Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Daily Message 6.08.11

"There is but one cause of human failure. And that
is man's lack of faith in his true Self."

— William James: Was a psychologist and author

ABRAHAM-HICKS Publications:
Make a decision and then make the decision right. Line up your Energy with it. In most cases, it doesn't really matter what you decide. Just decide. There are endless options that would serve you enormously well, and all or any one of them is better than no decision.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Orlando, FL on Saturday, February 21st, 1998 # 98
Our Love,
Jerry and Esther

From ... 

Daily Feng Shui Tip:

No one more than me enjoys the energies of today's 'Name Your Poison Day,' except perhaps Socrates. But it was his colleague and compatriot Aristotle who once said, 'Dine well on cabbage just before starting out for a big evening,' because he apparently knew an ages old secret for keeping a hangover at bay. But let's not leave the Romans out since they also seemed to know this cabbage trick. In fact, the Romans went so far as to give ingredients and instructions on how best to name your poison and wake the next day feeling fine. According to that ancient Roman remedy, before dinner you should dip cabbage in vinegar and eat as much as you wish. It also says that after eating you should eat five more leaves with the wish that you will be none the worse for your cocktail wear. This cabbage patch on your late night carousing is also believed to keep you from gaining weight. Other traditions tell to eat ten raw almonds on an empty stomach before imbibing and you'll not only keep t he dreaded hangover away, but you apparently won't even get inebriated in the first place. So began the custom of putting nuts out on bars. A quick trick to sober up if you haven't cut up cabbage or eaten almonds is to very slowly eat a small grapefruit and follow that with a glass of warm water and lemon. So the next time you're out and about and naming your poison, be sure to have some slaw, nuts and citrus on hand in order to stay upright on both feet!

Daily Dream Decoder:

Although we rarely dream of boundaries per se, we often encounter uncrossable fences, immovable gates, and other non-traversable obstacles. A Freudian approach would be to discern what might be gained by overcoming the barrier and then attempting to associate that gain with a taboo event. If you have any helpers to get you over, through, or under your obstacle, they may be co-conspirators in the violation-or, your joint conquest of the obstacle may be the taboo in itself.
Depending on whether the taboo is anger, sex, or another violation, you may need to look closely at your feelings about what is on the other side of the fence, across the river, or whatever the obstacle is.
It can be an eerie feeling to encounter a boundary where either you feel unable to go past or your dream companions keep reminding you that nobody goes over there. It may be that the perceived threat or inability to cross th e boundary is the central message of the dream.
Perhaps you see yourself as needing to move through a transition into a new self-awareness. In this case, the boundary may reveal what is hindering you. This is especially true if you are traveling too heavily to cross a river, or have companions who will not cross with you. If you have dream companions helping you with whatever boundary you face, it may be worth heeding their dream advice. Often times, we feel that a fence must be crossed when in fact the protection they provide is important.
While boundaries may feel constricting at times, the psychological pain of attempting to cross every boundary in life can cause great problems that could have been avoided by knowing when to stop.

Daily Wish:
If you hear someone yodel, quickly make a wish. The sounds of the yodel will help carry the wish. This is one custom where it is okay to get someone to yodel just so you can wish.
Daily MotoVations Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Louise Hay
I spend money wisely.  I always have as much as I need.
I attract empowered friends who are always trying to improve themselves.
I accept myself and create peace in my mind and heart.
I accept my uniqueness.

Doreen Virtue
You have no worries that you cannot thrust into our loving and waiting arms, Dear One.  Give them all away!
We angels will lead you past the darkness and show you the light that dwells within you.

Marianne Williamson
In reclaiming the mystical, we take back our whole selves.
We find our happiness to the extent to which we use our minds to bless the world, for that is the natural use of the mind.  It is the reason we were born.

Loretta LaRoche
Grandchildren are the kids we should have had first.  And unless we’re truly deluded, we can be pretty sure we won’t repeat the same mistakes.
Make and keep good friends; they give you the opportunity to be yourself.  Relatives are great, but they may never understand you the way your friends do.

Dr. Wayne Dyer
Every thought that you have impacts you.  By shifting from a thought that weakens to the one that strengthens, you raise your energy vibrations and strengthen yourself and the immediate energy field.

Throughout life, the two most futile emotions are guilt for what has been done and worry about what might be done.

Change your expectations for yourself:  Expect the best, expect Divine guidance, expect your fortunes to change . . . expect a miracle.

Keeping life simple means having faith that your spiritual connection flourishes in a life dedicated to joy, love, and peace.  If your daily activities are so overwhelming that you don’t make these things your priority, you’re disregarding the value of living a simple life.

The Secret
We are intelligent enough to trade in an old car when it is not serving its purpose anymore.  We hand over the old car and we take possession of a newer model and continue on our journey in our new car.
The greater part of you is also intelligent enough to trade in the vehicle of your body when it is not serving its purpose anymore, update to a newer, better model, and continue on your journey in the new vehicle.  Human bodies and cares are vehicles – and you are the eternal driver.
Energy cannot be created or destroyed – it just changes form

Think of all the good things in your life.  And now realize that you brought them all into your life.  Your thoughts and feelings moved the energies of the Universe to bring all those good things to you.
You are a powerful being.

"Life is like a ten-speed bike. Most of us have gears we never use." - Charles Schultz
"There is but one cause of human failure. And that
is man's lack of faith in his true Self."

— William James

Think of every single thing that you "have to" do to get through a day, as things you "get to" do... before your turn is over.

"No matter how much pressure you feel at work, if you
could find ways to relax for at least five minutes
every hour, you'd be more productive."

— Dr. Joyce Brothers

The reason there are so many people in the world, is so that each of you might at least find a few of them to love. 

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