Friday, June 17, 2011

Daily Message 6.17.11

"The most creative act you will ever
undertake is the act of creating yourself."

Deepak Chopra, M.D.: Author on mind-body medicine and spirituality

Abraham-Hicks Publications:
You are an extension of that which is Nonphysical. You are the leading edge, more specifically focused, eyes of that which is Nonphysical. The current you're using as the Energy that you are creating with is the Nonphysical. We are all in this together. You are the more specific eyes of the Nonphysical Energy.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Chicago, IL on Sunday, November 1st, 1998 # 107
Our Love,
Jerry and Esther

Daily Feng Shui Tip:

Today's energies honor all those dads who bring home the bacon from the back of the house. That's right, today is 'Work at Home Father's Day,' a time to celebrate those pops whose children might require a diaper change but who also celebrate the baby who puts the wind in his sails: his business! So today I want to share some secret home office Shui, while also disclosing that I use almost all of these tips in my own home office space. First, red flowering plants or yellow chrysanthemums blooming in the Fame area of the office will bring both riches and laughter if they're bought or picked on October ninth and kept in a vase for 27 days. These plants are believed to bestow a position of respect and high rank! If the flowers begin to wilt, replace them immediately. An image of a mountain behind your desk will lend strength, courage and support, and anyone who approaches the desk will now subconsciously know that you're an immovable force to be reckoned with. A small statue of t he Chinese Zodiac animal or ally that correlates to the year of your birth will bring a stronger sense of self worth, esteem, confidence, and greater power. This glass or crystal animal should sit on an octagonal mirror, and should be placed on a piece of red cloth on the far right hand side or corner of the desk. Bright lights burning in any office bring even brighter opportunities. But the most secret Shui for increasing opportunities, respect and vast rewards is to raise the level of your desk by a few inches. Position blocks of wood under each leg of the desk and then adjust the chair to match the new view. Speaking of having an excellent view, doing any or all of these cures inside your home office will have immediate, tangible and terrific results. Happy 'Work at Home Father's Day' to all those dads who've birthed a business! We honor you!

Daily Dream Decoder:

Weeping in dreams is not at all unusual. This is often because of the emotional power carried by the images and persons you are encountering. Weeping in the dream is generally separate from actual physical tears forming. It is more often that weepy feeling you get in your heart when a particularly moving scene is played out before you. The best advice is always to go with the dream. Emotional releases and revelations can have a very cleaning effect on the psyche and should be embraced whenever possible. However, you should try to determine the trigger event that caused the emotion.
Did someone else make you cry directly?
Were you crying for a particular reason, or was it for a general emotional release?
Did the tears make you feel ultimately better or worse?

Daily Wish:
If you see a white rooster and he crows as you look at him, make a wish.

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