Thursday, June 16, 2011

Daily Message 6.16.11

From …

Daily Feng Shui Tip:

It's June, which means it's wedding time. But what if you're always the bridesmaid and never the bride? That can get pretty expensive on both your pocketbook and your psyche. So, expressly for you today, is something that can help bathe away those blues. Simply by taking this bath you can wash those old feelings down the drain and feel brand spanking new and ready to face another crazy dress! Start your spa day by premixing together three ounces each of apricot oil and sweet almond oil with one ounce of aloe vera gel and a half-ounce of rosewater. Add to this blend 13 drops of jasmine essential oil and six drops of rose. Allow this mixture to stand for at least thirty minutes before adding it to your bath. Soak for at least twenty minutes while visualizing what your own perfect wedding day will look like. If at the end of 27 days you're still simpatico with the main character of '27 Dresses' then you need to take this bath again, being completely sure that you've added all the ingredients in the right proportions. I know that this bath actually opens up opportunities to walk down the aisle, really, I swear, I do! Marry your desires with your intentions and then you can be sure to say 'I do' too!

Daily Dream Decoder:

Hawks are interesting dream figures. They aren't quite eagles, but they definitely rank above the crows. Like the eagle, hawks are common symbols in many cultures.
Native American dreams revere the hawk and eagle the way the Greeks revere Zeus and Hermes. The hawk is the warrior-visionary while the eagle is the sacred wisdom and power.
To dream of hawks is to see oneself as engaged in, but outwitting, opponents through the ability to perceive more completely. It may also be a dream of providing adequately through skillful acquisition or insightful maneuvering.
Do you see yourself as soaring with the hawks or pecking with the pigeons in waking life? This may be wish-fulfillment or concern over the direction your life is heading.

Daily Wish:

If you find a pin with the point turned toward you, make a wish before picking it up.
If you find a pin pointing toward you, pick it up and stick it into your clothes upside down. Make a wish and leave the pin in the garment for at least twenty-four hours.
If you find a pin, pin it at the left shoulder of your clothes and make a wish. The wish will come true when the pin comes out.
If you are pricked by a pin that is in your clothing, take it out, make a wish, and put the pin back in.
Should you find a straight-pin outdoors, stick it in any tree and make a wish. Go back the next day. If the pin is still there, your wish will come true. Remove the pin and take it home with you.
Should you come across a straight pin outdoors, stick it into the nearest tree and make a wish. Check it seven days later (the same day of the following week). If the pin is still there, your wish will come true.

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