Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Superhero - from The FlipSide

Have you seen the YouTube video yet? It really struck a chord with me ...

Last month I went on my yearly business trip to New Orleans. There is truly something to be said about Southern Hospitality. (And the food is AMAZING!) People are courteous, polite, friendly without having to be friends. Living in California, it seems most "strangers" aren't interested in any of those qualities. And I'm not sure why. Don't we realize we are all made of the same things? We breathe the same air and love our families all in the same community?

What struck me the most with this is that he went out dressed as a transient, and it was the only way people would truly interact with him. What I see, is a lonely man, who does his own social experiment to feed his need to be connected.

What do YOU do to feed YOUR need? We, by nature, are social creatures. Next time you pass someone in the aisle at the grocery store, say hello and smile. Passing someone on the staircase whose arms are full? Why not offer to help? Small gestures can make someone feel noticed when they feel like the world ignores them.

Just ... say, "Hi!" =)

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