Thursday, August 11, 2011

Daily Message 8.11.11

Abraham-Hicks Publications:
Whether it is a castle or a button, if you are using it as your object of attention, it is summoning Life Force. It is the feel of the Life Force that life is about. The reason that you are summoning it is inconsequential.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Phoenix, AZ on Saturday, April 4th, 1998 # 162
Our Love,
Jerry and Esther

From …

Daily Feng Shui Tip:

On this 'Son and Daughter Day' you can be sure that Feng Shui has an cure that addresses bringing fortune and luck to both! In fact, this philosophy says that planting a cherry tree in honor of a baby girl has energies that will strengthen and protect her. The cherry tree is understood to support and strengthen all feminine energies but especially those of a newborn child. So the traditional cure holds that a cherry tree should be planted within nine months of the birth of a baby girl. Ideally the baby should be at the planting ceremony in order to get all the benefit of engaging the tree's support throughout all her days. A baby boy should have a pine tree planted in his name and honor. This tree strengthens masculine energies and offers growth, stability and longevity when planted before the boy hits nine months old. Plant the pine with the baby present and for the rest of his days he will stay rooted, stable and strong. These gifts are literally gifting babies with the Fen g Shui version of the Tree of Life! Le Chaim!

Daily Wish:

If you see a jockey wearing his jockey outfit outside of the racetrack, make a wish.
Make a wish on a jockey who is wearing a number that starts with the same letter as a color in his outfit. For example, wish on a jockey dressed in orange who is wearing the number one or on a jockey dressed in teal who is wearing the number ten.

Daily Dream Decoder:


Royalty is becoming more of a mixed dream symbol in contemporary dreams. Three hundred years ago, it would have been a universal symbol of wealth and power. However, as we become more aware of the struggles royalty face, it is more common to dream of them in relation to our own daily struggles.
Many times our dreams are a search for persons who can identify with our inner struggles. As royalty divorce, grieve, and grow-up in the public eye, we look to them as symbols to reinforce our own daily crises. Or we dream of them in an effort to attach the splendor of their lives to our normal lives.
Becoming a member of royalty is often a wish-fulfillment dream for wealth. However, if your dream includes an element of returning to the era of monarchy, the dream may also include a desire to assert oneself more powerfully in a particular area of life, whether it be in a financial or emotional realm.
Looking at who serve in your court and in what capacity would be a worthwhile examination.
Entering into the presence of royalty can be another version of the mirroring dream. However, it may also be a judgment dream, if you are holding secrets in your life that undermine your ability to function openly. Nobility often served as the final court of appeals in many nations.
Does a hierarchical society please or repulse your personal sense of social order?
In your waking life, do your conversations include discourse on who is better than or less than others?

 Click here for Daily Motovations

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