Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Daily Message 6.14.11

"To be successful, all you have to do
is give up everything you know."

Asara Lovejoy: Motivational author and coach

Abraham-Hicks Publications:
There is nothing that you're wanting to know that you do not have the capacity to understand fully. And there is nothing that you're wanting to know that the Universe does not already know that you want to know, and has already begun the process of answering. And so, go forth in excited anticipation that the new ideas will continue to bubble forth, and that the Universal Forces will continue to come forth in loving, benevolent, eternal answering to that which you are about.

There is great love here for you. We are complete.

--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Albany, NY on Monday, October 1st, 2001 # 104
Our Love,
Jerry and Esther

From Astrology.com …

Daily Feng Shui Tip:

I have a totally different take on today's suggested celebration of 'Flag Day' and the information I want to share today can conceivably change your life for the better. 'The Six True Color Light Flags' is a powerful yet secret Feng Shui cure that draws it's potency from the Om Mani Padme Hum Buddhist mantra. The flags and recitation of that mantra both promise healing, transformation and extraordinary spiritual growth as well as a clearing away of negative energies and emotions. Each of the mantra's six syllables corresponds to one of The Six True Colors, so you can start by creating one flag for each of those colors: white for Om, red for Ma, yellow for Ni, green for Pad, blue for Me and black for Hum. These flags can be made from fabric, paper or plastic. They should all be approximately the same size, but that size is up to you. The next step is to write the syllable on each of the associated color flags, and then bless your flags by reciting each of the syllables separat ely while blowing a big breath into the corresponding color flag. As you blow, imagine the power of the mantra permeating the flag and the auspicious energies of the specific colors filling both heaven and earth. You can then place them in the Wealth area of the main floor in order to attract abundance, or you can position them so they are visible as you enter the front door. They can also be stationed in the Wealth are of the bedroom, office, yard or your desk. Raise these flags and raise your hopes and expectations for health, happiness and prosperity. Like I said, this is my totally different take on 'Flag Day,' but one that will have you waving at peace and prosperity very soon.

Daily Dream Decoder:

If you have ever seen the movie The Birds by Alfred Hitchcock, you will understand at once that birds receive mixed reviews in the human saga. Birds have often been perceived as troublemakers and omens of bad tidings throughout history. To have the birds of the air pick the flesh off your bones was an awesome sign of judgment in the ancient Near East.
Ravens, crows, and vultures could share in this task. However, the gift of flight has retained a sense of majesty for birds as a genus, and certain birds in particular. Note that the phrase Soaring on eagles' wings has been a sign of hope for twenty-five centuries.
The visual acuity of many birds (i.e. the eyes of a hawk) also conveys positive perceptions, while ravens and owls are also stereotyped as vessels of wisdom in myth and literature. The ability of some birds to speak places them in a special category as far as non-human creatures a re concerned. Some people may be characterized as bird-like in your dreams. If you speak with birds in your dreams, you probably have some communication issues to consider. This is true even when the birds do not speak in reply. As with other animals, the bird and its underlying image in your experience are crucial to discerning the meaning of your dream.
In addition, persons whom you characterize as being particularly wise, predatory, or visionary may be represented to you in a bird form-not necessarily as a bird with that person's head or face, but more as a metaphorical appearance.

Daily Wish: 

If you stub your big right toe, kiss your right thumb and make a wish.
If you stub a toe (any toe), kiss the back of the hand that matches the stubbed toe (right or left) and make a wish.


     "Participating in the physical environment is extremely difficult.  The most advanced souls often find themselves knee deep in the muck and mire of the dramatic linear.  It has the potential to defeat the most powerful creative thoughts wistfully if one is not watchful.

     While roaming through a life, the one sure tool available to all is hope.  The belief that something is attainable is the strongest asset that anyone has.  It is important to nurture and protect the ability.  Physical life is much too hard to walk through without it.

     No Matter what dramatic event unfolds, know that your ability to cherish a good outcome with anticipation is a critical ingredient in how it all plays out. 

     Do not be discouraged if at first glance it does not occur.  Great focus is needed to keep hope alive and strong.  A lot of you are simply out of practice, having given up a while back.

     You have come here to learn great lessons, each of them unique unto you.  Not all of them are easy and actually that is by your design.

     Maintain a good outlook, learn the lesson quickly with humility, all the while maintaining your relationship with hope.

     We realize it is difficult.  Nothing worth participating in never is.  You are a powerful energy.  Do not lose sight of that.  Keep the hope alive in you.

     It is the best way."

Daily MotoVations: Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Louise Hay
My body mirrors my state of mind, which is positive and optimistic.
I am grateful to others for the kindness they show me.  I am filled with praise and gratitude.
I am at ease speaking in front of others.  I have confidence in myself.

Dr. Wayne Dyer
Authentic empowerment is knowing that you are on purpose, doing God’s work peacefully and harmonisously.

Being inspired means that you’re willing to act upon your inner impulses so that you’ll never experience the pain of dying while still wondering, What if…?

When you’re in-Spirit, you have no need for the ego and have no illusion of being the false self.  Therefore, the ego has no influence on you.

Since the Universe works via the law of attraction, when you say, “Gimme, gimme, gimie,” it responds in like fashion.  But when you say, “How may I share?” the Universe responds, “How may I share with you?

Doreen Virtue
Be in the moment with your prayer, and accept whatever thoughts or feelings accompany each moment.

Marianne Williamson
We don’t ask God for too much; in fact, we ask for too little.  Turn to Him for everything.  Give everything to God.

Loretta LaRoche
Try to listen to upbeat music.  The melody and lyrics will help your mind and body feel happy and content.  Frantic sounds with dark words only make you feel like you’re going to hell in a handbasket.

The Secret
Work out exactly what you want.  Then imagine and create games where you are pretending that you have what you want already.  While you are pretending or makebelieving you have what you want, be attentive to your feelings.  When children make-believe, their imagination is so strong they automatically engage their feelings.  Watch little children playing, and you will learn how to use the law of the Universe to your greatest advantage.

You can't shake hands with a clenched fist.” - Indira Gandhi
"I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination." - Jimmy Dean

"To be successful, all you have to do is give up everything you know."— Asara Lovejoy

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