Motivational Quote of
the Day from
"Purpose creates an opportunity for value creation.
Passion follows purpose. Passion creates energy, money is attracted to
— Garrett Gunderson: is a financial advocate author
"The empires of the future are
the empires of the mind."
the empires of the mind."
Winston Churchill: was a British
politician and
statesman during World War II
statesman during World War II
Your joy factor will remain constant as you
are continually refining your ideas of what you want, and that's why it is so
important for you to get everybody else out of the equation. They've got their
own game going on; they don't understand your game. Give them a break; stop
asking them what they think. Start paying attention to how you feel. Joy will
be yours immediately, and everything else that you have ever thought would make
you happy, will start flowing, seemingly effortlessly, into your experience. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the
workshop in Asheville , NC on Saturday, October 25th, 2003 # 629
"Could I think too little about my desire, for it to manifest?"
Actually, no, because as the contrast launches the desire, and then you do not
offer any opposing thought, then you're letting it in, and it will manifest.
Many of our physical friends really believe that they must find a desire and
then hold tenaciously to it. And we say, you do not need to do that. Let the
variety of your life keep balance in your life. You just concentrate more on
holding yourself in the good-feeling place where you're letting it in. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the
workshop in Boston , MA on Saturday, October 7th, 2000 # 627
What we would do for yourself — for your next physical experience (and you
can do this). . . We would begin, right now, by infusing this physical
time/space reality with as much understanding of the Law of
Attraction as you can, so that you add to this
vortex of knowing. That makes it more likely that — as you and others
participate within it — you will have easy access to this understanding that
all is well. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the
workshop in Los Angeles , CA on Sunday, January 31st, 1999 # 630
All those statistics that you are gathering about your own experiences and
about others are only about how somebody has flowed Energy. It isn't about
any hard fast reality. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the
workshop in Detroit , MI on Saturday, July 8th, 2000 # 631
You don't have to go where you don't want to be to get where you want to be.
You can go from where you are to where you want to be. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the
workshop in Napa , CA on Friday, February 28th, 1997 # 636
Achieve, first, the vibrational essence of your desire—and then, through the
crack of least resistance the manifestation will be delivered... work on the essence
of the feeling of freedom; work on the essence of the feeling of empowerment—
work on the essence of the feeling of Well-Being... And how do you do that? You
can imagine it already having happened and pretend what it will feel like when
it is that way. Or, you can look for things in your life that are already like
that and beat the drum of that until they play a higher percentage of time in
the vibrational signal that you are emanating. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the
workshop in North Los Angeles ,
CA on Saturday, March 6th, 2004 #
Our Love, Esther (and Abraham and Jerry)
Daily Feng Shui Tip
Being that today is
'Cyber Monday,' I think it's time for another money-attracting tip in case you
get all caught up in the financial frenzy. If you're looking to up your income
or get a bit of year-end bonus, then ignite your 'Fame' or 'Recognition and
Rewards' arena. When properly assessed this space promises to bring sweet just
desserts that will boost your bottom line as well. To activate the 'Fame' area,
Feng Shui says place nine red candles there and light them for a few minutes
once a day for nine consecutive days, all the while envisioning your own
recognition and reward. On the ninth day allow the candles to burn completely
out before expecting your bank balance to heat and head up!.
Daily Dream Decoder
Anima / Animus
are terms that Jung created to describe the opposite-gender self that lives
within each of us.
The anima is the
feminine component dwelling inside a male's unconscious mind. The animus is the
masculine component dwelling inside a female's unconscious mind.
In dreams, this
opposite-gender self can be a helper or an antagonist. These dream figures can
appear as translations of persons we meet with whom we have a tremendous sense
of romantic love or platonic camaraderie. One of Jung's interpreters held that
the anima/animus character was only understandable to those who have known true
However, our
opposite-gender selves may reveal to us negativity in ourselves or negativity
we perceive in dealings with the opposite sex. It is important to note that
sometimes, when you dream about a person of the opposite sex, they may be
representing your own inner self. Carefully consider all person s of the
opposite sex in your dreams as a possible appearance of your own anima /
What do these strangers
teach you about how you view the opposite sex-do you fear, lust for, or despise
these strangers for any apparent reason?
are often not a specific item of dream interpretation because most of the time
they function simply as background scenery. The exception to this rule is when
a particular type of plant is identified in the dream.
Plants that are
significant are those that have historic importance in literature or your
personal experience. For example, you may dream of visiting a friend who is
sitting in a thicket of hemlock. Obviously, this plant is significant because
of the implications of hemlock and suicide in ancient lore.
Other plants that may
be significant are those that remind you of a childhood memory, a particular
place, or a particular person. In those cases, identifying the relationship of
your current circumstances with your memories is important.
In the
Zulu culture, the elephant is the symbol for wisdom, patriarchy, and sacred
relationships (similar to the bear or eagle in Native American culture). It is important
to notice that geographically different cultures find symbols within their own
contexts to convey universal themes of human concern.
Also, most western
cultures revere the elephant as powerful and possessing a strong memory.
Because of our common acknowledgment that elephants have powerful memories, to
dream of an elephant may be an association with the act of memory-this may
point to something forgotten in your life.
animals are interesting symbols because of their nonconformity to a uniform
color. Often we may see people as spotted or as leopards if we suspect them of
shiftiness or insincerity.
To see a leopard
mauling a kill, especially if it makes eye contact with you, likely means that
you have been dealing with someone who you do not trust, and that you should
take stock of recent dealings with that person and others like them.
overrun, even by a desirable commodity, is an undesirable experience. Even good
things can get carried away. Many times, we feel as though our lives our out of
control. In dreams, having an infestation of a particular person, object,
insect, or animal may be a pictorial representation of feeling overwhelmed.
If the infestation
comes from a positive event, it may be a warning from your subconscious that
other necessary obligations are being neglected due to your consumption by a
singular activity. If the infestation is a categorically negative image, such
as rats or mosquitoes, it may be that your life is getting severely undermined.
Is the infestation happening in your home, car, or other intimate place?
Are there any others
in dreams is not at all unusual. This is often because of the emotional power
carried by the images and persons you are encountering. Weeping in the dream is
generally separate from actual physical tears forming. It is more often that
weepy feeling you get in your heart when a particularly moving scene is played
out before you. The best advice is always to go with the dream. Emotional
releases and revelations can have a very cleaning effect on the psyche and
should be embraced whenever possible. However, you should try to determine the
trigger event that caused the emotion.
Did someone else make
you cry directly?
Were you crying for a
particular reason, or was it for a general emotional release?
Did the tears make you
feel ultimately better or worse?
are interesting dream figures. They aren't quite eagles, but they definitely
rank above the crows. Like the eagle, hawks are common symbols in many cultures.
Native American dreams
revere the hawk and eagle the way the Greeks revere Zeus and Hermes. The hawk
is the warrior-visionary while the eagle is the sacred wisdom and power.
To dream of hawks is to
see oneself as engaged in, but outwitting, opponents through the ability to
perceive more completely. It may also be a dream of providing adequately
through skillful acquisition or insightful maneuvering.
Do you see yourself as
soaring with the hawks or pecking with the pigeons in waking life? This may be
wish-fulfillment or concern over the direction your life is heading.
psychoanalytic technique, walls are generally held to be a symbol of the male
personality, with a focus on power. This thinking seems to stem from the
impressions a young child would have of dominant male power in the home (which
is a fortress surrounded by walls and dominated by the patriarch). In dreams,
many people encounter walls as a random barrier and/or a projection of power.
In your dream, do you
come upon a wall in your travels, or do you find yourself immediately
surrounded by walls?
Do you try to scale the
wall, find its end, or simply ignore it?
A New Message From VERONICA
"Never underestimate
the power of connection with your spiritual abilities.
If you feel the call to heal, it is important that you allow that energy to
It is a time of change. The laying on of hands and its ability to make a
difference for others is a real ability within.
Denying or questioning the reality of it only delays the overall alignment that
is needed.
There are many gifted healers upon the earth at this time. Most feel the denseness
of physical reality, which often makes them doubt the trueness of their
abilities. In times of struggle, these very healers incarnated to be that
avenue of assistance. It is important to push past the doubt so that
others may benefit.
Whether it's emotional, physical, mental, or spiritual healing that is
required, spirit will support the gifts within you.
Each day breathe deeply in appreciation and go forth to others who would need
Bringing balance to a distorted reality is a challenge. However, there
are many incarnate, so allow your energy to bond. In that unison, more
than just a single energy will be balanced. Perhaps a whole segment of a
linear congested world will feel the effects as well.
Be encouraged to align with your abilities. The reality is in great need
of your energy. Give of it freely so that your vibration can lift the
linear to where it needs to be.
Again, be who you are.
If you are a healer...
Be the healer without any doubt."
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