Friday, November 4, 2011

Daily Message 11.4.11

Motivational Quote of the Day from
"You can do anything, but not everything."
— David Allen: Nightingale-Conant author & productivity consultant

Abraham-Hicks Publications
We like to explain that only a part of the Consciousness that is really who-you-are is focused into the physical personality that you believe is you, so that you can then begin to consciously consider the larger part of you, who continues to remain Non-Physically focused.
Once you remember that you are a physical extension of Source Energy, you can then begin to consider, and consciously tend to, your alignment with your larger, Eternal, Non-Physical counterpart.
As you made the decision to focus into this physical time-space reality, you understood it to be a spectacular arena of balance and variety and perfect contrast.
You understood that there is no competition for resources, but only opportunities to give birth to your own ideas—and you understood that once an idea has been given birth, the means with which to fulfill it will follow.
And now here you are, an extension of Source Energy—focused in the environment of perfect contrast and balance, just as you have intended—exploring, deciding, preferring, creating, and becoming.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide # 247
Our Love,
Jerry and Esther

From …

Daily Feng Shui Tip:

Today is my beloved son's birthday! I simply cannot believe that it's been sixteen wonderful years since this beautiful soul came to live with me. It wasn't always easy though. He was born with a bad case of acid reflux and suffered through some 'failure to thrive' scary times until medications and other holistic therapies helped him to actually enjoy eating. But by far it was agonizing and torturous teething that made for most of our sleepless nights in the early going. I eventually stumbled upon an OTC formula that totally took the sting out of teething, but I did employ alternative remedies that also seemed to offer sweet relief. I had always heard that rubbing a little olive oil on the gums would temporarily relieve teething pain. I used to cool my oil in the refrigerator before putting some on my finger and massaging his gums. Putting the gel of an aloe vera plant on the gums can help relieve pain, as will a little fresh lime juice. Whatever you chose, this too shall pas s. But it will pass a lot quicker with a little teething and colic tab accompanying some cooled olive oil gum massage. Happy Birthday, Grayson. I love you more than words can say. And, well, that's a mouthful!

Daily Dream Decoder:

Intimacy is one of the primary dream emotions. Many times our dreams include elements of intimacy with others whom we desire, or intimacy that escapes us. These dreams reflect our desires for connection to the others in our world. Intimacy with others is not always a synonym for sexual desire in this case. Rather, it can be the feeling of emotionally connecting with others, or, feeling unable to do so. The central interpretive questions are: Do others respond to your overtures for intimacy? Do you seem unable to connect as deeply as you would like? Do you not feel the urge to respond to another's advance for intimacy?
If you dream of romantic intimacy without being able to fulfill it, there maybe unarticulated concerns about your self-esteem, since one's sexual attraction is important to one's sense of overall confidence.
Are you feeling as though people care about you? Or is your love, platonic or otherwise, unrequited? Insight into this dream may become more apparent as you consider whether the object of your desire is a parent figure, child figure, or romantic interest.

Daily Wish:
The 'ides' of the ancient Roman calendar fell on the 15th days of March, May, July and October, and on the 13th days of the other months. Within one hour after midnight of an ides, and before speaking to anyone, you should cross your arms on your chest, touch each shoulder with the opposite hand, and silently make a wish, repeating it in your mind three times; then lightly nod your head three times before taking your arms out of the crossed position.
The quotation 'Beware the Ides of March' is from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. This wishing custom may have derived as a counteraction to the danger implied by the Shakespearean reference.

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