I wrote up this quick guide to get you started. Thanks for reading!
1. How were you recruited?
What was it that ultimately made you just have to sign up? How do you connect with the business? Draw from those thoughts and feelings because that is what is true and real for you. People will connect with you differently than if you were just giving a speech or reading from a booklet.
2. Create a Recruiting Packet to keep on you at all times.
You never know when the perfect opportunity will arise. I usually have 3 of these packed and ready to go.
- Join Brochure
- Recruiting DVD
- Compensation Plan
- "My Story" (my rack card is explained later)
- Current Hostess flier(s)
- Current Catalogs
- Shooting Star Kit Info
- Wax Sample
The ability to recruit for any of the three brands gives you a larger group of people who will be interested in joining your team. Not everyone will join all three brands, or even the same brands as their Sponsor. The beauty of our team is we are represent all brands and your new recruit has access to any and all of us!
4. Find Success stories.
There are plenty of stories within our team and out there in cyber-land. Some consultants have changed their entire lives and those of their family with their Scentsy Family business. This is why I include the Discover Scentsy DVD in my packets. I connected immediately with the stories told on the DVD. And let's all admit it, Heidi and her ability to emit her honesty and gratitude, well she's not only stunning but she made me feel like I wanted to be a part of that success. I want that for myself and to be connected to good people.
5. "My Story": This is an important part of your business.
Customers can purchase from any consultant they want to. They choose YOU because of YOU. They want to connect with you. To know they are helping someone grow their business or take care of their family! Share the reason why you joined the team. I created a Rack Card on VistaPrint talking about why I started my own direct selling business. They are glossy on one side and matte on the other and made of a nice card stock. I pair these with Join Brochures and I keep 5 in my purse so I always have something on me to be able to talk about the business at any time.
6. Changing Lives is a phrase our team uses regularly.
Sometimes when people ask me what I do, I say, "I change lives for a living." Think about the words you use when talking about your business. Are they "life changing" words or are they words that "turn you off?" Think carefully about the words you use on any marketing. Do you want to be a "life changer" or a "mentor" or would you rather be a "whiner" or a "negative Nelly?" The words you use about your business shape the opinion others will have about it. I love that the work I do changes lives. Don't you?
7. When you talk about your business, are you paying attention to how you're feeling inside at the moment?
If you're not in the right space mentally, emotionally, physically, table the conversation. Get yourself into the right mood. Do what it takes! Music, a power nap, meditation, a break ... Whatever. Just pay attention to how you're feeling, deal with it and get right back out there. You are in charge of how you feel and what you put out into the world. Sometimes, it's just best to hand the Join Brochure and a copy of your story, then check in later or the next day.
8. Plant seeds ... Then check your crops!
I have heard that it takes contacting a potential recruit eight times before they sign on. This is your chance to really make sure this person is a good fit for your existing team because you will all be working together. Sometimes the seeds bloom, some you will decide not to water. Remember to keep asking, keep checking in. If you don't ask, you won't know.
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