Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Daily Message 6.28.11 - Sorry I've been busy!

Hi Everyone! I've been super busy with this being our peak season at work. I'll do my best to post as much as I can but please bear with me! -Mick

"Don't try to steer the river."
Deepak Chopra, M.D.: Author on mind-body medicine and spirituality

Abraham-Hicks Publications:
As you deliberately look for positive aspects in others who surround you, you will train your Vibrational propensity into increasing improved Vibrations. So it does not matter how many negative thoughts you have thought before, or how long you have been negatively focused. You can deliberately focus—right now—on an improved thought.
Because the Law of Attraction is responding to your current thought, more thoughts like that current thought are most likely to come into focus for you. In other words, the Law of Attraction (that which is like unto itself, is drawn) will continue to dish up for you more and more thoughts that match your current Vibrational frequency. And so, the more you deliberately choose better-feeling thoughts, the more easy and ready access you will have to much better-feeling

We teach meditation because it is actually easier, in some situations, to help you find “no thought” than to find a positive thought. . . . There is no better path to wonderful, meaningful, good-feeling relationships than the combination of a daily meditation—allowing your Vibration to find its natural balance—and the deliberate focusing upon positive aspects.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide # 113
Your child is naturally joyful. Your child is naturally tuned in to Source Energy. And as he is diving through and digging through contrast, it is natural that there would be some things that might disconnect him. Just don't let his disconnection then inflame your disconnection. Many parents have discovered that their children, for the most part, feel good when they do — and the ornerier you are, usually the ornerier your children are. They are a strong reflection of the way you are feeling much of the time.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Antonio, TX on Saturday, January 26th, 2002 # 114
The achievement of anything that you desire must be considered success, whether it is a trophy or money or relationships or things. But if you will let your standard of success be your achievement of joy—everything else will fall easily into place. For in the finding of joy, you are finding vibrational alignment with the resources of the Universe.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from "The Law of Attraction, The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham" # 117
You cannot get sick enough to help sick people get better. You cannot get poor enough to help poor people thrive. It is only in your thriving that you have anything to offer anyone. If you're wanting to be of an advantage to others, be as tapped in, turned in, turned on as you can possibly be.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Diego, CA on Saturday, February 15th, 2003 # 116
OurIf we were talking to you on your first day here we would say, "Welcome to planet Earth. There is nothing that you cannot be or do or have. And your work here—your lifetime career—is to seek joy.
"As you think thoughts that feel good to you, you will be in harmony with who-you-really-are. And in doing so you will utilize your profound freedom. Seek joy first, and all of the growth that you could ever imagine will come joyously and abundantly unto you."
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth and Happiness" # 115
Our Love,
Jerry and Esther

From Astrology.com

Daily Feng Shui Tip:

Summertime! A special season and terrific time for donning shades as well as some rose colored glasses. Truly, the boys and girls of summer are sometimes quite a pink sight for four eyes, especially if you're hoping to find one of your own. A boy or girl, that is. You already know that placing two pink roses in a white vase on your nightstand will attract a lover, but there's a cure that uses rosewater that purports to do the same. Tradition states that rosewater has been used through the ages to manifest all kinds of romantic hopes, wishes and dreams. Take the petals from a dozen roses and put them in a glass jar and fill with pure spring, rain or distilled water, covering the petals only. Let this jar sit outside in the summertime sun for one whole day and take it back inside before darkness descends. Discard the petals and save the rose infused water. Next, in red ink write a romantic wish on a piece of paper and float the paper in the rose water. The ink should immediatel y start to somewhat dissolve, whereupon you should drink the rest of the water! This is the tops in magically manifesting a mate so, what else can I say but bottoms up!

Daily Dream Decoder:
Anima / Animus

These are terms that Jung created to describe the opposite-gender self that lives within each of us.
The anima is the feminine component dwelling inside a male's unconscious mind. The animus is the masculine component dwelling inside a female's unconscious mind.
In dreams, this opposite-gender self can be a helper or an antagonist. These dream figures can appear as translations of persons we meet with whom we have a tremendous sense of romantic love or platonic camaraderie. One of Jung's interpreters held that the anima/animus character was only understandable to those who have known true love.
However, our opposite-gender selves may reveal to us negativity in ourselves or negativity we perceive in dealings with the opposite sex. It is important to note that sometimes, when you dream about a person of the opposite sex, they may be representing your own inner self. Carefully consider all person s of the opposite sex in your dreams as a possible appearance of your own anima / animus.
What do these strangers teach you about how you view the opposite sex-do you fear, lust for, or despise these strangers for any apparent reason?

Plants are often not a specific item of dream interpretation because most of the time they function simply as background scenery. The exception to this rule is when a particular type of plant is identified in the dream.
Plants that are significant are those that have historic importance in literature or your personal experience. For example, you may dream of visiting a friend who is sitting in a thicket of hemlock. Obviously, this plant is significant because of the implications of hemlock and suicide in ancient lore.
Other plants that may be significant are those that remind you of a childhood memory, a particular place, or a particular person. In those cases, identifying the relationship of your current circumstances with your memories is important.
Tidal Wave

Dreams of impending disaster generally indicate that the dreamer is feeling out of control. In the case of the tidal wave, this out-of-control feeling is often combined with the need to make a fresh start.
A 16-year-old boy reports dreaming: I am running, trying to get away from a tidal wave before it crashes over me. Finally, I realize it is hopeless. I turn around and let the full impact of the wave crash over me. Remarkably I stand up in spite of the wave's power. When I turn back to the direction I was running, everything -- my house, my parents, my car -- it's all gone.
This youth presented numerous complaints at the outset of counseling, all of which revolved around home life and the absence of his father. Upon further inquiry, the youth admitted that he was a drug abuser with sexual identity problems. He desperately wanted a second chance, feeling as though he had undermined his own life.
Often to dream of a catastrophic event is to wish for a catharsis in real life. See Armageddon
Loss of Sensory Ability or Motor Ability

Images also include Blindness, Deafness.
Usually, this is a very symbolic event in a dream.
A 34-year-old man reports: I dream of being in a situation where I need to act resourcefully to help a stranger avoid danger. Suddenly, I go blind for no apparent reason! It is very frustrating.
Becoming suddenly impaired in this way is different than being injured in a physical accident. The lights just seem to go out without explanation. With a dream like this, it is questionable whether or not the dreamer feels competent to fulfill his duties in waking life. However, this can also refer to his reluctance to accept the challenge of the hero self.
Seeing oneself as a hero is kind of daunting, and the fact that it is your dream doesn't mean that you will necessarily and easily assume that role. Suddenly, the awareness of caring for those to whom you have no obligation is quickened. It's a hassle. Man y of us can barely fulfill responsibilities to the people around us in ordinary situations.
Another scenario for loss of a sensory ability is to exchange it for something or someone else. The old saying, I'd give my eye teeth for ... articulates the human willingness to exchange one ability or attribute for something else of value. There are many times when our minds use the principle of exchange to help us verify the relative worth of relationships or objects.
There can also be a distinct martyr image attached to this kind of loss. This is especially true when the dream includes loss of ability through some potentially painful means. The loss may be seen as an exchange for something that was gained during the dream or in waking life.

In the Zulu culture, the elephant is the symbol for wisdom, patriarchy, and sacred relationships (similar to the bear or eagle in Native American culture). It is important to notice that geographically different cultures find symbols within their own contexts to convey universal themes of human concern.
Also, most western cultures revere the elephant as powerful and possessing a strong memory. Because of our common acknowledgment that elephants have powerful memories, to dream of an elephant may be an association with the act of memory-this may point to something forgotten in your life.
Daily Wish:

If you see a cloud in the shape of a camel, make a wish. However, to dream of a cloud in the shape of a camel is said to be bad luck; it means there will be no rain and therefore a poor harvest.
If you are standing on a dormant volcano and it is possible to look down into the crater, make a wish, repeating it three times.
If a candle goes out by itself before it has burned all the way down, quickly make a wish so the spirits can carry it to the wind. This is also supposed to avert evil, or evil spirits.
When you go to a circus or zoo, be on the lookout for the first elephant you see, because that is the one you should look at as you make your wish. (An Indian elephant, which has small ears, is good, but an African elephant, which has large ears that droop below the tusks, is even better; the African elephant's ears are shaped like Africa).
A white elephant, which is rare, is said to carry strong magic for making wishes come true, so be sure to make a good wish if you see a white elephant.
Put a piece of zwieback on a table and hit it with your fist. If it breaks into two pieces, you may make a wish. Say the wish two times, each time touching one of the broken pieces two times. (The two pieces, two touches, and wishing twice probably stem from the word zwieback, which means twice-baked.)

For Daily Moto-vations click HERE =)

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