Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Daily Message 6.07.11

"No matter how much pressure you feel at work, if you
could find ways to relax for at least five minutes
every hour, you'd be more productive."

— Dr. Joyce Brothers: Psychologist and advice columnist

Abraham-Hicks Publications:
Complaining about anything holds you in the place of refusing to receive the things you've been asking for.
Justifying about anything holds you in the place of refusing to let in the very things that you've been asking for.
 Blaming someone holds you in the place of refusing to let in the things that you've been asking for.
Feeling guilty, feeling angry, it doesn't matter what you call it; it is a refusal, not a conscious one.
You're asking; you can't help but ask. The Universe is yielding; it must yield.
It's a big question, folks: why aren't you letting it in?
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Los Angeles, CA on Saturday, March 10th, 2001 # 97
Our Love,
Jerry and Esther

From Astrology.com …

Daily Feng Shui Tip:
Today's rich and creamy, silky and smooth energies come courtesy of 'National Chocolate Ice Cream Day.' Although no one knows who exactly invented ice cream, the famous Macedonian king Alexander the Great is given the credit. In fact, in those days there was a chilled and jellied dessert called macedoine that served as that king's original recipe. It was Marco Polo who brought the recipe for that sherbet-like delight to Italy upon his return from Asia. In my world, however, different flavors of ice cream can determine the magical effect it has on the person eating it. For example, blueberry ice cream is believed to bestow protection from the evil eye and things that go bump in the night, like your mate sneaking down to the freezer for a frozen midnight snack. Butter pecan brings money while cherry vanilla attracts love. But only one ice cream can flavor your life with love, money and protective powers and you can probably guess which one I'm referring to. Take a break sometime today and indulge in a big bowl of powerful protection, delicious abundance and sweet, yummy love. If you want a little more of that last one, remember to put a cherry on top! Now that's some just desserts!

Daily Dream Decoder:

Think of the gate in larger terms as an opening in a boundary or secured area where one is not normally allowed access.
Is the gate locked or unlocked? Do you have to open it or is it opened for you? Depending on your answers, these questions may reveal some level of tension concerning an opportunity that may exist for you. What is inside the gate: a building, a sacred or taboo place, or a place of tranquility and safety? You may see yourself going to such a place alone or with a helper for some kind of ritual experience.
If you go through the gate with somebody, it may herald that a relationship in your life is moving on to a different level (for good or bad).
Are you at a loss for opportunities, or do you feel prevented from making progress towards a particular goal? The gate may reflect potential progress, or the hope thereof, depending upon where it leads in your dream.

Daily Wish:
If you see a double mushroom or toadstool, stamp on it three times and rub it into the ground with your shoe as you make your wish.
If you see a ring of mushrooms or toadstools (this is called a 'fairy ring'), stand in the center with your eyes shut and say out loud:
'Fairy ring, fairy ring, fairy ring,
Make my wish come true.'
Then make your wish silently before opening your eyes. If a friend is with you, the friend should stand outside the circle while you are wishing and your eyes are still shut and say:
'Wishes come true In a fairy ring.'
This will make the wish more powerful. You and your friend can take turns helping to complete the chants for each other.

Those Who Incarnate With You
     "Those who incarnate with you in life have a special place in the development of your soul.  Not all participations are easy ones.  Often a close energy will take on the role of antagonist to help you grow energetically through linear lessons.

     The important thing is to realize that all that interact with you have value.  The levels of energy and focus may vary but ultimately even the most negative one can bring forth much needed clarity.

     The correct moment would be knowing when to dismiss a negative energy.  Often they linger far too long in one's energy field.  Knowing when the lesson is finished and moving on are indeed equally important.

     The linear reality offers participation on many different levels.  Just as often extremely well matched energies participate with each other bringing great joy.

     It is important to maintain these energy connections as they can also give great energy support.

     Move through life with your eyes wide open and your inner awareness intact.  Everyone you encounter does indeed have something to offer.  Knowing how the exchanges work in your favor and against you is an opportunity to advance the soul.

     Keep clear.

     Keep calm.

     Know when to continue, and,

     Know when to stop and dismiss.

     The linear offers much in this manner.  You are here so participate.   The advancement of your soul is in play."

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