Monday, January 21, 2013

Daily Message 1.21.13

Motivational Quote of the Day from
"People often say motivation doesn't last. Neither does bathing — that's why we recommend it daily."
— Zig Ziglar: Motivational author and speaker
"The 80/20 principle - that 80 percent of result flow
from just 20 percent of the causes - is the one
true principle of highly effective people."
— Richard Koch: Former management consultant,
entrepreneur, and author
"It's really important that you feel good. Because this feeling good is what goes out as a signal into the universe and starts to attract more of itself to you. So the more you can feel good, the more you will attract the things that help you feel good and that will keep bringing you up higher and higher."
— Joe Vitale: Motivational author and speaker

Abraham-Hicks Publications
If you intend to be of assistance, your eye is not upon the trouble but upon the assistance, and that is quite different. When you are looking for a solution, you are feeling positive emotion— but when you are looking at a problem, you are feeling negative emotion.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from "The Law of Attraction, The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham" # 678
We cannot focus upon the weaknesses of one another and evoke strengths. You cannot focus upon the things that you think they are doing wrong, and evoke things that will make you feel better. You've got to beat the drum that makes you feel good when you beat it. And when you do, you'll be a strong signal of influence that will help them to reconnect with who they are.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Washington, DC on Saturday, October 16th, 2004 # 677
You intended to come forth into the physical realm of contrast to define what is wanted. To connect with the energy that creates worlds, and to flow it toward your objects of attention. Not because the objects of attention are important, but because the act of flowing is essential to life.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Lincroft, NJ on Tuesday, October 15th, 1996 # 676
When you find yourself critical of the way anyone has attracted or is using money, you are pushing money away from yourself. But when you realize that what others do with money has nothing to do with you, and that your primary work is to think and speak and do what feels good to you, then you will be in alignment not only about the subject of money, but about every important subject in your physical experience.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth and Happiness" # 679
The more in vibrational sync you are with who you really are, then the more you are allowing only those things that you're wanting, and the less resistance there is. And the less resistance there is, then the less delay between the idea of the thought and the receiving of it.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Tallahassee, FL on Saturday, December 1st, 2001 # 680
People will say, "Well, I have to work on my goals," or, "I have to work on my visualization." And we want you to think more about holding the vision because it is pleasurable to hold the vision, not because you're trying to make the vision work in order to get to some place that you're not now standing. "How much should I work?" We would say, work in the sense of joyously moving forward
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in North Los Angeles, CA on Monday, August 13th, 2001 # 681
Our Love,
Esther (and Abraham and Jerry)

Daily Feng Shui Tip from

Today's 'National Popcorn Day' celebrates one of the healthiest snack foods on earth. Actually corn, popped or not, has long played a pivotal role in the religious ceremonies of Central and North America cultures. The Mayan Civilization and the Native American Navajo believed that the first humans were actually created from corn. The Mayans, Incans, Aztecs and every almost every Native American Indian not only ate corn but also incorporated it into almost all of their religious rites. Blue corn is often considered to be the most sacred of all colored corn and is still the favored corn offering of all. And then there is this ritual from the Ozarks that has survived the ages intact. This tradition says that if you suffer from frequent bouts of hiccups then you should name three kernels of corn for three friends and put them into a container of water. Then, whenever you have an attack, hold this vessel above your head and the hiccups will disappear. Now you may find this advice hard to swallow but I am personally certain that it works.

Daily Dream Decoder from

Candles often reveal a sense of mystery, romance, or supernatural guidance regarding the setting in which they appear. The candle can also be a symbol of providence or security as it may illuminate circumstances. If the candle has an unusually large flame, the fire may be the central image.
Do the candles have a ceremonial feel to them? If so, other aspects of the dream may be requiring reverence.
Is someone else holding a candle or candles? Often a symbolic gesture by a dream character-such as holding a candle-will indicate that they are there to lead you.

Gold is the universal symbol of purity and wealth. The acquisition of gold may be a display of power or wealth. The source of the acquisition as a conquest, gift, or discovery is important.
Equally important is the sacred element that comes into play. How is the gold used and what kind of wealth or power does it represent in the dream? It may be that you get a golden helmet, similar to Don Quixote's. This is an archetypal form of sacred power for completing a mission or hero quest.
Did you find, lose, give, or receive an article that is made out of gold?
Did the object make you feel better or worse?

A lot of things can happen to your home in a dream. It can be built or purchased, destroyed by the weather or war, or conquered or overrun by invaders. Most dreams about homes occur when there is transition, instability, or significant growth occurring in waking life.
A home overrun is often reflective of instability in the dreamer's relationship to the world. Feeling overwhelmed is not unusual. However, if overwhelmed is the chronic condition of your life, then being overrun by a particular sort of person or animal may reflect the source of waking anxiety.
The home destroyed may come with geographic relocation, financial pressures, death, or divorce. In these dreams, the home is being pulled apart or somehow losing its ability to provide safe haven. If this dream is occurring in your life, it is worth looking at what influences are stressing your life and the effect they are having on your waking life.
A home built is an expansive view of what is happening in your life. Perhaps you are feeling an upswing in your job or financial base that will allow you to acquire additional opportunities. Perhaps a relationship is or will be changing from dating to nesting. In any case, the home-building dream should be considered a positive one.
Because homes are often a symbol of feminine influence or the womb, interpretive questions arise logically from transitions. Are you or your partner pregnant and needing a nest for the expected progeny? Do you feel a need to involve yourself in a significant relationship with another? Do you feel rootless or too set in your ways?

A New Message from Inner Whispers

To Safely Guard The Beauty of a Relationship...
"Connection in physical reality is a beautiful endeavor.  A relationship experienced within the boundaries of the solid environment is like no other.  Many seek endlessly the opportunity to connect, while others seek to maintain it.

     In our observation, we find that the ability to stay connected is more difficult than finding it. 

     How then, does one nurture a good connection in the physical environment?

     It is important to realize that it is the exchange of energy that tops the list.

     Communication leads the way to safely guard the beauty of a relationship.

     In a world where listening and talking can become a competition of who speaks the loudest, the idea of listening with awareness may be neglected.

     Two energies must be willing to actually listen to each other.  By this we also speak, that an exchanging in the confines of listening means being still for a moment to allow the other energy to actually mingle with yours.

     In doing so, there is opportunity to examine not only the words, but the emotion and intensity that accompanies them.

     An instant retort or reply is not always necessary in a conversation.  Engaging in such tactics disables the ability to process the information with awareness.

     Being aware is the ability to truly hear and process TWO versions of any conversation or conflict.

     So slow down.  Eliminate the competitive environment of who is right or wrong.  If you seek solution, be aware and listen.  Compromise is available by processing what you listen to, and that needs to be accomplished with awareness.

     If there is value in the relationship, it is worth listening to the voices within it.

     Listen with awareness."

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