Friday, June 10, 2011

Daily Message 6.10.11

"Enlightenment is the result of your thoughts
being a certain distance apart."
— Richard Rose

In order to help someone who's in a very different vibrational frequency, you've got to adjust your vibrational frequency so that they can hear you. And if we were standing in your physical shoes, we would not adjust our vibrational frequency down—ever. We would not introduce more resistance in our vibration for any reason whatsoever, because disconnecting yourself from resources does not give them more to eat.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Tarrytown, NY on Saturday, October 9th, 2004 # 100
Our Love,
Jerry and Esther


Daily Feng Shui Tip:

Today's energies are close to my own tea drinking heart, since it's 'Iced Tea Day,' a day devoted to one of the world's most popular beverages. In fact, tea is native to India and was introduced to China thousands of years ago. Tea has long been called 'liquid jade' since, according to Eastern cultures, jade is among the most precious of gems. This is because of jade's alleged magical properties that can affect health and healing as well as the commonly held belief that keeping a piece of jade close to the skin can bring the wearer both longevity and wealth. Speaking of wealth, drinking tea is said to stimulate consciousness and also bring about more money. The recipe for that result says that you should hold tea leaves or even a tea bag in your hand and visualize big money brewing for you! However you imbibe, if you believe and then drink tea to boost your consciousness and your bottom line, then you'll soon see that those efforts and intentions are in the bag.

Daily Dream Decoder:

The computer has become a symbol of access to knowledge and power. It also has become a ball and chain. The good thing is, we can work anywhere thanks to Internet connections and laptop computers. The bad thing is, we can work anywhere thanks to internet connections and laptop computers.
You are either on the verge of excelling at work, or you probably need to quit working such long hours. Was the computer simply background furniture in your dream, or did it play an integral part? Was the computer more powerful than you are used to, or was it causing you problems?

Daily Wish:

When it's time to cut the wedding cake, the newlyweds should both put their hands on the knife as they make the first cut; each should make a silent wish while cutting.
If you put a piece of wedding cake under your pillow, you may wish on it last thing at night and repeat the wish first thing in the morning, provided you have not spoken to anyone during that time.
Some say you will have good luck if you sleep with wedding cake under your pillow, and others say you will dream of a future love.

Happy, Happy Friday everyone!!!!!!!!!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Louise Hay
I travel safely wherever I go.  I always meet loving, helpful people on my journeys.
My life is joyously balanced with work and play.
Today I feel the excitement and thrill of being alive.
I always find time to be creative.

Dr. Christiane Northrup
There are two times when a woman needs to grant herself full permission to change her mind:  one is at the altar before her wedding, and another is before having elective surgery.

Dr. Wayne Dyer
As you awaken to your divine nature, you’ll begin to appreciate beauty in everything you see, touch, and experience.

Remind yourself that before long, the all-creating source will bring the vision of what you desire into your physical life in ways greater than you could have imagined.

Doreen Virtue
Everything is already healed, except in the dream of illness.  Let the illusion go, in exchange for peace.

Marianne Williamson
God is more than capable of direct contact with each of us, as we are capable of direct contact with Him.  Each of us has equal capacity for divine insight.

Loretta LaRoche
You don’t have to spend a lifetime wishing you hadn’t done this or that.  Skip to what you can and could do now; it’s much more invigorating and much less depressing.

Have You Got Issues?
BLOG by Loretta LaRoche
No one is getting out of this life without experiencing problems. They come when you least expect them and can run the gamut of being serious to mundane. Years ago problems were looked at as par for the course. My grandmother would gather her cronies for a little coffee and biscotti every once in a while and they would go through everyone’s stuff as if they were lawyers. One of them would always act like the judge, either dismissing or condemning the perpetrators who had caused the suffering of those at the gathering. Most of them would go away satisfied that they had been heard.
Today, problems are still discussed with friends and family, but they also have become fodder for the media. A plethora of shows exist whose primary purpose is to focus on people’s issues—the new and more exciting word that describes problems. Issues are tantamount to being in dire distress and in need of experts to help a person through their stuff.
Dr. Phil and others have made their fortunes helping individuals navigate their problems, while millions watch them as they are reduced to tears or anger. Reality shows have gone the next step, making us part of the action so that we, the viewers, are now in concert with the problems. I am always in awe at how many of these shows proliferate and become part of daily conversation. So now you not only discuss your problems but you also discuss the ones that you saw on a particular show.
When my grandmother had a friend who just kept going over the same scenario time and time again without resolution she would lift her hand up in the air and bellow “BASTA” which means enough. She had lost her patience and that was that! I wonder why we don’t hear more of that today!
Why do so many of us have to go on and on about the same thing? I recently watched a very funny bit on YouTube with Bob Newhart. He portrayed a psychiatrist who said he could cure patients in five minutes. A young woman came in with a host of problems and when she was done speaking, he said, “Are you ready for the cure?”
“Yes”, she said.
“Okay then,” he shouted, “just stop it!”
Lighten Up Your Week:
Get over it, stop talking about it and do something about it. Enough said.

The Universe
To fix the world, you must first see it as broken.
I'm not so sure I'd go there,
That would be kind of like fixing chocolate.

"Change your thoughts and you change your world." - Norman Vincent Peale

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