Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Daily Message 10.26.11

Motivational Quote of the Day from
"Small things, done consistently, in strategic places, create major impact. What are [your] top 'small things' right now?"
— David Allen: Nightingale-Conant author & productivity consultant
"Language is surely too small a
vessel to contain these emotions of
mind and body that have somehow
awakened a response in the spirit."
— Radclyffe Hall: was an English Poet

Abraham-Hicks Publications:
The Law of Attraction Assembles all cooperative Relationships... So here is this Vortex of becoming—a Vortex that contains all of the requests, all of the amended requests—each and every detail of each and every asking that has emanated from you—and the Law of Attraction is responding to that. Envision this swirling, swirling, swirling Vortex and the power of attraction that is amassed as the Law of Attraction responds to this pure, nonresisted, focused desire. The Vortex is literally drawing in all things necessary for the completion of every request it contains. All cooperative components are being summoned and are coming for the completion of these creations, for the answering of these questions, for the solutions to these problems.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the book, The Vortex, Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships # 236

Reduce your workload by 30% and increase your fun load by 30% and you will increase your revenues by 100%. And you will increase your productivity by 10,000%. (If there could be such a percentage.) More fun, less struggle — more results on all fronts.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Salt Lake City, UT on Saturday, September 9th, 2000 # 235

You are the creator of your own reality, and so you are not in jeopardy. You do not need to control the behavior of others in order for you to thrive. Your attention to things that you think they do that keeps you from your thriving is, in fact, what keeps you from your thriving... It is not what they do to you; it's what you do to you in fear of what you think that they will do to you.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Philadelphia, PA on Thursday, May 12th, 2005 # 234

If you know that all is well, you know all you need to know. And if you know life is supposed to be fun, you know more than almost anybody else knows. And if you know that the way you feel is your indicator of how connected you are to Source, then you know that which only a handful of Deliberate Creators, respective to the total population, really know. The beasts all know it. Your animals know that all is well. Your animals live in the moment. They understand the power of their now. They expect the Universe to yield to them. They don't worry or fret or conjure or make laws or rules or try to regulate. They are Pure Positive Energy. Your beasts vibrate more on the Energy scale of contentment than of passion. Their desire was set forth from Nonphysical, and continues to be set forth by those, like you, who want Energy balance, who want sustenance. The difference between the beast and the human is that the beast is more general in its intent. The human is usually less blended, usually less allowing of the Energy to flow, but is more specific. And that is why the human is seen to be the Creator while the beast is more the balancer of Energy.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Philadelphia, PA on Thursday, October 15th, 1998 # 237

The ability to imagine what you are wanting, rather than only observing what-is, is what takes you beyond. You are a physical being, but you are much more.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Lincroft, NJ on Tuesday, October 15th, 1996 # 238
Our Love,
Jerry and Esther

From …

Daily Feng Shui Tip:             

Diwali is a festival that is celebrated on this day in both India and Nepal, and although it is a sacred holy day for Hindus, this festival is also celebrated in other parts of the world by many other religions, sects and communities. The festival itself celebrates the triumph of good over evil, and so is also known as 'The Festival of Lights.' Towards this same glowing goal, people who celebrated these energies often light rows of tiny lights both outside and in their homes in order to honor the heroic figures that have successfully triumphed over darkness, fear, evil and hate. This Festival of Lights is also considered to be one of the most auspicious times of the year to begin new projects and invest in new endeavors, whether investing means ideas, time, energy or even money. The idea here is that any new endeavor begun during the festival of Diwali will come to light in a big, beautiful way. Therefore, adherents to this idea will clear the clutter and clean their space before lighting up. All of this activity is done in preparation for the bright and better days to come. Doors and windows are also opened to extend a warm welcome to new fortunes and much anticipated good luck! Sometime today, light a candle or two and then open your windows and doors to greet your own propitious fortunes and bountiful blessings! If you got 'em, light 'em, but that advice is particularly applicable today.

Daily Dream Decoder:

Selling can be presented as your employment, as in selling to others in a retail environment; or it can be more personal, as in selling your possessions. Obviously, if your waking livelihood includes sales, dreams of selling will not be unusual. Unless you sell something particularly sentimental, most of the remarks here will not apply to you.
If you are employed in selling in dreamland, the emotional transaction at work is persuasion. The object you are trying to sell may be ridiculous or an actual consumer item. Depending on which it is, this may reflect whether or not you feel you will ever be persuasive. Your clientele also is important to this dream. Do they have something in common?
Do you see yourself as persuasive in waking life, or do you need to develop those skills more fully? If you are having a yard sale in your dream, you may be trying to creatively solve a financial problem or be feeling burdened by your possessions. If the yard sale has an element of emotional darkness, there may be financial anxiety involved that precipitated the need for downsizing the household. Dreams of this nature often try to show feelings of over extension. Heed them.
If you are selling items of great sentimental value, you may be seeing yourself as divesting from a particular relationship. This can happen at times of transition into adulthood or (desire for) marital separation. Many times, you do not actually perceive the emotional content of the items in your dream the way you would in waking. They are simply extras that you no longer wish to carry through life.
The act of selling in a dream, usually, is in the most general terms symbolic of some sort of emotional transaction that may be taking place in life.

Cliffs are majestic, dangerous places. If you are on cliffs in your dreams, you probably feel your life has a combination of these two qualities. Determining which one is prevalent depends on who is with you, or why you are on the cliffs. The thrill of the danger may be the allure of the cliffs, depending on your companionship. Is there a secret crush or forbidden love with you on the cliffs?
Dreams of cliffs may lead to that falling sensation that wakes you up. The cliff, in this case, may be a metaphor of your own consciousness at that moment. If your cliffs are on the seashore, you may be conjuring something out of the ocean or expecting to see something out upon the ocean. Dreams of this nature may reflect the archetype of fertility or creative power.

Dreams that include your mother can be extremely varied in meaning depending on your relationship with her and particular situations at any given time.
Did you perceive your mother as omniscient and all-loving at a particular phase of childhood?
Has your mother's relationship with you included power struggles or inappropriate intrusions into your affairs?
Have you lost contact with your mother (either by death or by choice) and left some issues unresolved?
The answers to these questions will help decipher many of the images that appear with your mother in your dreams.

Images also include Father, Mother, Sibling
Relatives are powerful features of both the waking and dreaming worlds. As a consequence, interpreting dreams of relatives is a complex task. There are hundreds of different possible interpretations that originate within the world of the dreamer as well as from classical psychology.
The reason dreams of family are so prevalent is that everyone has a desire to know what normal is, and then act that way in the world. Countless times, clients will come to therapy complaining, I just want a normal family, or I just want a normal marriage. The definition of this idea comes from our relatives and how well they fit into or detract from our idea of normalcy.
Dreams of family may affirm or undermine normal feelings about ourselves. Extended family relations are very significant in developing the family lore and ritual. As you mature and reflect critically on normalcy in your understanding of it, these rituals either affirm or work against the norms of your perspective. Who does what, why and when is often determined by influences in the extended family. The result is that we construct a family story that defines who we are in our family and what our family means in the world around us.
Relative dreams of this type lend themselves to archetypal interpretations that offer insight into how the dreamer sees him or herself in relation to the larger human community represented by the relatives. To interpret dreams of this kind, discern what relatives were in the dream and whether they are still living or dead in waking life. Many times, relatives who have passed away are alive in our dreams. Usually, one of two circumstances exist. Either the activity in the dream reminds you of a ritual aspect of the relationship with this relative, or your relationship with the relative is incomplete. Many times, dreams about relatives are recurring. These can have both prophetic or historic meaning. This is especially true in cases where the central characters are relatives with whom there is either emotional tension or uncertainty concerning their health. If there is emotional tension, the dream may be identifying the source of the tension to create an opportunity to resolve it. If there are particular relatives with precarious health, the dreams may resolve, or warn of, impending deaths in the family.
The place and occasion for the relatives' appearance in the dream are important to the interpretation of it. For example, if only the women in your family appear with you in a dream of an activity that they have historically participated in together, you may see yourself as joining with the family in new ways. There are numerous variations on this dream:
1. Not wanting to join the activity (ambivalence about traditional expectations).
2. Joining a group of exclusively opposite-gendered family members (confusion about fitting into the family on your terms).
3. Joining a group of family members with something unique in common; i.e., all bald, all with cancer, all widowed, all single, etc. (identifying with or having concern over ending up like others whom you chagrin or pity).
While family members are powerful dream icons, their meaning can be quite diverse. Often, free association is the key to discerning their impact on your dreams and the meaning of that influence.
Individual family members, especially fathers and mothers (or representations of them) are often prominent in dreams. For better or for worse, they are primary influences in the shaping of our personalities. This includes how we respond to our environmental stimuli, as well as how we value ourselves and our inner nature.
Consequently, another significant aspect of relative dreams is what these dreams show about how our individual ego development and personality strength have been influenced by individual relative s, for good or ill. Personality strengths and weaknesses often express themselves in alternating generations. For example, in one generation, the father is relentless in expressing anger. In the next generation, anger becomes taboo and inexpressible. In this way, dreams of the individual parent often have a compensatory effect.
Often you will have a dream that includes a particular family member in a very unusual situation for that person (for example: scuba diving with Grandma). Often in this type of dream there will be plenty of other symbols and images that point to the true meaning of what the dream has in store for you.

Dreaming of siblings can be pretty ordinary stuff. If you have brothers and/or sisters in waking life, it would be expected that in dreams of your family, they would be present. The important work of interpretation comes when either your sibling is missing, or if you suddenly acquire siblings in dreamland that do not ordinarily exist in the waking world.
If your real-life sibling is noticeably absent from a dream event, it may reflect your perceptions of your family at large. While either you or your sibling may be at odds with the family, a dream of an incomplete family is a picture of fracture in one or more of the possible relationships.
Sometimes, if you are experiencing particularly strong identification with a co-worker, they will show up in dreams as a newfound sibling. If the dream solution to the new sibling is a comfortable arrangement, this may herald a positive partnership. However, this event can be a little troubling.
In dreams of this nature, you may feel as though the new sibling is burrowing too far into your life and relationships.

Daily Wish:
When you eat any variety of fresh fruit for the first time in the season, make a wish.
If you find two nuts in one shell where there should be only a single nut (almonds, brazil nuts, hazelnuts, etc.) share the twin with someone and you can both make a wish. The first one who remembers to say 'lucky nut' the next morning will get his or her wish.
If you find two nuts in one shell where there should be only a single nut (almonds, brazil nuts, hazel nuts, etc.), eat one of them and throw the other over your head as you make a wish. After you have made your wish, you should not speak to anyone until you can answer 'yes' to a question, or your wish won't come true.
When you stand before a door you've never gone through, place your hands on it, and make a wish before knocking or ringing the bell. If someone answers, there is a chance that your wish will be granted.
Wish on a peapod that contains nine peas.
Wish on a peapod that contains nine peas and throw the pod over either shoulder. Do not look back at it.
If you come across a peapod that contains nine peas, make a wish and immediately eat the peas.
If you see a magpie flying with its tail turned up, quickly make a wish.

Invest in Your Future: A Time to Study 
By Earl Nightingale

© 2011 Nightingale-Conant Corporation
If you feel your life could stand a change for the better. If things seem to have gotten into a rut with nothing much happening. There's a cure available that anybody can afford. Works like a charm. You begin a program of study.
Start with history, world history.  It's the most fascinating story ever written, and it'll spark ideas. Check out a good book on world history at the public library or buy one from your bookstore. Then study world religions, another fascinating study. The average person in our society knows almost nothing about the great religions of the world, how they began and what they teach. As a rule, he knows practically nothing about his own, the one in which he was raised.
After getting started on that, start on philosophy. Read the great philosophers. You can find books with digests of the teachings of dozens of the world's wisest people. After you find yourself sailing along pretty well in philosophy, tackle economics, another fascinating study. All the time, incidentally, you're acquiring a first-rate education, and you'll wonder why you didn't find the same subjects interesting back when you were in school.
I believe I can guarantee that once you start a program such as this, you'll find yourself in the most interesting world you've yet inhabited, and you'll never stop. You'll be constantly amazed and delighted about what you learn. And you'll wonder why everyone else doesn't know how much fun, how rewarding it is, to start getting a real education.
Add to the study of history, religion, philosophy, and economics, the study of English. And if you ever master that very tricky subject to the point where you can say what you want to say with ease and fluency, tackle a foreign language. But don't ever be bored. If you find you don't know what to do in the evening or on a Sunday afternoon, a book on any of the subjects I've mentioned will fill the time interestingly and rewardingly. In fact, you will have invested a few minutes or an hour or two in yourself, in your mind and your future, and it's the kind of investment you can't lose.
Your mind controls your life, present and future. Now there is no way that a life can be better, or more enjoyable, or richer, than what is stored in the mind. People will say, “Well, I took those subjects in school," as though you can finish with a subject in a year or two, complete it as you would a fence. You could spend a lifetime studying any one of the subjects I've mentioned and still find it a rich source of unending enjoyment and discovery.
There is no such thing as an educated person. You don't finish an education and put a cork in it. Either you're becoming educated or you're not. The trouble often stems from an unfortunate memory of unrelieved boredom in school. Maybe you were too young to take a real interest then; maybe it wasn't presented in an interesting way. But the subjects themselves are interesting to anyone who takes the time to poke around in them. And for the person who has never tried, well, it opens up an entirely new world, a whole new world of interest and charm and excitement. 
Take a look at your private library. Are there books on history, philosophy, religion, English, and economics? If not, take my word for it, they'll represent the best investment you've ever made in time and/or money.
We all need time to think
Norman Cousins, in an editorial for the Saturday Review, observed, “We've been concerned for some years with the lot of underprivileged people throughout the world. But we have yet to do anything for one of the most underprivileged of all, ourselves.
“We have more food than we can eat. We have more money per person than anywhere else in the world, with 6% of the population, we hold 80% of the wealth. We have bigger homes, bigger TV sets, bigger cars, bigger theaters, bigger schools. We have everything we need, in fact, except the most important thing of all, time to think and the habit of thought. We lack time for the one indispensable for safety of an individual or a nation.
“Thought is the basic energy in human history. Civilization is put together not by machines but by thought. Similarly, man's uniqueness is represented not by his ability to make objects, but to sort them and relate them. Other animals practice communications; only man has capacity for comprehension. Displace or eliminate thought, and the species itself has as little claim on survival as the dinosaurs with the four-foot skulls and the pea-sized brains. The impotence of the brute alongside the power of the sage is represented by thought.
“We seem to have no time for thought. The paradox, of course, is that we are busy doing nothing. Never before has so much leisure time been available to so many.  Leisure hours now exceed working hours. But we have a genius for cluttering.  We have somehow managed to persuade ourselves that we are too busy to think, too busy to read, too busy to look back, too busy to look ahead, too busy to understand that all our wealth and all our power are not enough to safeguard our future unless there is also a real understanding of the danger that threatens us and how to meet it. Thus, being busy is more than merely a national passion; it is a national excuse.
“The real question however, concerns not the time or lack of it we provide for thought, but the value we place on thought. What standing does thoughtfulness enjoy in the community at large? What great works of contemporary literature assign importance to thought or make heroes of thoughtful men? Action, accumulation, diversion, these seem to be the great imperatives today. We are so busy increasing the size and ornamentation of our personal kingdoms that we are unaware that no age in history has had as many loose props under it as our own."
It's interesting, isn't it? How much time do you spend in thought? How much attention to thought is paid in school? In the home? In your home?
People acknowledge that they want more. It is impossible to think with the mouth open. And as long as we live, we will never learn anything of value when we are talking or yelling or demanding. What is needed, most assuredly, is more quiet, reflective, creative thinking. Lincoln once said, “The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves."
On a national and individual basis we need to define our priorities, organize them in the order of their importance, and attack them with creative thought, realizing that we need new solutions to new problems. We need to set aside a time each day for thought. 

The secret of the world's oldest marathon runner

Fauja Singh, 100, who completed the Toronto race, says it's all down to avoiding stress
Nosheen Iqba,

Fauja Singh says he lives 'a very simple life'. Photograph: Chris Young/AP

'Anything worth doing is going to be difficult," says Fauja Singh, the 100-year-old runnerwho this week became the world's oldest person to complete a full-length marathon, crossing the line at the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront event in eight hours, 25 minutes and 16 seconds. (And he didn't finish last: five came in after him.)
At five foot eight and weighing a little more than eight stone, Singh is a spindly figure under his heavy turban and wispy beard. "Girl, you tell me: has anything you wanted ever been easy?" he says. "I was so worried we [he ran with his trainer] might not make it that we didn't tell our relatives we were doing it. I just wanted to break that bloody record."
He is referring to the record set in 1976 by a 98-year-old Greek athlete. "I lost my speed in this race," says Singh, "but it was the thought of that old man that pushed me through the last four miles. That and God."
Speaking in Punjabi, Singh says running has given him purpose and a sense of peace. "Why worry about these small, small things? I don't stress. You never hear of anyone dying of happiness." And Singh is, by his own admission, pretty happy. Having moved from India to England in 1995, after the deaths of his wife and son, he lives with family in east London, and leads what he says is "a very simple life".
He took up serious running when he was 89 and says it was his good kismet (destiny) that led him to meeting ex-professional runner Harmander Singh, his trainer and friend. The pair were introduced through a neighbour after Fauja began asking how he might enter the London marathon.
"I train him for free," says Harmander. "It's an honour for me." Together, they have clocked up more than a dozen full and half-marathons.
Harmander says health tests taken last year showed that Singh "has the bones of a 35-year-old". And yet, Singh claims never to drink milk. "I'm scared of building up phlegm," he explains.
Asked about the rest of his diet, he chuckles. "I could go on and on, but it's not a new or magic thing, is it? Punjabi people know eating and drinking is important, but I just eat the minimum of what I need: some daal and roti, gobi and chai – I'd probably be dead if I was full all the time."
Singh runs between 10 and 15km every day – "you have to keep your engine going" – and at 94, became a poster boy for Adidas, alongside David Beckham and Jonny Wilkinson.
"I'm not really interested in all the rupees, I give it to charity," he says of his sponsorship deal. "Money can be saved and spent and lost and made. At my age it's nice just to do this. Come on, who wants to talk to this old man? Everyone now! And it's because of the running that all these people keep showing me so much love. Look how blessed I am. What's not to be happy about?"

Establishing a New Perspective Upon Your Future

     "You as a culture are coming into your high holidays of Thanksgiving and a perspective of newness, which is a re-birthing perspective.   It is a good time to cleanse yourself of all the disappointments while establishing a new perspective upon your future.

Decide to give thanks for the love in your life.  Acceptance is something that is achieved by your internal self and by your actions.  These actions allow others to give thanks for your presence in their lives.

     The religious concept of a savior being born was created to allow those like yourself to renew and refresh your participation in the linear.

     Be of a joyful perspective when doing so.

     Embarking upon a refreshed opportunity should be acknowledged.  In order to do that properly, one must create from a positive joyful perspective.

     Dig deep into yourself and recover the joy of being.  It is a grand opportunity for your soul to advance.

     By not embracing the joy of living, you decide to continue the spiral into negativity.

     So it is important to decide to make the best of what is and create from that point of view.

     Your future is yours for the creating.

     Create it with a smile upon your lips.

     Perhaps then the future will be different."

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