Motivational Quote of the Day
"Decide the outcome and the action step,
put reminders of those somewhere your brain trusts you'll see them at the right time, and listen to your brain breathe easier."
put reminders of those somewhere your brain trusts you'll see them at the right time, and listen to your brain breathe easier."
David Allen: is an author on
personal and organizational effectiveness
Abraham-Hicks Publications
Desire summons Life Force. If we must
continue to be alive, we must continue to have new desire. You are not willing
to let yourself outrageously want because when you outrageously want something
that you haven't found a way of getting, it is too uncomfortable, and the risk
feels too great. We're wanting you to hear that there is no risk at all!
Fantasize and watch what happens. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the
workshop in Chicago , IL on Saturday, April 24th, 1999 # 581
Our Love, Esther (and Abraham and Jerry)
Daily Feng Shui Tip from
You might think that
pairing 'World Farm Animal Day' and Feng Shui might be difficult, but the two
actually have a lot in common. Feng Shui started in China with farmers who found that
the location of their farms often determined how they survive. Their animals
also held special significance in the unfolding of this philosophy. For
example, a pig is said to symbolize abundance, safety, fertility and success.
During less urbanized days the intelligent pig was even considered to be man's
real best friend. Horses are said to symbolize fame while the cow and its milk
producing abilities represented descendant's luck and good fortune to those who
fed it. In fact, cows were believed to be able to grant wishes and help one
achieve their goals. Therefore, Feng Shui says to place an image of the pig in
your 'Wealth' arena to increase your abundance. Or put a symbol or statue of a
horse in the 'Fame' area to grow your recognition and rewards. Place a
representation of a magical cow on or around your desk in order to turn wishes
into reality. Gives new meaning to 'Old MacDonald,' doesn't it?
Daily Dream Decoder from
is an event that all of us are tempted with at one point in life or another.
Whether it is home life, work, or planet earth in general, quitting may feel like
the best choice. Virtually everyone has days when selling your possessions and
buying a one-way plane ticket somewhere sounds mighty good. However, quitting
is rarely about quitting altogether, but rather not wanting to continue under
the current circumstances. Quitting is often elective as well. The quitter
doesn't want to face the consequences of resigning from life, but rather to
avoid the requisite hassles of participating in it.
In dreams, we are often
granted the latitude to quit without having to experience consequences. Rather,
we can simply eliminate unpleasant facets of life in its troubling condition.
This is wonderful, as quitting dreams illuminates our most draining emotional
conflicts in waking life.
Many times we qu it
things in life because we cannot conceptualize solutions to our problems.
However, in dreaming, our quitting usually points to the solution to the
problem. All of us have what we consider to be feasible and unfeasible solution
choices. In dreaming, there are more choices. What you quit from and gravitate
toward may be showing you resolution potentials you had not previously
For example, if you
dream of quitting your job, what you do next in your dream could be a symbol
for a vocational path that holds more reward potential for you. Sipping
margaritas on the beach is not very lucrative. However, being a travel agent is
a reasonable carrier path.
If you quit your family
in a dream, this may be a sign that you need to disengage for a while from
significant others. This is not the same as physical separation. Rather, it
means that you may need to back away from your usual emotional patterns to find
a better modus operandi for relationships.
Quitting life in a Stop
the world, I want to get off type of statement may indicate that you are tired
of trying. This may indicate that either life truly is uncooperative to you or
that you need to assess how you address situations in life. It may be that
there are self-destructive patterns at work that are undermining your ability
to function.
What facet of your
waking life is most dissatisfying? Is there a correlation what you quit in your
A New Message from Inner Whispers
The Solution
"It is
well known how dense the energy can be in linear reality. The most
advanced of souls often find it a maze of difficulty to navigate through.
In these moments, one can decide to be a victim of circumstance, or a creator
of the solution.
The energy of such obstacles can be diminished if one keeps aligned with their
own soul's purity and resolve. Thus, the importance of establishing a
relationship with your soul. If you have not take the time to do so, we
feel it is of the utmost importance to do.
There is nothing more empowering than to conquer the linear density, even at
the most elementary levels. Decide to be flexible in the pursuit of the
perfect connection. Know that if you are disconnected it has taken
some linear time to get there. Be fair with yourself and allow the
firmness of your energy to regain its position.
Those in spirit never give up, nor should you in the linear.
Roll with the perceived punches from physical reality. Know that no
matter what occurs, you have the ability to rise above and conquer it.
it is dense.
Yes it's difficult.
However, you are resilient enough to withstand the difficulty and move through
Yes. You are strong.
Yes, you are spiritual as well as physical.
Flex your spiritual awareness, and proceed to a more comfortable space.
Be the solution."
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