Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Daily Message 10.09.12

Motivational Quote of the Day from Nightingale.com
"Sometimes the biggest gain in productive energy will come from cleaning the cobwebs, dealing with old business, and clearing the desks - cutting loose debris that's impeding forward motion."
— David Allen: is an author on personal and organizational effectiveness
"Decide the outcome and the action step,
put reminders of those somewhere your brain trusts you'll see them at the right time, and listen to your brain breathe easier."
— David Allen: is an author on personal and organizational effectiveness

Abraham-Hicks Publications
Anything you are giving your attention to is an invitation to the essence of it. Saying, I want money, but it will not come, is the same as saying, "Come to me, absence of money, which I do not want."
When you are thinking of money in the way that will make it come to you, you always feel good. When you are thinking of money in the way that keeps it from coming to you, you always feel bad. That is how you know the difference.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth and Happiness" # 582
From your human perspective, you often believe that you must work hard to overcome obstacles and satisfy shortages and solve the problems that are before you; but often, in that attitude or approach, you work against yourself without realizing it. Attention to obstacles makes them bigger and more stubborn; attention to shortages makes them bigger and prolongs them—and attention to a problem prevents any immediate resolution or solution.
As you listen to our guided meditation recording, giving your attention to your breathing and to the natural rhythm of your body, any problematic Vibrational activation will simply cease to be. And, in the absence of that resistance, your Vibration will naturally begin to rise until it will align with the higher Vibration of the very solutions you have been longing for.
In the absence of longing, in the absence of doubtin the absence of obstacles and shortages and problemswill be the solutions and abundance that you seek. And the evidence of your Vibrational shift will become obvious in two ways: first, you will feel better; and next, physical evidence of financial improvement will begin flowing to you from a variety of different directions.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide # 583
If you guide through anything other than your own example, it crosses over into the category of control. If you say, "This is what I've found that works for me, try it if you like." That's guidance. If you say, "This is what I've found works for me, and if you don't follow it, you're in trouble," that's control.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Sedona, AZ on Saturday, August 31st, 2002 # 584
We would gather a world forum, we would ask all of the television cameras to come, and this is what we would say: It seems that this act has come in response to other actions. It seems that someone has seen this as a way of sort of leveling the playing field. And it seems to us that if we respond in kind, that all that will happen is it will stir up more of the same — and ensure more of these pockets of disaster happening globally as time goes on. And so, we have decided that we will do the unexpected, and not respond. Not because we think that they are right — but because we do not think that in doing that, we would be right, either.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Albany, NY on Thursday, October 4th, 2001 # 586
Make the best of it. When you make the best of whatever you're focused upon, your future will be better than your now. If each moment you're making the best of what-is, no matter what it is, you make the best of it; make the best of it; make the best of it—your future just gets better and better and better, and better.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Boulder, CO on Saturday, June 7th, 2003 # 587
Your government is the by-product of the vibration of the masses. A war is the by-product of the vibration of the masses. In other words, this is not a war that your government has waged against your will. This is a war that has grown vibrationally from the vibration of the masses.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Tarrytown, NY on Saturday, May 8th, 2004 # 585
The greatest gift that you could give to anyone you love is the gift of positive expectation. But you can't give someone positive expectation until you know the Laws and have practiced them yourself enough so that they are very familiar.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Boca Raton, FL on Saturday, January 16th, 1999 # 588
Our Love,
Esther (and Abraham and Jerry)

Daily Feng Shui Tip from Astrology.com

In 1871 'The Great Chicago Fire' raged through that city for more than 30 hours straight. This tragic event gave birth to this 'National Fire Prevention Week' and that falls right in line with today's 'Fire Prevention Day' energies. Both of these occasions provide annual informational and instructional events. Part of this info explains the different categories of burns. Burns are categorized in degrees that elevate in severity. First degree burns damage the first layer of the epidermis, while second degree burns damage the first and second layers. These burns can blister and become severely infected. Third degree burns are the most serious and demand immediate professional care. But while you are waiting for help, try to get the affected area under cold, gently running water. Carefully cover the burn with a clean cloth until you are in qualified hands. For lesser burns try putting mushroom slices on the affected area. Alternative therapies tell that fungus can actually help heal a burn. And now one of my personal favorites -- for burned fingertips, simply hold your ear lobe by placing your thumb on the backside of the lobe and the burned tip (or tips) on the front. Keep them there for a full minute and, voila, no more burn! But just to be on the safe side, always seek out qualified care for any kind of skin burns and blisters.

Daily Dream Decoder from Astrology.com

Although the word is something of an antique in many circles, the idea of a blessing is a powerful one in the human experience. Consequently, giving, seeking, or receiving a blessing are important dream events. Many times, dreams include some kind of conveyance that will fall into this category. The idea of a blessing was central to many ancient cultures. When preparations for death entered its final stages, the dying patriarch or matriarch of a family would convey last wishes or hopes for affirmation onto members of a household. This was a deeply spiritual act that conveyed peace or power onto the next generation. To be overlooked or rejected during the blessing was a sign of disfavor or judgment. These things can come across in your dreams based on the subjects in them and the amount of reverence you have toward them.
In more contemporary times, we can look at these blessings or conveyances in terms of complete versus incomplete relationships. Especially with parents, the blessing or absence thereof carries with it the perception that the relationship did or did not fulfill an expectation of love, nurture, or support.
Receiving a blessing is a sign of closure and ultimate acceptance-finally, the bygones are bygones. No matter what the past provided, hope prevails. Blessings of this kind often include well-wishes, the promise of sufficient resources to succeed in life, or an affirmation of the person as being competent and capable.
Giving a blessing is an act of benevolence. It may reveal how the dreamer sees him or herself in their life cycle or in relationship to the blessee. To give a blessing is to see oneself as a source of help, spiritual power, forgiveness, or encouragement to others. Depending on who is being blessed, it may reveal that someone in relationship to you is not receiving adequate resources for their needs.
Seeking a blessing may reveal a sense of imbalance in a relationship. The dreamer may see himself or herself in a deficit situation with no apparent resolution. Images of this type may indicate that the dreamer is seeking a monetary inheritance or a chance to bury the hatchet in a relationship. In either case, the seeking may take a very humble or aggressive form, based on the dreamer's relationship to the source of blessing.

Sexual dreams are not about sex exclusively. Often they are about how we perceive people and how we think others perceive us. To construct a framework for interpreting sexual dreams, it is important to identify who is with us in the dream and how we feel about the experiences being had while dreaming.
Certain dreams are simply romantic. Boy and girl meet in the dream state and find themselves enjoying one another. This scenario commonly involves an attractive acquaintance and a generally pleasing environment. There is no violation of taboo, except for a sense that perhaps things are moving a little fast in the nocturnal relationship. Often, the dreamer has simply acted upon a desire for a relationship with a particular person.
Other dreams begin to press on the boundaries of our taboos. These include dreams with sexual content the dreamer would consider inappropriate in waking, but participates in during the dream. These dreams can be very troubling. One can wake up feeling as though a rape was committed, a fidelity violated, or that innocence has been stripped away. Dreams of this nature may require some more thorough examination.
Identifying the who or what that has generated discomfort is an important first step. Was it a boss, coworker, friend? Someone much older or younger than you with whom you have an affectionate, but platonic relationship? Or was it the nature of the encounter-coerced, cheating, public, or whatever-that is the most distinct feature of the dream? Who was forcing whom? Was it a stranger who reminded you of someone you know? Representation and displacement relationships are often components of sexual dreaming.
Some of these dreams indicate our own ambivalence about taboos. There is, after all, something exciting about what is forbidden. In other cases, we are expressing our own frustration with a sex life that is not satisfying. Still other times, others have violated our boundaries and we respond by perceiving them as taking unmerited favors from us.
In all of these cases, the dreams are worth noting and studying. By looking into what you may find abhorrent at first, you will see aspects of your personality and the relationships around you that have gone mostly unnoticed. Perhaps most importantly, you will become more aware of the various facets of your personality in those relationships.
Missing Appointments

Many people live and die by the desk calendar these days. Ours is a time-conscious, time-driven culture. Most of us have more things to do on our schedules than we can comfortably manage. These pressures have created an environment where missing appointments and scheduled events is a constant threat.
Dreams to this effect are common. One of the trigger events for these dreams is the nagging fear that we may not get it all done as we should. Our anxiety about appearing competent to others is fragile and often assaulted in dreams.
Another interpretation of this dream is missing an opportunity. Life invites participation in more than could ever be accomplished. Every invitation comes with the promise that this event could change your life. The changes may include relationship or career rewards.
A final scenario revolves around fulfilling the relationship obligations that already exist in your life. In this case, dreams of missed appointments may be reminding you of personal obligations that already exist. You may be missing appointments as a sign that you are not fulfilling the needs of your spouse, family, or employer.

Watching a child realize he is alone is a heartrending event. In a moment, he goes from content to worried to panicked. One of our most primitive fears is the fear of being separated from family, friends, or society. In dreams, being abandoned can have several connotations that derive from psychological or physical experience. The primary interpretive question is: Who abandoned the dreamer, and why?
Being individually abandoned by a significant other can represent a feeling of insecurity in a relationship. This may reflect concerns about the feelings of another towards you. Are you genuinely receptive to the idea of being loved and valued, or do you view another's affection as a put-on?
Perhaps you view yourself as lovable as you are known, but fear that more revelation about you will lead to isolation. This could be especially true if there is a taboo experience being kept secret from the person who has abandoned you (e.g., marital infidelity). Dreams of this nature may be recurring if as a child your parents extended only conditional affection towards you.
You may see yourself as completely abandoned. This can represent a major sense of being unable or unworthy to fit into society. In this type of dream, you may not be alone in a physical sense, but lack connection with the people around you. Self-esteem issues, taboo experiences, or your ability to receive love should be areas of investigation.
People who view themselves as completely abandoned within a dream often find themselves lacking connection in many day-to-day relationships or experiences.
Lastly, you may see yourself as ritually abandoned. This dream experience finds others leaving you for your own good.
Where have you left unfinished business in relationships with others?
Conversely, have others left your expectations unmet or altogether unrecognized?

Kissing is often associated with youthful love. It is teenagers, and not parents, who kiss until they are weak in the knees on the escalator in the mall. You can be kissing another, watching others kiss, or experience that I'm about to be kissed moment.
Kissing another is often wish-fulfillment or sexual acting out. The wish-fulfillment may not be to kiss per se, but to experience the youthful energy of love. Kissing in this sense is the desire for the awakening of passion, not necessarily the passion acted out.
Watching others kiss may be a sign of knowing too much about them personally or participating in their lives at too personal a level. The exception here would be if you are watching your partner kiss another, which is an obvious herald of infidelity or a desire for voyeurism in the relationship.
The about to be kissed moment is an interesting one. Often, it occurs as we wake up. This i s the dream that may most accurately reflect a desire for actual passion with another. The reason we wake up is the taboo feeling that perhaps, while we want this, it would not be beneficial to actually participate in it.
Is the kissing comforting or threatening to you?
Is it something you sought after, or was it forced upon you?
Is your general experience repugnant, romantic, or passionate?
Department Stores and Malls

The department store is the personification of capitalism. Many people enjoy just wandering through stores and malls to experience the numerous choices. However, they can be a little overwhelming.
Dreaming of these places reflects a feeling of having choices or even too many choices. It may also be a reminder that you have not been careful with your money of late.
Depending on your status as a potential buyer, being in a mall may reflect your sense of power or competency given the choices you have. If the choices all reflect items you would find in a waking-world store or mall, the items you are most drawn to may be the objects of central meaning in a dream. The salespeople you are bumping into may be significant if they are familiar. Perhaps you feel as though you owe somebody something or someone expects particular actions from you.
Are the items that you want missing or available in abundance? This may be a metaphor of the balance, or lack thereof, in facets of your life.
Are clerks unable to assist you in finding your needs? Perhaps you are looking outside yourself for growth that can only come from within.

If you ever watched the old Kung Fu TV series, you may remember the powerful beginning sequence: Grasshopper (David Carradine) is in a cave. He seizes the smoking cauldron and burns the tiger and dragon images onto his skin as he carries the cauldron out into the sun. Upon doing so, his initiation is complete and he is an official Taoist monk.
The cave is the archetypal place of initiation. Caves are the first and most sacred of human dwelling places. As such, people may often feel a primordial sense of attraction to caves in their dreams. Initiation is the Jungian term for becoming a Self in the transition from childhood to maturity. Jung contends that there are rites of passage that need to be completed. The cave is often the place this is done. For much of human history, caves have been sacred places of shelter from the world; the place that became the extent of a person's kingdom in the face of uncertainty and peril. While the cave itself may not be a central image any longer, we have many metaphors for it.
These include small rooms with a sacred or significant object of our past in them, small bedrooms or studies, basement workshops, or other places of solitude and silence. There is also something in such a space that confronts you-not necessarily in an endangering way, but an existential one. This grappling is the business of the cave. To make peace with the object of your grappling is the act of initiation.
If your dream includes leaving the cave, you will probably feel a new unity with the world upon your departure. It's a far cry from being disillusioned; the peace you feel comes from a fuller sense of participation and belonging in the cosmos.

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