Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Daily Message 6.22.11 -Been a minute ...

"Not until the pain of the same is greater than
the pain of change will you embrace change."

— Dave Ramsey: financial author, radio host, and motivational speaker
"Communication—the human connection—
is the key to personal and career success."
— Paul J. Meyer: Was a personal development author

Abraham-Hicks Publications:
Rather than trying to monitor your thoughts, we encourage that you simply pay attention to how you are feeling. For if you should choose a thought that is not in harmony with the way that broader, older, wiser, loving Inner Being part of you sees it, you will feel the discord; and then you can easily redirect your thought to something that feels better and, therefore, serves you better.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from "The Law of Attraction, The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham" # 110
Every time you want something and achieve vibrational harmony with it and allow it to come to you, you not only gain the satisfaction of having accomplished your desire -- you also gain a whole new perspective from which to desire.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Francisco, CA on Sunday, March 2nd, 1997 # 109
Once you've decided that you want something, the opposite of it is going to be very much a part of your awareness too.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Napa, CA on Thursday, February 27th, 1997 # 108
You're never going to get to any final place. And so, we want to remind you to relax and start having fun on the way.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Syracuse, NY on Thursday, October 17th, 1996 # 111
Many people focus upon unwanted things, with no deliberate attention to the emotional Guidance within them, and then they try to compensate for their lackful thinking with physical action. And because of the misalignment of Energy, they do not get results from their action, so then they try harder by offering more action, but still things do not improve.
Like the air you breathe, abundance in all things is available to you. Your life will simply be as good as you allow it to be.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth and Happiness" # 112
Our Love,
Jerry and Esther

From …

Daily Feng Shui Tip:

Ah, the first days of summer are finally here. Which also means that the incandescent fire of illumination has also arrived. Fire is the element associated with summer when yang energies exponentially increase as the heat index rises and the sun stays higher in the sky for a longer amount of time. And just like the ever-moving flames of any fire, summer Chi is full of force and movement that speaks to joy, activity, passion and bliss in your business and personal lives. Forget about Blake's proverbial tiger, you can bring yourself a big boost of recognition and reward if a symbol of the sun is positioned anywhere inside the Fame area of your home or office. Positioning an image or artwork that invokes the essence of the sun in this space will also allow you to be filled with the fires of inspiration and enthusiasm while also guarding you from anxiety, insomnia or even a case of 'burnout.' You can also bring all that beneficial heat Chi inside by literally visualizing that you r heart looks like the sun and see it emitting a pink radiating light to others around you. Enhancing your reputation, increasing your recognition factor and bringing a balance and beauty to your own heart, using the symbol of the sun to illuminate your space could possibly make this season one of the best summers of your entire life!

Daily Dream Decoder:

Being overrun, even by a desirable commodity, is an undesirable experience. Even good things can get carried away. Many times, we feel as though our lives our out of control. In dreams, having an infestation of a particular person, object, insect, or animal may be a pictorial representation of feeling overwhelmed.
If the infestation comes from a positive event, it may be a warning from your subconscious that other necessary obligations are being neglected due to your consumption by a singular activity. If the infestation is a categorically negative image, such as rats or mosquitoes, it may be that your life is getting severely undermined. Is the infestation happening in your home, car, or other intimate place?
Are there any others present?

In psychoanalytic technique, walls are generally held to be a symbol of the male personality, with a focus on power. This thinking seems to stem from the impressions a young child would have of dominant male power in the home (which is a fortress surrounded by walls and dominated by the patriarch). In dreams, many people encounter walls as a random barrier and/or a projection of power.
In your dream, do you come upon a wall in your travels, or do you find yourself immediately surrounded by walls?
Do you try to scale the wall, find its end, or simply ignore it?

Spotted animals are interesting symbols because of their nonconformity to a uniform color. Often we may see people as spotted or as leopards if we suspect them of shiftiness or insincerity.
To see a leopard mauling a kill, especially if it makes eye contact with you, likely means that you have been dealing with someone who you do not trust, and that you should take stock of recent dealings with that person and others like them.

Curing diseases may be a projection of your benevolence for the world. Many of us want to feel as though we are good people who have something to contribute. Disease and the cure thereof allow us to feel power to influence the outcome of other's lives.
Getting a disease could be revealing of a self-defeating lifestyle choice if the disease creates a particular handicap. If the disease is transmitted from a particular person, you may be ambivalent about their influence in your life. If the affliction holds taboo quality, for example, AIDS or other sexually transmitted disease, there may be internal anxiety about the moral quality of your life. Getting a disease can also reflect a fear that is either rational (family history) or irrational (news story as trigger event).
Is the disease peculiar in that it is only apparent to certain persons or only comes over you in the presence of certain others? The body often symbolizes the emotional content of relationships.
Are you embarrassed by the disease and its consequences, or do you tell others about it?

Dreams can have very unique weather. It may be sunny and thundering, or pouring rain everywhere except for where you are standing. Weather images in dreams often reflect your feelings about your environment. You may view the world as contrary to your goals; thus a dream would have bad weather in it. On the contrary, pleasant dreams or dreams at a time when life is going well usually feature good weather. The weather in dreams is generally not as significant as other images unless it is somehow aberrant from normal, waking world weather.
Did the weather in your dream prevent something good from happening, such as a planned event?

Daily Wish:

If you see a peacock, make a wish. If the peacock runs toward you, there is a better chance of your wish coming true.
A peacock feather is considered lucky. If you can touch one, make a wish for good luck about something in particular.
If you can keep from yawning when someone else yawns, you may make a silent wish. If you yawn in the next fifteen minutes, your wish will not come true.

To wish for the good health of a person who is seriously ill, make one thousand origami cranes to hang in his or her room. Make the wish while making the cranes.
On July 1, origami papers with written wishes should be hung from a branch (preferably of a bamboo tree) so that two special stars will read them and make the wishes come true.
The two special stars are, according to a Japanese legend, a young man and a princess who are in love but are allowed to see each other only once a year, on July 1, a special wishing day.
If you see an otter, make a wish. If it swims toward you, it is acknowledging your wish, and it may well come true.
To wish on volcanic rock, place both of your hands on a chunk, mound, or mountain of it as you make a wish.
Should you find a chip or stone of volcanic rock, cradle it in your hands and make a wish as you say: 'From rock to ashes, From ashes to rock.'


Spirit Guides II

     "Spirit guides are pure energy vibrating in a compatible way with your own.  In the incarnation process the linear energy can become out of sync making it difficult for smooth communication.  Most would prefer the dialogue to be conversational but in desperation would settle for a word.

     Too become more aligned, the linear soul (you) should attempt separating from the daily chitter chatter that accumulates in one's mind.  This can be achieved in many ways and we suggest that the standard process of meditation may not be appropriate for all. 

     Seek calmness in a way suitable for your own energy.  One can spend much linear time participating in a meditation process that is not aligned with them.

     It is also important to understand that outside of the time line energy does not participate in verbal language or events.  The vibration resonates more predominantly non-linearly.  So there is probability that communication will be more energetic at times manifesting as a feeling or inclination.

     This is not to say that verbal communication does not exist.  It is stated to remind you that linear is not the only path and to not be disappointed if words are not readily available.

     The same holds true for names and labels.  Energies often have participated in many experiences thus referring to themselves as "us" rather than "I".  Outside of the linear the multiplicity of participation makes a single name or label irrelevant.

     We realize though the importance of such labels to those participating in a "life".  The guide may indulge and take a familiar name they have incarnated as.  Or they may simply agree to a label that has meaning for you.

     It's not the name that is so important as the energy flow of the relationship."

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