from your understanding, altogether; and we would like you to replace those words with the word "allow". You're wanting to allow your Well-being, not achieve it. It's not something that you need to earn. All you have to do is decide what it is you would like to experience, and then allow it in order to achieve it. It isn't something you have to struggle for or try for. You are all worthy beings. You are deserving of this Well-being.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Detroit, MI on Saturday, July 8th, 2000 # 145
You see, when you are focused upon the desire for the money, and taking score of the absence of the money, you are Vibrationally defeating your own purpose.
And so, as you allow the Law-based words of our meditation recording to play gently in the background of your mind, your resistance to Well-Being will become less, while your allowing of Well-Being will become more. You have only to remember that, at first, the evidence of your improved state of allowing comes in the form of good-feeling emotions, not in the form of stuff. But eventually the money and the new stuff will come, too.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide # 144
Source Energy is intimately, infinitely, always responding to your requests, no matter how great or small they may be deemed by you or anyone else who is observing them. There is nothing so big that Source Energy can't get its thoughts around it—and there is nothing so small that Source Energy isn't willing to get its thoughts around it.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Los Angeles, CA on Saturday, August 4th, 2001 # 143
Who you are and what you know when you are born is everything that you need to know to thrive. You are born with a sense of self and a sense of wanting self to feel good and the mechanisms to bring it about.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Kansas City, KS on Wednesday, September 17th, 2003 # 142
You are all perfect and expanding; you are all adored and worthy; you are all here having your exposure to experiences and doing the best that you can from where you are. You have not been sent here in a test or trial; you're here as creators as part of an expanding Universe. You can't have it both ways. You can't have, at the root of that which you are, Well-Being, and then have that same root of Well-Being have the capacity to pronounce you evil. It is vibrationally impossible. That judging, vengeful God is manufactured from humans' place of deepest despair.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Fort Collins, CO on Saturday, June 19th, 2004 # 141
Our Love,
Jerry and Esther

From …

Daily Feng Shui Tip:

On this 'Culinarians Day' it would be downright remiss of me not to mention my friend and colleague, Top Chef Season Five contestant Ariane Duarte. In fact, Ariane and I have cooked up the good life together with tomatoes, which, in my part of the world, are known as a money producing food. Mixing basil, cinnamon or dill weed with tomatoe cooks up an especially potent prosperity recipe. Or you can put together Ariane's award-winning tomato and watermelon salad recipe. Slice rectangular pieces of fresh watermelon and rounded slices of fresh, plump and juicy tomatoes. Arrange them alternating the melon and the tomato, and then top with slices of a salty feta cheese. Drizzle some aged balsamic vinegar and a touch of extra virgin olive oil on top and you've got a culinary delight on this 'Culinarians Day.' Bon appetite!

Daily Wish:
Every member of the family who comes into the kitchen (or any friend who happens by) while the plum pudding is cooking stirs the pudding and makes a wish.
When you take the first mouthful of plum pudding, make a silent wish.
If you see a waterwheel (perhaps at an old mill), you should make a wish on it. If the waterwheel is turning, there is a better chance of your wish coming true than if it is standing still.
Bury a dishrag as you make a wish on it. You mustn't tell anyone about it.
If you accidentally drop a dishrag, make a wish on it before picking it up.
If you drop a dishrag, step on it, make a wish, and then pick it up.
If you see a beetle fall on its back, quickly make a wish.
Endowing rings with the power to grant wishes has foundations in the many 'enchanted' or 'magic' rings of folklore. The properties of these include restoring youth, curing diseases or other ill health, overpowering enemies, bestowing riches, and even rendering the wearer invisible.
A gold ring is said to possess the power to grant special privileges. Place it on your ring finger and stroke gently while you make your wish. A gold ring will lose its power if overused; it should be saved for very special wishes.
A gold wedding ring can be used to wish for a cut on a finger to heal. One custom is to rub the ring with the finger that has the cut; another custom says to rub the cut with the ring.
On the first day of August, you should make a wish on your wedding ring. Twist the ring around two times as you make your wish. (The double turning, rather than the usual three, represents the two who made vows over the ring.)
Any ring with either a stone can be used to wish for imagination, quick wit, or success in some endeavor. While wearing the ring, hold the stone with the opposite hand, make your wish and tap the stone three times.
If you want to have safe travel, touch a ring while making a wish for safe passage.
Turn your ring three times as you make a wish not to get lost while traveling. If the ring has a stone, the wish will be stronger. The ring must be worn throughout the trip.
If you put a ring on someone else's finger, make a wish that is good for both of you.
If a chair accidentally falls over, as you are uprighting it, hold it balanced in place on only one of its legs and make a wish.
After a pregnant woman has sat in a chair, if you want to have a baby, sit in the chair and wish to get pregnant. (A counterwarning to this: Don't sit in a chair recently vacated by a pregnant woman if you don't want to get pregnant.)
In early religions, the triangle was a symbol of life. A ladder leaning against a wall or tree forms a triangle. This may be why ladders have come to be wish-ons.
If you see a ladder, cross your fingers and make a wish. If you want your wish to come true, keep them crossed until you see a dog.
If you see a ladder and very soon afterward see four dogs, you should cross your fingers and make a wish.
If you see a ladder, cross your fingers and keep them crossed until you have seen three dogs and three horses. Then make a wish.
If you walk under a ladder, make a wish, then spit.
Write your wish on a small piece of paper and put it in a balloon. Blow up the balloon, rub it on your head to create friction, then stick the rubbed side on a wall. (The static should make it stick.) If it stays on the wall at least three hours, your wish will come true.
Write out your wish and put it in a balloon. Set it free to fly away. If it ascends high in the air, your wish may come true; if it catches in something or comes back down, your wish will not come true. A windy day works best.
Write out your wish on a slip of paper and pin or prop the message on a holy or revered statue in a place of worship. Your wish will come true for as long as it stays there.
(Japan, Mexico, Spain, and South America)
Write your wish on a narrow strip of paper and wind it around the twig or narrow branch of a tree. (Taping or tying it is taboo.) As long as the paper stays on the branch, there is a chance of the wish being granted.
Write out a wish and put it in an empty walnut shell. Wrap thread around it to hold the wish. Then bury the shell under a tree so the wish will grow.
(Boston, Massachusetts)
If you see a hot-air balloon in the sky, make a wish. Even if you can't see the people in the passenger-basket, wave to them so they can take your wish through the air as they fly.
The keystone of an arch is the wedge-shaped piece at the crown of the arch that locks the other pieces in place.
Touch the keystone of an arch and make a wish. (It might help to have another person with you to boost you up if the arch is high.)
This curious-looking aquatic mammal is supposed to bring luck to all who see it. Should a manatee poke its head above the water so you can see it, make a wish.

Daily Dream Decoder:

Chased by Animals

This kind of dream is common among children. Often, it reflects a deeply held fear of the animal doing the chasing. However, it may reveal an anxiety about something completely separated from the animal kingdom. In cases like this, it is important to think about what is chasing you and what your experiences have been with that particular animal.
For example, if a relative whom you did not particularly like had a German shepherd dog, you may dream about being chased by the dog. This may reveal either the desire of the relative to obtain your attention and affection, or it may validate your fears and anxieties about that person.
If you often use animal characterizations of people's personalities, this may be particularly telling. (He's a bear, she's a momma bear, he works like a horse, etc.)
Depending on who the others are, it may be useful to determine what common relationship exists among your persecutors. You may feel indebted to them or simply hated by them. The former may include people with whom you feel an emotional or financial indebtedness. The latter is a throwback to the old schoolyard scuffle. You may feel that particular co-workers are angry or jealous and are seeking your life or expulsion. If you are chased by strangers, this may have more global implications for how you see yourself in the world.
During different seasons in life, many people experience a sense of not fitting in, or of being driven away. This feeling may come immediately prior to or immediately following a geographic move into a new region of the country. It may also occur around other times of transition such as marriage or a career change. This type of dream usually reflects acceptance anxiety. In dreams where you are being chased, the emotion of the dream is often as important as the objects and images of the dream.
Did you feel your life was threatened?
Did you feel that you could have turned and faced the chaser with relative success? These questions will help determine the interpretation of such dreams.

Pyramids are structures of mystery and power. Traditionally, they have been ascribed with human and universal powers.A pyramid may also appear as a phallic symbol; or as a symbol of virility, creativity, or the ability to solve problems. They may also appear as an invitation to the exotic.
Do you enter the interior of the pyramid, climb the outside of the structure, or walk around it without coming close?
Who are you with when you experience such a powerful object, and what is your relation to that person or persons?


In dreams of rescuing, you are either doing the rescuing or are in need of being rescued. If you are doing the rescuing, you likely see yourself as a hero, shepherd, parent, or mentor to others. Who the others are, what you rescue the others from, and by what means often reveal how you see yourself within a particular network of relationships.
If you are the one being rescued, it is likely that you are overwhelmed or feeling incompetent in an important area of your waking life. The consequences of failure could be catastrophic. If your rescuer is someone known to you in waking life, it may be worth seeking his or her advice concerning particular struggles you are facing.
Is the rescue something that was expected, and so did not carry very much anxiety? Was the rescue an against-all-odds type of mission? Did it fail or succeed?

Distant Sounds

Distant sounds can be beautiful and frustrating. In dreaming, they may just be rounding out the scene in the suconscious. For example, dreams of beaches or boats may include requisite sounds effects such as waves, fog horns, or birds.
Sometimes, distant sounds can create a foreboding feeling as well. Some sounds, such as thunder or shouting, may be frustrating because they appear without an apparent source in the dream. These sounds can be alluring and cause you to search, or create a warning that circumstances are changing. Sometimes, you may feel that the sounds are a distinctive message you should be able to understand.
These sounds are sometimes just for us, other characters in the dream may not be hearing them or responding to them at all. Sometimes, the message is clear to others, but obscure to us. In waking, you may be feeling a disparity between others about a situation they feel is dan gerous that you have assurance about or vice versa. You may also perceive others as more perceptive than yourself and be looking for their input in your current circumstances.
Are you often accused of not listening well by a boss, spouse, or partner?
Do you feel that your life has an ominous, undistinguished danger lurking on the outskirts of it?
Beryl (Aquamarine)

Mineral and precious stones have historic meanings based on their color, value, and rarity. Geology and various crystal structures have significance in the New Age movement, which has renewed interest in these materials. Beryl is a crystal that represents courage and tranquillity. Dreams that include this stone may reflect material gain, or they may reflect self-esteem and inner calm given by another as a gift to you.


Being a passenger in a plane
This dream can be mundane or remarkable, since some people are ambivalent toward flying while many others hold an irrational fear of flying. In America, it is a well- known fact among football fans that announcer John Madden never flies-he travels around the country by bus. Many people share his aversion, even those who dream of flying. In this case, it is an attempt by one part of the psyche to quell perceived irrationality in another part.
Dreams about flying as a passenger may hold a great sense of adventure for the dreamer. This can be due to the journey, the speed, or the destinations available through air travel.
Also, it may be due to potential dangers, such as hijacking, which the dreamer may heroically overcome.
Piloting a plane
Dreams about flying in a plane as the pilot vary tremendously. Is the dreamer a competent person either in slee p or waking? This may indicate a sense of control over circumstances.
Does the plane crash? This may reveal a sense of inadequacy or incompetence.
Who are the passengers on the plane? This may reveal who you feel responsible for in life, with your flight skills revealing your sense of how well you are fulfilling those responsibilities. If you are piloting the plane, are you competent to do so or are you overwhelmed by the responsibility?
Do the other passengers accept, ignore, disdain your presence?

Money can be lost, gained, or spent in dreaming. Dreams about money are often really about power, control, and competency. Consequently, the larger perspective of who is interacting with you around money and what your role in the transaction is are important features of the dream.
Many people who dream about money are controlled by it-the desire for it, the lack of it, or the inability to control themselves with it. This last category is seen most clearly in money dreams experienced by people who re drowning in debt.
If you gain money in a dream, note from whom and under what circumstances. This may be a dream about blessing. The gain of money in this instance is more a gain of emotional power and renewal through a completed relationship that no longer depletes the soul.
You may see yourself as having great wealth to dole out to others. This is often a symbol of needing to convey blessing onto others. The true need is rarely financial, but a need to help others.
Losing money for no apparent reason is the picture of being unable to control oneself. The lack of control may actually be in the area of money, but it may also be the inability to restrain oneself from over-committing resources emotionally or otherwise.
In your waking life, how do you perceive and value money? In some families, money is an object taken for granted, in others it is a powerful symbol of control, influence, or status. Whether or not you have money problems, money dreams could reveal feelings about your relationship with power.

The complexity and beauty of the orchestra is almost universally appreciated. Even among those who do not like classical music, it is accepted that the orchestra is a very sophisticated musical machine. Dreams of being in the orchestra may reflect the feeling that you are in a place of either harmony, or profound disharmony, in relation to the world. There may be a facet of your life in which you are feeling a tremendous amount of performance anxiety. If the orchestra has a familiar conductor (a co-worker or boss, a family member, an acquaintance, etc.), the relationship between you and the conductor may reveal the area of anxiety.
If you are attending the orchestra, there may be romantic underpinnings involved, based on your companion in the dream. There may also be a sense of wanting respite from the daily grind of the waking world through music.
An additional interpretation is that the dream i s a wish-fulfillment based on the lessons you took as a child and the inability to perform publicly as an adult.
Space Travel

As shuttle flights and space stations become a part of our modern vocabulary, space travel becomes more accessible.
Consequently, dreams of it also are more common. This sort of dream is often simple wish-fulfillment-a desire to see the world from a different perspective. However, it can also be a dream of escape, travel or search. The purpose of the travel is obviously the key to resolving the dream. Another potential scenario for meaning concerns the mode of travel. Are you in a spaceship, or in something more familiar (like your car)?
Dreaming of space travel is a very exploratory opportunity. It can also mean that you are lost or are groping for something in a vast vacuum.
Did you want to be in outer space in your dream or did you simply find yourself there? Did you feel safe being there?

Dreams where cameras are important often reflect a desire to stop the action, gain additional information, or capture hidden meanings. Are you taking specific pictures, or are they random? Are you photographing people, places, or objects? Is the nature of your photographing recreational or are you trying to capture something in particular on film, such as evidence? It may be that your life is going by too quickly for you to appreciate the nuances of it.

A Message from Inner Whispers:

 Spirit Guides IV
Reconnecting After Separation

     "Many of you who aspire to connect with spirit feel the urgency deeply.  When a disconnect is in motion the lack of energy flow feels devastating to those who remember it differently.

     It is important to remain focused on the soulful part of yourself.  Linear dramas and interference from outside sources often distort the energy needed to maintain or reconnect to spirit.

     We recommend a selective quiet moment where your spirit guide may have opportunity to make its presence known.  Assigning a scripted moment to this can cloud and confuse the probability even more.

     Separate from the timeline if possible whenever you can.  This will provide a moment of clarity that may produce an opportunity for dialogue with your guides.  Understand your most previous interaction with them was most likely non-linear.

     Leave all preconceived expectations behind.  The submersion needed to be in linear can leave one unable to participate fully at first.  It is through conscious focus and release that one may be able to reconnect to that eternal relationship.

     No matter how evolved one may feel in the linear it is always beneficial to reflect upon the basics of connection.

     Linear dramas can become intense knocking even the most advanced energies off their base of inner knowing.

     The renewal of connection to your guides is beneficial no matter how far you are on your path to evolvement."

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