Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Daily Message 8.10.11

The secret of joy in work is contained in one word - excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it.

Pearl S. Buck

"You can't reset the winds.
But you can adjust your sails!"
— German Proverb

Abraham-Hicks Publications:
True healers know that wellness is the order of the day, so they do not allow themselves, even for a moment, to see anything other than that. So, the power of the healer is in the power to influence the one who needs to be healed into a vibration that allows the healing that they are summoning. (that they could get, even without the healer, but they can get faster with a healer's influence)
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Francisco, CA on Saturday, July 30th, 2005 # 161
Our Love,
Jerry and Esther

From …

Daily Feng Shui Tip:

I love nothing better than taking time to replenish and restore the well within so I can give my best to everyone around me. Today's 'Lazy Day' dictates investing your energies and time in you. And you might just want to wash worry down the drain by taking a magical lazy day milk bath. Although milk might be pasteurized in our modern age, it still retains mystical qualities in cultures and traditions around the world as well as serving as a staple source of nourishment. Milk has long been considered a gift from the gods, one that enhances your own abilities to both give and receive love. This particular lazy day bath recipe will soothe, calm, and restore both body and spirit. Fill a tub with water and add a half-cup each of honey, milk and Epsom salts. Then add 3 crushed fresh mint leaves and a few sprigs of fresh parsley. Adding fresh mint and parsley to the bath adds personal empowerment while the milk will offer additional opportunities for softened perceptions and perspec tives. Honey adds sweetness to this lazy day and the salt detoxes. Let this blend together for twenty minutes, refresh the water and soak for the same amount of time. Now, open wide and say 'Ahhhh.'

Daily Dream Decoder:

A ghost may represent something that is gone but not forgotten-or something that is almost forgotten but that you simply cannot release.
The appearance of deceased relatives usually tells of unresolved issues. In these cases, you should pay particular attention to the surroundings, the other characters present, and any unique aspects of the apparition.

Daily Wish:
The great blue heron is good for wishing about creativity in the arts (writing, painting, composing, etc.). If you see one, make a silent wish about such creative endeavors. If the bird flies close enough that you can see the blue underside of the wings, you can make the wish stronger by saying,
'True blue, Make my wish come true.'
(Southern United States)
 Click here for Daily Motovations

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