Monday, June 6, 2011

Daily Message 6.06.11

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret and The Power 

From The Secret Daily Teachings
There is no past or future for the law of attraction, only the present, so stop referring to your life in the past as very difficult, or full of hardship and pain, or in any other negative way.
Remember that the law only operates in the present, so when you speak of your past life negatively the law is receiving your words and sending those things back to you NOW.

May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne
The Secret... bringing joy to billions 

Abraham-Hicks Publications:
Some say that you should not want money at all because the desire for money is materialistic and not Spiritual. But we want you to remember that you are here in this very physical world where Spirit has materialized. You cannot separate yourself from the aspect of yourself that is Spiritual, and while you are here in these bodies, you cannot separate yourselves from that which is physical or material. All of the magnificent things of a physical nature that are surrounding you are Spiritual in nature.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth and Happiness" # 96
Everyone holds a mix of opinions, beliefs, and expectations on a myriad of subjects. When you give your attention to something, that Vibration becomes activated and comes to the forefront. And the more often you focus upon it, and cause it to come to the forefront, the more dominant it becomes.
You have the option of making a good-feeling aspect of another person dominant in your Vibration or of making a bad-feeling aspect dominant, and whatever aspect you regularly choose will become the Vibrational basis of your relationship. When your happiness becomes your highest priority, and so you deliberately keep active the best-feeling aspects of others, you will train your Vibrational frequency in such a way that they will not be able to rendezvous with you in any way that does not feel good when it happens.
The only way for anyone to be consistently happy is to understand that the feeling of happiness is simply about alignment with the Source within. When you are in your Vortex of Creation, you are lined up with all-that-you-have-become and with everything that you have asked for. There simply is no substitute for that alignment.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the
This is 16 of 32 practical expanded quotes excerpted from Abraham’s new Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide that will be available everywhere on Nov. 15, 2010.
Everything that is today could not be if it were not for that which was before.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in El Paso, TX on Saturday, November 14th, 1998 # 94
Our Love,
Jerry and Esther

Daily Feng Shui Tip:

I'm going to take a few liberties with today's 'National Gardening Exercise Day' since I'm sure that these energies are not asking us to put on our running shoes and go for a power walk with the peonies and petunias. Instead, I want to invoke another national treasure from the garden and share an exercise that I know you will love. First, let's examine floral Feng Shui picked straight from the garden. I'm referring to the powerfully passionate and sensual rose, a bloom that has long been associated with amour as well as with adding sultry and seductive desire to any environment. Apparently a rose by any other name still says 'I love you' no matter what language is being used. This philosophy says that putting a pair of pink roses (thorns removed) in a white vase on the bedside table or nightstand on the side that you sleep on and replacing them every three days with two new and fresh florals for a total of nine consecutive days will bring you the love of your life, a perfect partner who will never leave. This cure can even enhance and spice up an existing relationship. A traditional expression of love and romance, according to the secret Shui, roses also represent a beautiful and loving romantic relationship growing roots and expanding over coming days, months and years! Sure smells sweet to me!

Daily Dream Decoder:

The moon is often an archetypal woman image. In many cultures and religious orders, the moon is identified as a mother figure. This is true in Native American, African, Christian, and Eastern literature and lore. The moon dream may come with or generate an intuitive feeling that someone in the inner circle of your life is pregnant.
Another moon scenario is a product of the twentieth century. Specifically, the desire for space travel. These dreams can be based on either the scientific desire to experience the event or the spiritual desire for absolute separation from the churning, tumultuous human experience on earth.
The moon can also evoke feelings of magic and mystery.

Running is a traditional symbol of health and vitality in addition to being a means of fleeing potential danger. Thus running could be considered a dream of virility, as well as fear.
Usually, in a dream of running in which fear is the dominant emotion, you will find that you can either run all night and successfully escape the danger (albeit with a serious emotional drain), or you find that you continue to falter and stumble, making the object of your fear even more terrifying. In the latter case, try to relate the dream situation to a situation in your life where you are feeling incredible pressure. Sometimes a simple change of perception can solve the problem.
Spiritual Icons

Dreaming of spiritual or religious icons often reflects either power or unity. We want to feel united with the universe, and icons are a good way to symbolize that identification. Other times, you may dream of being in a situation where supernatural power is required to resolve the conflict. In this case, icons serve as the vehicle or symbol of that power.
There are countless icon images available to all humans. The ones you find in your dreams will relate to your experience in life. (Some examples are: the crucifix, the full moon, the Star of David, Stonehenge, and the Buddha.)
Are your experiences with icons tied to sacred or supernatural events that you prescribe to in waking life?
Are the icons revered or disdained by others in your dream? How do you feel about it?

Daily Wish:
If a rabbit crosses your path, take three steps backward and turn away to make a wish. If you look back at the rabbit, your wish won't come true.
If you see a kangaroo hop, quickly make a wish.
If you see a kangaroo with a baby kangaroo in its pouch, make a wish.
A cricket in the house, particularly on the hearth, brings good luck; make a wish on it. If the cricket chirps, your wish will come true.

Daily Moto-Vations Monday, June 06, 2011

Louise Hay
Wherever I am, there is joy and laughter.
My alone time is just as fulfilling as the time I spend with others.
Love is all there is.
Healing begins with love for myself and love for every part of my body.
Gratitude brings more to be grateful about.  Today I am grateful.

Dr. Christiane Northrup
In a true partnership, both members are equally powerful and equally vulnerable.  In partnership, I can allow myself times of intimacy balanced with time alone.  I thrive on a balance between separateness and togetherness.

Regardless of what I believe about spirituality, it is important to bring a sense of the sacred into my every day life.  My spirituality is every part of me.  Not something that is set aside for special days in special buildings.

Doreen Virtue
CALLING ALL ANGELS.  Calling upon angels is a powerful way to bring light and love into any situation.
HAVE FAITH.  All f your tomorrows are well taken care of.  Have faith and trust that your needs will always be met, now and in the future.

Dr. Wayne Dyer
ATTRACT THE RIGHT PEOPLE.  You can’t expect to draw people into your life who are kind, confident, and generous if you’re thinking and acting in cruel, weak, and selfish ways.  You must be what it is that you’re seeking – that is, you need to put forth what you want to attract.

I AM A HUMAN BEING, NOT A HUMAN DOING.  Don’t equate your self-worth with how well you do things in life. You aren’t what you do.  If you are what you do, then when you don’t, you aren’t.

When you are inspired, you’re not judging others or yourself.  You aren’t bothered by behaviors or attitudes that in uninspired moments are frustrating.

Abandonment, abuse, and disloyalty can be valuable teachers when you see that you experienced them for a greater good.

Notice incidents such as banging your elbow or stubbing your toe.  Stop in those moments and ask yourself, what was I just thinking, and how is it related to what appeared to be an accident?  Doing so creates a constant awareness of your Source and the direction of your life.

Marianne Williamson
The body is a holy lesson in communion and should be seen and treated as a sacred trust.  Thought of aggression, unforgiveness, conflict, and fear tear down the body.

There is no such thing as an idle thought.  All thought creates from some level.  Nothing can deprive us of our own creativity.  We are personally responsible for what direction we apply it in.

Loretta LaRoche
Every time you take a walk, realize that you have incredible powers to move forward.  When you sit around, you simply magnify your ability to stay stuck.

Every day, try to have as much fun as possible.  That will enable you to better deal with any crisis that you come up against.  The more you give yourself the experience of happiness, the more it truly fortifies you to deal with unhappiness.

The Secret
When a family is creating a vision board it is important that each member of the family who is involved wants to be involved.  It must be fun for each person.  Each person in the family can then choose what they want to put on the board, without limits or restrictions.  Drawings, cut-out pictures, and words are all great.  Those who are the most excited will automatically focus on the board every day, and they will be the ones who manifest the things on the board into their life.  The more energy given, the faster the things will manifest. 
A heart on fire with excitement and passion has a huge magnetic power.

Tired of Negative People?
4 phrases to keep them at bay.
Published: June 5, 2011
By Denise Marek
Bring out the best in those at their worst.
In helping organizations create corporate cultures of calm and harmony instead of worry and stress, I've discovered that one of the highest ranking causes of anxiety in the workplace is dealing with negative people. If negative people on your team are causing your stress levels to rise, what you need is a little self-defense. While you might not need to be skilled in tae kwon do; a little Tongue Kwon Do can go a long way.
Tongue Kwon Do (a phrase I coined in 2004) is the art of communication. It involves arming yourself with phrases that will help you bring out the best in people when they're at their worst. You see, as much as you might like to, you can't control another person's behavior. However, it is possible to influence a change in their behavior by changing your own communication style. When faced with negative people, try some of these Tongue Kwon Do phrases:
Phrase #1: Do you want my help to solve a problem or do you want to vent?
This is a great question to ask when dealing with chronic complainers. If you have complainers on your team, you may have the urge to run as soon as they open their mouths. While that is one option, a much more effective tactic is to ask, "Do you want my help to solve a problem or do you want to vent?" Often complainers just want to vent. In that case say, "I've got four minutes. What's on your mind?" At the end of the pre-determined time, wrap up with, "I hope that helped; I really do have to get back to work now." Then get back to doing whatever it is you do.
Phrase #2: What is hurting you so much that you feel you have to hurt me to heal it?
This is a phrase my friend Shayne taught me and it's particularly helpful when dealing with an angry person. When someone is angry and lashing out at you, as hard at it may be, don't take it personally. It's not about you; it's about what is going on inside of them. When dealing with an angry person, realize that anger is the result of two emotions: fear and/or pain.
It's very important to be mindful of your intention when asking this question. Make sure you're asking from a place where you truly want to heal instead of hurt and bring light instead of more anger. If you're feeling angry yourself in the encounter, it's best to walk away until you've had a chance to regain your composure. In that case, it's more helpful to ask yourself, "How am I hurting and/or what am I afraid of?" It's a powerful question.
Phrase #3: You're right.
Agreeing is one of the quickest ways to end hostility when dealing with a negative person who is belittling your feelings as a means to skirt an issue. Gossipers often use the tactic of belittling in order to deflect their guilt for their poor conduct. For example, suppose you told a colleague something in confidence and he blabbed it to some of your co-workers and it's been bothering you. Rather than saying nothing and allowing it to eat away at you, you've decided to take action and confront your colleague about it. As you are telling him how you feel about his violation of confidence, he tries to belittle your feelings saying, "It was no big deal. Don't be so emotional."
With a little Tongue Kwon Do, you can maintain your position and your self-control. You can say, "You're right. I am emotional. The emotions I'm feeling right now are hurt and upset." You're now back to the issue at hand and have skillfully avoided being sidetracked into a debate as to whether or not you're being emotional.
Phrase #4: Maybe that’s the way you see it.
This is an extremely effective phrase to use when faced with an opinionated person who is not opening up to your point of view. Try saying: "Maybe that's the way you see it, nevertheless this is the way I feel" or "Maybe that's the way you see it, nevertheless, this is my point of view." This allows you to present your side without backing down or becoming negatively opinionated yourself.
While these are just a sample of the phrases you can use when dealing with negative people, the main thing to realize is you don't have to be a victim of their behavior any longer. Whenever you're dealing with someone who is complaining, angry, gossiping, opinionated, or exhibiting some other negative behavior, you can use Tongue Kwon Do to protect yourself and to bring out his or her best. When you do, watch as your interactions become less negative and your work days flow more easily.

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