Monday, November 7, 2011

Daily Message 11.7.11

Motivational Quote of the Day from
"Good advertising does not just
circulate information. It penetrates the
public mind with desires and belief."
— Leo Burnett: was a renowned 20th century advertising executive
Abraham-Hicks Publications
You can't help but experience contrast, so you can't help but ask. And since you can't help but ask—and anything you ask for is given—then there is no real learning going on. If there is any price to pay, or if there is any giving back something, it must be in this category of finally bringing yourself into vibrational alignment with what you're asking for. You've got to be a vibrational match to what you're asking for.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Washington, DC on Saturday, May 7th, 2005 # 250
We're asking you to trust in the Well-being. In optimism there is magic. In pessimism there is nothing. In positive expectation there is thrill and success. In pessimism or awareness of what is not wanted, there is nothing. What you're wanting to do is redefine your relationship with the Stream. We do not ask you to look at something that is black and call it white. We do not ask you to see something that is not as you want it to be and pretend that it is. What we ask you to do is practice moving your gaze. Practice changing your perspective. Practice talking to different people. Practice going to new places. Practice sifting through the data for the things that feel like you want to feel and using those things to cause you to feel a familiar place. In other words, we want you to feel familiar in your joy. Familiar in your positive expectation, familiar in your knowing that all is well, because this Universe will knock itself out giving you evidence of that Well-being once you find that place. We have enjoyed this interaction immensely. There is great love here for you. We are complete.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Rafael, CA on Wednesday, March 4th, 1998 # 249
We would never move forward in the face of negative emotion. There are many people who would teach you otherwise. They say you've got to face fear to get over it. And all they do is desensitize themselves to the point that they get themselves into situations where they have no idea what's going on, and the end of them comes rather abruptly... And then everyone calls them brave.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Diego, CA on Saturday, February 7th, 2004 # 248
Our Love,
Jerry and Esther


Daily Feng Shui Tip:

Let's head to the workplace on 'Job Action Day.' First, one or two small bells hung on your office door will encourage great fortunes to enter that same space. Just be sure to hang them on the outside of the doorknob with red ribbon, yarn or thread. Feng Shui says that symbolically the sound of the bell brings prosperity while predicating the prospect that you will hear some good news. Remember to only use small bells, but if your office faces either east or southeast, then you can use wooden or ceramic bells for highest benefit. Simply put, this cure invites good fortune to the workplace. Now, once you've put this energetic adjustment into place and get that well deserved promotion or raise, don't ask for whom the bell tolls. As we know by now, it tolls for thee!

Daily Wish:
If someone lets you pluck three strokes on his or her ukelele, you should silently repeat the same wish with each pluck.
Every time you taste something for the first time, you should make a wish.
If you cross a state line or country's border while traveling by land vehicle (bicycle, bus, car, train, etc.), make a wish three times out loud. (This is one of the few times a custom dictates wishing out loud.)
(Eastern United States)

Daily Dream Decoder:
Circles and Rings

Circles and rings are archetypal symbols. They can manifest themselves as circular rooms, the magic circles of shaman or other soothsayers, circus rings, or even circular driveways.
While circles are usually positive dream symbols, it is important to note the characters that accompany them and the emotions that surround them.
Did you experience the circular object yourself, or watch others doing so?
Was the circle broken or complete?

Zoo dreams are often similar to museum dreams. The actual content of the zoo may be true to life, or it may contain some nonsense inhabitants such as co-workers, past romantic interests or relatives. You may also be a display, rather than an observer.
If others are on display, you may feel as though these people need to be confined or that they draw too much attention to themselves. If you are on display, you may feel that your life is somehow abnormal and on display for others to observe and critique.
Do you feel as though others keep you on-display or caged-in? Perhaps you are uncomfortable with a particular sense of notoriety you have attained.
Still, a dream that takes place in a zoo may have to do with ecological concerns, memories of childhood or a sense of adventure.
Medical Personnel

Living in the age of technology, we are much less dependent on spiritual figures and much more on technical professionals. Consequently, if you have discord in your psyche, it may present itself as a medical dream.
Dreaming of medical persons takes on three general types of presentation: you as patient, you as medical professional, and you receiving nonsensical care from medical persons.
As patient, you are wanting someone to fix where it hurts. In dreaming, this is often a feeling of powerlessness or irresponsibility regarding matters in your own life. The area of physical discomfort probably symbolizes an area of emotional discord. This can be as obtuse a connection as you can imagine.
If you are the attending doctor or nurse, you may not know your patient, but you see yourself as empowered with the knowledge and skill to bring about healing. If you know the patient, so much the better. The dream may reflect a care-giving or supportive role you fulfill. The presenting symptoms of the patient may allude to a facet of the relationship where you may need to give additional attention.
Receiving nonsense care from doctors or nurses frequently falls into the category of being unable to communicate. Either others are not understanding your needs or you feel unable to articulate your needs. You may be experiencing a very lop-sided relationship in which your needs are going virtually unmet.
A romantic liaison with medical personnel is another dream scenario that often occurs. In dreams of this nature, you may be wanting your romantic interest of waking life to be more attentive to your personal needs. Or you may just be one of those people who gets crushes on doctors and nurses and are experiencing some dreamland wish-fulfillment.
A doctor may also appear in your dream as the person who is trying to save the life of someone close to you. This character is likely a projection of yourself, in the sense that you want to be able to help someone in need.
Does the doctor seem to ignore you or is she unable to understand your questions?
Does the doctor assure you that everything will be OK?

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