Friday, June 3, 2011

Daily Message 6.03.11

"All you see in your world is the outcome of your idea about it."
— Neale Donald Walsch: Spiritual author

Abraham-Hicks Publications:
The one factor that has been unknown by most humans, that is understood by the beasts, is that Well-being truly does abound; and that you are blessed beings who live in an atmosphere of grace; and that unless you are doing something to pinch off the Well-being, it will be yours. Look for the evidence of the Well-being, and be an advocate for Well-being rather than an advocate for getting rid of what does not feel like Well-being. Then little by little by little, your own personal experience begins to take shape in a way that is more satisfying to you.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Francisco, CA on Saturday, August 18th, 2001 # 93
Our Love,
Jerry and Esther

Daily Feng Shui Tip:

Today is 'Repeat Day,' and well, today is 'Repeat Day,' and well -- oh, okay, you get it. According to Feng Shui a certain amount of repetition is necessary when installing adjustments or cures since the Feng Shui 'Speech Secret' is believed to empower your cures simply by repeating a sacred prayer or mantra. This 'Speech Secret' uses the powerful energy of your own voice to lend exponential strength to your cure. The most highly recommended mantra is often referred to as the 'Six True Syllables' mantra, or the Om Mani Padme Hum. This ancient prayer is known to foster and create balance, harmony and compassion, especially when invoked nine times after putting a cure in place. So the next time a tip that tells you to do something specific to shift your fortunes and luck, make sure to repeat the 'Secret Speech' mantra nine times in order to make the most of your health, happiness and prosperity! You don't need to tell me twice!

Daily Dream Decoder:

Who you are in your dreams says a lot about your body image in waking. Many times, you experience your body in dreams as just a regular version of you. However, another time you may see it as idealized or disfigured. These feelings about your body may be communicating how you perceive yourself or how you think others perceive you, for better or worse. Often, how you think about your body reflects how you think about yourself as a whole person.
When an experience of body perception is central to a dream it is worthwhile to analyze the origin of your feelings about the body perception or image. At times, our bodies will dramatically change in dreams to acquire various mystic properties. These include walking through walls, flexibility increases, or changes in height and shape. These are often just problem-solving techniques. However, they may also reveal a sense of limitation from one's body or powe r over one's body.
Other times, we or others in the dream will transform from a human form into something else. Transitions of this nature can be absurdly funny, or a little frightening. Sometimes, we will adopt a human body that fits the needs of the dream circumstances. This is the anima/animus experience at work in the self. Other times, we can adopt an animal body to achieve a particular goal or character attribute. These events reveal areas where we feel either strong competence or distinct weaknesses in our character. Does your sense of body seem similar to that of waking life?
If changed for the worse, does your body completely prevent you from succeeding in the dream, or does it merely make things more difficult?

Daily Wish:
When you see a grasshopper, make a wish. If it hops three times after you make your wish and then stops to rest, your wish has a good chance of being granted.

Daily Moto-vations: Friday, June 03, 2011

Louise Hay
This month I choose to only see positive energy wherever I go.  If a problem comes up, I repeatedly say:  “All is well.  Everything is working out for my highest good.  Out of this experience, only good will come.  I am safe.”  By repeating this, I calm down and give the Universe time to fix the situation in the best possible way for all.  My life is a joy!

Whatever I am guided to do today is a success.

My talents are in demand.  I allow other people to love me and see my greatness.  I now discover how wonderful I am.

My office is a sacred haven.  I treat my work environment with respect and love.

Forgiveness is a gift to myself.  I forgive, and I set myself free.

Dr. Wayne Dyer
As you look back on your life, know that you’ve failed at nothing all you’ve done is produce certain results.  You can view it all as what you needed to experience in order to get to a higher place.

Use your imagination.  Your imagination is the concept of Spirit within you; it’s the God within you.  It’s the invisible connecting link to manifesting your own destiny.

Doreen Virtue
Anyone can call upon the angels; you needn’t belong to a certain religion or “earn” the right to do so.

Marianne Williamson
There is nowhere you need to go to find God, for God is within you.  There is no one you need ask if you are good enough, for He has already established that He is exceedingly well pleased.  There is no one you need to look to for victory, except the One who has risen within you.

Loretta LaRoche
Realize that you can be your own entertainment center.  If you show up, you can pretty much guarantee that you’ll have fun.


“Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds.” –Franklin D. Roosevelt
"Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." - A.A. Milne's Winnie the Pooh
"All you see in your world is the outcome of your idea about it."
— Neale Donald Walsch
"Sometimes we stare so long at a door that is closing, that we see too late the one that is open." - Alexander Graham Bell

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