Thursday, October 13, 2011

Daily Message 10.13.11

Motivational Quote of the Day from
"If you could find out what the most successful people did in any area and then you did the same thing over and over, you'd eventually get the same result they do."
— Brian Tracy: Author, speaker, and consultant

Abraham-Hicks Publications:
No matter what the issue is, don't try to justify why you don't feel good. And don't try to justify why you should feel differently. Don't try to blame whatever it is you think the reason is that's keeping you from feeling good. All of that is wasted effort. Just try to feel better right now.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Tallahassee, FL on Sunday, January 21st, 2001 # 225
Our Love,
Jerry and Esther


Daily Feng Shui Tip:

After the year that we've been having all over the globe I am glad to bring attention to 'International Day of Natural Disaster Reduction.' There have been many instances this year where people ask for cures or tips for relief from natural disaster. So today is a good time to share a simple ritual to Saint Barbara that is believed to keep storms at bay and protection from the same at the fore. Firstly, it is said that when any storm starts, and after closing all doors and windows, all the members of the household should come together in one room and light a white candle positioned in the middle of a round table. One person should then petition Saint Barbara by invoking her intercession three times. You should ask her to bring peace to the house and to send away the storm. Once her intercession has been invoked three times the candle should be extinguished and wrapped in white cloth. Thank and honor the Saint Barbara and trust that the storm will pass you by. I have only one word to add to that advice and it's AMEN!

Daily Wish:
As you pass a jail, quickly cover your eyes and make a wish. Don't look back at the jail.
Daily Dream Decoder:

The boss relationship can be translated from dreams in two ways:
1. A significant relationship from some other area of life-spouse, sibling, parent, or friend-may become your boss. If someone from another corner of life becomes your boss, it is likely that you feel that person exerting too much control over your life. It is easy to allow constructive relationships to become controlling at times. You may experience this dream in your usual worksetting, or in some nonsense environment. The place where you and this surrogate boss work together in this dream says something about the area of influence in question.
2. Conversely, your boss may become a sibling, spouse, or someone other than a vocational supervisor. If your boss is squirting into your personal life through images of some other, more personal relationship, it may be time to assess your work. Workaholism is the great debilitator of many homes. If your employment is fulfilling other roles reserved for other persons in waking life, it may be time to assess the emotional investment you have in your work. This dream can be healthy in the collegiality it reflects, or as a warning sign for the drain work is putting on your emotional resources.
Finally, if you dream of your boss in the worksetting, you probably are stressed out by your job for any number of reasons. Dreaming of your job in general-particularly if the dream is unremarkable and takes place in real time-usually indicates that you are feeling overworked or are behind at work.

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