Monday, October 31, 2011

Daily Message 10.31.11

Motivational Quote of the Day from
"Once you have mastered time, you will understand how true it is that most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year — and underestimate what they can achieve in a decade!"
— Anthony Robbins: Motivational speaker and author
"The majority of individuals view their
surroundings with a minimal amount of observational effort. They are unaware of the rich tapestry of details that surrounds them, such as the subtle movement of a person's hand or foot that might betray his thoughts or intentions."
     Joe Navarro: Former FBI agent and expert on nonverbal language
"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary."
— Steve Jobs: was an American inventor and businessman

Abraham-Hicks Publications:
Many think success means getting everything I want. And we say, that's what dead is, and there is no such thing as that kind of dead. Success is not being done; not being complete. Success is still dreaming and feeling positive in the unfolding.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Sacramento, CA on Saturday, March 15th, 2003 # 239
What about creating a very obvious positive current of financial abundance? What about getting so good at visualizing that the money flows through you easily? What about expending money? Giving more people work? Giving more people opportunity? The more you spend, the more people benefit, and the more people get in on the game and dovetail with you. Your role is to utilize the Energy. That's why you exist. You are an Energy-flowing being, a focuser, a perceiver. You are a Creator. There is not anything worse in all of the Universe to do than to come forth into the environment of great contrast where desire is born easily and not allow Energy to flow to your desire. That is a true squandering of life.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Rye, NY on Sunday, October 12th, 1997 # 240
Keep remembering: there is not only one prize. And so, say to yourself things such as, "You appeal to me in all of these ways, and I am going to draw the essence of you to me. I will use my visualization of you to align my Energy, and then I will trust that Law of Attraction will bring me an exact replica of (the essence of) that which I believe you are."
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Diego, CA on Saturday, February 7th, 2004 # 243
Every person with whom you interact is a part of the person you are becoming. Not a single interaction with a single person is left out of the process of your becoming.
Many assume that only pleasing relationships have value, but that is not the case. Your awareness of an unwanted situation evokes from you a clear Vibrational request for something different. And so, even those uncomfortable interactions with others form the Vibrational basis of your expansion.
People often believe that the value of interacting with others is mostly about combining talents and actions in order to accomplish the things that need to be done in a society, but your interaction is much more important than that. You are helping one another define the attributes of your individual and collective expansion. In other words, even the briefest of encounters with another person is actually contributing to your expansion as an Eternal Being.
It is our desire to help you to return to your natural appreciation of the others with whom you are sharing your planet so that you can fully enjoy every encounter with others, no matter how brief, or regardless of whether you agree with them or not.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide # 242
If you encourage your children to stay connected to Source Energy, they will remain clear-minded; they will remain optimistic; they will remain enthusiastic. They will remain balanced; they will remain flexible. They will remain in a state of grace. They will remain in a state of Well-Being. And they will make wonderful choices.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Philadelphia, PA on Thursday, May 12th, 2005 # 241
Our Love,
Jerry and Esther

From …

Daily Feng Shui Tip:

BOO! Did I scare you? Do bats? I thought this would be a perfect day to share some secret Shui about what bats can do for you! In this philosophy bats play a legendary role. They are considered auspicious symbols of happiness and longevity. This last part is because of a bat's ability to swallow its own breath so that they then live a very long life. They are also said to symbolize wealth, prosperity, the ability to deflect illness or any causes of unnatural death. Positioned in groups of five they symbolize the five Feng Shui blessings for abundance and fulfillment and will bring opportunities for fortune, recognition and rewards. Forget about that proverbial belfry, a family of bats taking up residence in your home is considered an exceptionally auspicious omen that heralds immense good fortune and huge success for all the members of the household. Happy Halloween!

Daily Dream Decoder:

Fences may be symbols of personal separation in a negative sense, or protection in a positive one. These meanings are often derived from specifically who the fence is separating us from. If you can discern a feeling about what may happen if the fence were traversed (would it be better or worse), that may tell the role the fence is playing in the dream.
Fences can also be a source of boundary. This is true if there is a sense that the fence cannot be traversed.
What are the boundaries of your life in relationship to other characters in your dream? Perhaps you want to change those boundaries and move a relationship in a new direction. If you are alone at your fence, perhaps you need to or are protecting yourself from others more or excessively.
Rings (jewelry or magic)

Rings may be symbols of covenant or commitment, as in marriage. Often rings of this type reflect our deepest desires to make or receive commitment from others or in regard to a particular task.
Rings with magical vibrations may be about acquiring supernatural powers.
Rings of magic drawn on the ground, such as medicine rings or crop circles, may have more to do with protection, as the ring is often the limits to which evil may approach.
In dreams of this nature, you may be anxious that circumstances are pressing too hard upon you and feel that you need an intercessor.
Did you create or find the ring? Do you feel any sense of control over it?
Is there a ring that someone else is using to gain power over you?
Amusement Parks and Carnivals

As settings for dreams, these are ambiguous places. It seems as though amusement parks often include elements that we consider to be the best and worst in life.
Many of us have enjoyed these places tremendously, but have also seen, smelled, or actually experienced the consequences of overdoing it: vomiting. Carnivals also include a very wonderful or frightening collection of personalities. These personalities may intimidate us at times. Sometimes the fright comes from a figure we love, such as a parent who doesn't really enjoy the carnival, but endures it for the children.
Eventually, the illusion of the idyllic family outing is transformed to an angry scene. Who are you with in the carnival and how do you experience the time there?
Finally, carnivals are full of out-of-control experiences. Being out of control can be ecstatic and wonderful. In these instances it may remind us of a sexual expe rience.
However, it can be terrifying to people with fairly rigid waking boundaries. Spinning and riding fast are two chaos images often associated with carnivals. Ferris wheels reflect times to remove oneself from the midway to a quieter perspective, unless one is afraid of heights. In what way are the rides metaphors for your life? In other words, how is your life like a rollercoaster, merry-go-round, or other central feature of the park?
Perhaps there is a ride pronouncedly missing that you want to experience but cannot-what is that a metaphor of and why do you desire it so?

The mountains can be a place of majesty, danger, or ritual sacred land. You may just like being in the mountains and dream of them for that reason. They may make you feel good about nature, rebirth, and being alive.
Also, the mountains may be a something to cross alone-either by choice or because you find yourself there for some unclear reason. You will want to consider who said good-bye when the journey started, why you left, and what you expected to encounter in the mountains of your dreams.
The mountaintop experience has long been a idiomatic expression for the best life has to offer. Are you searching for or unable to attain a particular success in waking life, or do you feel you have ascended to that height in a particular area?
Old Man or Old Woman

These are archetypal figures of wisdom or spiritual power in dreams. For many people, the role of the father or mother has been lost in society through either divorce, workaholism, or some other emotional dysfunction. The psyche is prone to look for versions of this loss wherever it can create them, even out of the self.
Often times, these characters personify and validate an internal source of wisdom that has been written off by the psyche. It may be that you are confronted with a problem that escapes solution because of the most conscious worldview you ascribe to. However, another means of problem-solving that you view as old-fashioned may be effective. The wisdom figure in your dream is trying to teach you this truth.
Do you fear or disdain either your lineage or the prospects of your own aging?
Are you ambivalent about the purported wisdom of your elders concerning life choices you are now facing?
Are you looking for or missing some wisdom that would aid your life-quest?

Daily Wish:

When you go to the zoo, you should walk through the entranceway backwards while making a wish; when you leave the zoo, walk through the same entranceway backwards while making the same wish. If you forget the second part, you forfeit your wish.

Catch an iguana, hold it by its tail as you say your wish out loud, then set it back on the ground and watch it until it is out of sight.
If you have a chestnut, make a wish on it that involves something good happening to someone unfortunate.
Juggle three chestnuts, making sure each is lofted in the air at least three times. (More than three times is okay, but fewer invalidates them.) Give two of the chestnuts to others to wish on, and keep the third for yourself. All should be kept for three days before being wished on.
If you have a chestnut, make a wish on it that involves something good happening to someone unfortunate.
Juggle three chestnuts, making sure each is lofted in the air at least three times. (More than three times is okay, but fewer invalidates them.) Give two of the chestnuts to others to wish on, and keep the third for yourself. All should be kept for three days before being wished on.
Wish on a snippet of your own freshly cut hair. If you can combine freshly cut hair from three different people, the wish will have the greatest chance of coming true.
Sweethearts should combine hair taken from each other's combs and bury it as they wish for their love to last forever.
Make a wish for good luck as you touch the head of someone with red hair. The younger the person, the better chance of the good luck coming through.
When you first visit a new place, make a wish.
The first time you enter a building, pause in the doorway and make a wish.

Artful Expression of the Soul

     "The linear physical existence is a canvas of opportunity for those who are vivid, colorful artists.  Nowhere in "All That Is" can a soul express itself so emotionally & thought filled.

     It is important for all of you to take to your heart this incredible gift of creation.  The current timeline distracts from expression of the soul with the perceived imbalance of energy.  All of you have created artfully a linear hero to deliver you from your miscalculated efforts of creation. 

     It is often that way in the physical.

     Your history provides many variations of an energetic hero focused upon deliverance.  This time is no differnt.

     We would caution the importance of your continued participation, and not lending all your focus to some one else creating your reality.

     Be a full participant in this resolving moment.  It is only the illusion of a messaiah that intrigues the linear you.  If you must, use the illusion to regain your confidence but realize that reality, expecially mass consciousness events, requires the thoughtful artful expression of all.

     Do not sit back & wait for deliverance.  Be an artful expressive energy in the creation of the event."

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