Thursday, November 14, 2013

Daily Message 11.14.13

"The most important thing in communication is
hearing what isn't said."
— Peter F. Drucker: Austrian-born American management consultant, educator, and author

"Do not wait: the time will never be 'just right'.
Start where you stand, and work whatever tools you may have at your command and better tools will be found as you go along."
— Napoleon Hill: Early pioneer of personal-success literature;
one of the great writers on success

Abraham-Hicks Publications
A decision is the focusing of the Energy of desire, and the decision point happens when the desire is powerful enough.

Excerpted from the workshop in Silver Spring, MD on April 19, 1997

There is a big mix out there, and there's lots of different things going on, and there is not one way that was intended to be the right way. Just like there's not one color or one flower or one vegetable or one fingerprint. There is not one that is to be the right one over all others. The variety is what fosters the creativity. And so you say, "Okay, I accept that there's lots of variety, but I don't like to eat cucumbers." Don't eat cucumbers. But don't ask them to be eliminated and don't condemn those who eat them. Don't stand on corners waving signs trying to outlaw the things that you don't like. Don't ruin your life by pushing against. Instead, say, "I choose this instead. This does please me.

Excerpted from the workshop in Rye, NY on October 12, 1997

Someone asked us recently, "Is there any limitation to the body's ability to heal?" And we said, "None, other than the belief that you hold." And he said, "Then why aren't people growing new limbs?" And we said, "Because no one believes that they can."

Excerpted from the workshop in San Rafael, CA on February 27, 1999

Our Love,
Esther (and Abraham and Jerry)

Tut: A Note from the Universe

Nothing is worth your unhappiness, not because the awful and ugly don't happen, but because there's always more of the really good stuff.

    The Universe

Let every season run its course and every tide ebb and flow, but think not, dear Micki , that you have no choice of where your wandering mind can go...

Inner Whispers with Veronica

A New Message From VERONICA

These Three Elements Are Available To All

     "As you start the day, keep the concept of no limits in your heart.

     It is easy to accept boundaries while physical.  The reality is rooted in defining what surrounds you in a dense way.

     Why not consider how your soul feels instead of accepting yet another limited moment?

     It is important to remember that your reality is your design. 

     We realize that many will speak loudly that circumstances of negativity attack them every day.  A distortion evolves causing the moment to be difficult or impossible.

     Do not forget that in your soul, there is a perspective of boundless creativity.  Perhaps awake this moment to the probabilities that those current physical limits can be altered.

     Know that ultimately it is all your choice.  Attempt to think and feel from your energy.  If it has been compromised, reach deep within to find the flicker of hopeful energy that can change it.

     No mater how deeply you are embedded in difficulty, there is always hope for change.

     Decide to do it.

     Often it requires courage, perseverance, and a connection to the divine.  These three elements are available to all.

     If you choose to argue, it is your choice.  However, if you use that energy to participate in healing yourself, there is already progress towards something different.

     Lift the limits from your life. 

     You can achieve this."


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