Thursday, June 9, 2011

Daily Message 6.09.11

"Many can argue that reality it as it is, but
my experience is that the opposite is exactly
true, reality is ours for the making."
— Asara Lovejoy

"Unless your campaign has a big idea, it
will pass like a ship in the night."

— David Ogilvy in Confessions of an Advertising Man:
Was an advertising executive, often called "The Father of Advertising"

Abraham-Hicks Publications:
The discipline that we would like you to exercise is to make a decision that nothing is more important than that you feel good, and that you are going to find thoughts that feel better. Your cork floating is the only thing that is worthy of discipline.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Silver Spring, MD on Saturday, April 19th, 1997 # 99
Abraham is not about guiding anyone toward or away from anything. We want you to make all of your decisions about your desire. You have that right. You should be able to do that. Our only desire is that you discover the way to achieve your desires.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Monterey, CA on Tuesday, March 20th, 2001 # 75
There is the potential for relief (feeling better) indefinitely. In other words, we do not know of any ending point to the amount of clarity, and adventure, and joy, and Well-Being—it is an unlimited thing.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Asheville, NC on Sunday, October 24th, 2004 # 74
Everything exists for joy. There is not one other reason for life than joy. We've got nothing to prove to anyone, because nobody other than All-That-Is is watching. In other words, we're not trying to get brownie points from some other galaxy. We're not trying to get someplace else; we're not trying to get it done, because there is no ending—we cannot get it done. Everything exists for the purpose of joy in the moment.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Silver Spring, MD on Saturday, May 11th, 2002 # 73
Just do your best to keep yourself in balance. One of the first things that causes Energy misalignment, is asking or demanding too much of yourself in terms of time and effort. In other words, you just cannot burn the candle at both ends, so that you are physically tired, and then expect yourself to have a cheerful attitude. So, the rule of thumb has to be: "I'm going to be very, very, very happy, and then do everything I have time to do after that."
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in West Los Angeles, CA on Sunday, March 6th, 2005 # 76
Our Love,
Jerry and Esther

Daily Feng Shui Tip:

I'd like to use today's 'Donald Duck Day' energies as a way to wax poetic about his fine-feathered cousins and all the love that they are purported to promise according to Feng Shui philosophy. The birds I refer to are a pair of the beautiful and faithful mandarin ducks, as these birds are believed to bring all things related to romance and everlasting love. Feng Shui makes use of this particular symbol because mandarin ducks actually mate for life. It's also a fact that if one gets separated from its partner it will pine and stays faithful until it's time for them to meet again to float on that giant pond in the sky. It's these qualities of everlasting love and loyalty that inspire so many to position an image or two small statues of mandarin ducks in the 'Relationship/Romance' area of the bedroom. Many people have validated this cure, so if you want your own love life to go swimmingly, then place a couple of ducks in close to your jean pool and then get ready. I'm not just being a wise-quacker here. Feng Shui promises that displaying these symbols will bring you your life mate-y, so, ahoy already!

Daily Dream Decoder:

Divorce is an excessive commodity now days. A first grader recently said, My parents haven't gotten their divorce yet. Unfortunately, divorce has translated from a social taboo to a rite of passage.
Often, it symbolizes anxiety concerning insincere commitment from a partner or underlying resentment toward a partner. It may be represented by other significant persons in your life going through the divorce as a displacement of your anxiety over the matter.
Do you have relationships that are very tiring or emotionally draining? Perhaps you are wanting to get someone out of your life, but lack the diplomacy skills to address the situation.
Do you feel excluded from or cut off by past friends over a current disagreement?

Daily Wish:
Swallow herring at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve while making a wish.
Swallow a grape at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve while making a wish.
Eat a grape for each chime of the clock at midnight on New Year's Eve, while making the same silent wish 12 times.

Move Forward 
     "It is important in the linear life not to let disappointment in events or people color your ability to create.

     The expectations of the soul often are not prepared for the thick energy that the linear provides.  Thus the intentions from the soul that wish to manifest are sometimes difficult to bring through the physical environment. 

     Sensitive souls may become disillusioned by this process sinking into forms of depression because of it.

     We encourage all who have met with disappointment to move forward with all the gusto they can muster.  A belief in your core values and abilities needs to come forward at all times.  It is often not your energy that is the problem.  It is often the surrounding energy that is difficult to maneuver through.

     Always  be in touch with your center.  Keep the dialogue of communication active from within.

     If there is an opportunity to participate creatively, set aside the disappointment and try again.

     The commitment to the endeavor may supersede all else.

     Remember you are a spirit having a physical experience, not the other way around.  Attach to your soulful energy and do not give up.

     Do not allow disappointment to create your reality.  Use your core energy to by-pass the energy.

     You can accomplish whatever it is you desire.  Go for it with no reservations. 

     Believe in your energy and turn away from disappointment.  Do not allow it to color your current perspective.  Attempt a fresh approach.  Leave it behind while moving forward in your reality."

Daily MotoVations: Thursday, June 9, 2011

Louise Hay
It is healing to show my emotions.  It is safe for me to be vulnerable.
            I always feel appreciated at work.  As I value life, life values me.

Dr. Wayne Dyer
            You can sit there forever, lamenting about how bad you’ve been, feeling guilty until you die, and not one tiny slice of that guilt will do anything to change a single thing in the past.
            If you’ve been addicted to a harmful substance, to overeating, or even to being a doormat, listen to the voice within that begs you to take just one corrective step.
            Before speaking, consult your inner-truth barometer, and resist the temptation to tell people only what they want to hear.

Dr. Christiane Northrup
            Next time you start having a bad day, stop everything.  Notice what you’ve been thinking.  Bring yourself into the present moment.  Touch the fabric on your clothing.  Run your hand over a smooth surface, breathe fully.  Choose one thing to be grateful for.  This simple act normalizes blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing, and will turn a bad day into a good one.

Doreen Virtue
            Your soul knows that uncovering its natural happiness lies in extending its happiness outwardly, like a spring bubbling forth with its precious gift of water.

Marianne Williamson
            Our kingdom is our life, and our life is our kingdom.  We are all meant to rule from a glorious place.  When God is on the throne, then so are we.  When God is in exile, our lands are at war and our kingdoms are in chaos.

Loretta LaRoche
            Our parents did the best they could with the information they had at the time they raised us.  If we could all acknowledge this, we would spend less time making judgments and more time being compassionate.

Looking for Fun?
It’s right under your nose!
By Loretta LaRoche
Become the fun you’re seeking.
Why is everyone running around trying to figure out ways to have fun? We spend enormous amounts of time and effort trying to figure out how to relax, while spending equal amounts of time trying to accomplish more in less time. The dichotomy is insane!
What very few books in the self-help area ever address is fun. They don’t let you in on the secret that you can have fun all day long if you realize that it isn’t something you seek, but something you are. Become the fun you’re seeking and you won’t have to wait to have fun. Stress is diminished in its presence, but most people don’t understand the concept.
Essentially, fun is the art of playfulness and the ability to resonate with whatever you’re doing in the best possible way. At some point, we became a nation of workaholics. If all you ever think about is going from one task to another without interruption, you’ve become a robot. Instead, try to do as much as you can with an attitude that’s full of gratitude and joy. Yes, this may sound naïve, but trust me when I tell you that more things will go right than wrong.
I’ve tried this technique when I’m traveling, and amazing things have happened. Consider how often overworked employees in airports have to put up with disgruntled travelers. I start having fun by being playful with the gate agents. When they ask me how many bags I’m checking, I often respond, “Two, including me.” I get huge guffaws, and sometimes I even get moved into first class! Our interaction has become more humane, and they’re pleased that I’m interested in making our time together fun.
There are so many ways you can make your day more pleasant. In addition, if you’re already enjoying yourself, you’ll be less likely to try to medicate yourself with food. Here are some tips to help you experience more joy during everyday tasks:
§                Get some karaoke music and sing in your car while you’re stuck in traffic.
§                Talk to the people standing next to you instead of using your cell phone when you’re waiting in line.
§                Let everyone you come in contact with know that you’re interested in them by actively listening. When you act dismissive, it shows how uncomfortable you are with yourself.
§                Do all your chores in as playful a way as possible. Squelch the old inner tape that says, “You can’t have fun till the work is done!” Please… you’ll be dead.
§                Wake up and create a fun affirmation for the day, such as: My day is filled with fun, joy, and humor. Your attention follows your intention.
§                Enjoy the ride when you’re driving. You’ll eventually get where you’re going.
§                Make your job as enjoyable as possible. You signed up—no one shipped you off to do forced labor. If you dislike your work, start making plans to do something else.
I realize that some of you may be involved in some very serious situations, but keep in mind that fun is a state of mind, it’s always there for you to tap into, and not every day is akin to a funeral procession.

The Secret
Trying to change someone is a waste of time.  The very thought of changing someone is saying that they are not goo enough as they are, and it is soaked with judgment and disapproval.  That is not a thought of appreciation or love, and those thoughts will only bring separation between you and that person.
You must look for the good in people to have more of it appear.  As you look only for the good things in a person, you will be amazed at what your new focus reveals.

"Maybe it is time to consider living dangerously. Maybe it's time to reject the commands of power, the dictates of society and public opinion, and to stop worrying about what other people think about what you do. You have the power and ability to create your own reality -- to change what isn't working and to manifest what you desire." - Dick Sutphen

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