Friday, November 2, 2012

Daily Message 11.2.12

Motivational Quote of the Day from
"Before you get up on stage or stand in the conference room or get down on one knee to propose to your fiancée, close your eyes and take a few minutes to visualize the absolute best scenario you can imagine."
— Roger Love: is one of the world's leading authorities on voice

Abraham-Hicks Publications
When the desire is born, right away you start counting yourselves a failure, because you've got this desire that hasn't been satisfied. Know that you never get it done! And since you never get it done, it's time to stop being unhappy about what's undone, because most of it is undone! You are an eternal being. Most of it is undone. Instead of taking score about what's been achieved — we want you to start feeling anticipation about what is still to arrive...
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Spokane, WA on Wednesday, July 7th, 1999 # 609
When you feel enthusiasm to do something, it means you've lined up the Energy, and you are being inspired to take action from that point of alignment. When you don't feel like doing it, don't push yourself, because your effort is not worth it. But, when you line up the Energy, the feeling of procrastination goes away.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Rafael, CA on Sunday, July 31st, 2005 # 610
Leverage your time more by spending a little more time every day imagining and a lot less time every day doing. Do a little more imagining and a little more less doing. Until eventually most of what's happening is happening in the cool, calm, anticipatory state. Just imagine yourself into the successes, and watch what happens. Imagine a little more and act a little less.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Dallas, TX on Saturday, January 24th, 1998 # 612
Our Love,
Esther (and Abraham and Jerry)

Daily Feng Shui Tip from

Today's 'All Soul's Day' holiday respects and remembers all of our dearly departed friends and loved ones and asks for us to pray for their spirits and souls so that they may gracefully enter heaven. Feng Shui says that both smoke and sound can connect to the other realms, so burning incense while playing some of the deceased's favorite songs can also send invisible loving energies to send the spirit onward.

Daily Dream Decorder from

Animals in dreams can take on almost any conceivable character or symbolic role. From some of the earliest recorded human dreams, animals have revealed much about the meaning of a particular dream. This includes dreams of personal insight or circumstances, and also dreams of revelatory content. Animals can befriend us, talk with us, chase us, eat us, or just be there in the dream to either comfort or bother us.
Animals often appear in dreams for very personal reasons, and have to do with your own experiences with them.
How you experience an animal in both waking and sleeping is central to its meaning. This includes both how the animal actually behaves in your dream, and your waking stereotypical attitude about the animal. This is important because the two may be juxtaposed.
Consider a dog. Dogs are often considered to be loyal and friendly. However, many people have a deeply rooted fear of dog s. Dogs also have stereotypes that are opposites (for example, man's best friend versus call off the dogs). People with a deeply held fear of dogs may experience a dog dream that validates the fear one night and contradicts it another time.
What the animal is doing is also central to how the dream is interpreted. Are you being chased by animals? Eaten by animals? Talking with animals?
Farm animals are not too unusual in dreams. However, they seem to be less common than they were in more agricultural times. Grazing farm animals generally reflect a sense of being provided for adequately. In early dream history, grazing animals were taken as a sign that prosperity and calm were coming to, or prevalent in, a land.
Killing animals is a more unusual dream theme that divides into two general areas: killing by necessity, and killing arbitrarily. Killing out of necessity could be a hunter-provider archetype dream or a survival dream. These dreams often reflect a sense of responsibility for the other characters in the dream or of a need to prove oneself. Dreams of killing animals arbitrarily may reflect either wish-fulfillment, anger projection, or frustration with a social taboo.
Wish-fulfillment and anger projection have much to do with how you perceive the animal you are killing.
Does this animal have any representation for you among persons in general or do you characterize a specific person as an animal when speaking of them?
The social taboo of arbitrarily wounding or killing animals has become a criterion for evaluating antisocial behavior in people. Consequently, it is not surprising that in dreams this would be a sign of taboo frustration. Again, what the animal represents may be of significance to you.
Starving animals hold significance in agricultural societies and Native American spirituality. These animals often reflect a concern or foreboding about the adequacy of needs being met the future. In the past, starving animals were a reflection or anticipation of famine periods. Starving animals may also be metaphors for relationship transactions in which you participate.
Common animals' stereotypical perceptions that may appear in dreams as metaphors for yourself or others (listed as good-bad): Cat: quiet, independent-aloof, disengaged
Cow: provider, gentle-easily intimidated
Dog: loyal, friendly-consumptive, aggressive
Horse: hardworking, useful-strong-willed, independent
Mouse: quiet; diminutive-unable to assert power
Ox: hardworking-dumb
Pig: clean, smart-gluttonous, dirty
Rabbit: fast, gentle, fertile-timid
See bear, birds, cats, dogs, elephant, fish, fox, oxen, rats, wolf

Sidewalks define the path in most neighborhoods. In dreams, the sidewalk often feels more like the yellow-brick road in The Wizard of Oz, intended to help you stay on course. The sidewalk is interesting because it often leads to scenes that would not be found in a neighborhood. Instead, the sidewalk leads to mountains, caves, volcanoes, etc. It often leads the dreamer to the next place in order to move the dream story forward. As nonsensical as this sort of appearance of a sidewalk may seem, it is merely a method that your unconscious mind uses to further the dream story (such as the use of a well-known object or person as a bridge between story elements).
It is important to recognize that dreaming about a sidewalk as a significant symbol of the dream interpretation is rare. More often, the sidewalk is simply part of a common street scene.
Does the sidewalk take you to a place that sidewalks usually don't go?
Is the sidewalk or the street that you are walking along a familiar one or is it just an archetype of a sidewalk?

Because our dreams are our own creation, it is very common for a dreamer to experience the role of hero within a dream. Usually this is a sign that the person is very confident in life in general, or in a specific aspect of their life which is addressed in the dream. The fact that you are the hero in a dream may arise soon after you have accomplished something. It is even better to have such a dream just before taking on a challenge of some sort in your waking life.
The fact that you may find yourself enhanced with incredible skills or superhuman powers is noteworthy.
What special skills did you have in the dream?
Were there any recognizable people in the dream? If so, their presence may indicate the area to which you should attribute the dream's implied meaning-business, home, or leisure pursuit.
White Hair

White-haired characters are archetypal figures of wisdom in most cases. This includes most major theorists' and cultural imagery. It is one of the few dream symbols that seems universal.
A 42-year-old woman reports dreaming: Three old women enter my room to tell me Methuselah (a legendary, 969-year-old man of great wisdom) is coming to see me. I am interested, but fall asleep. They wake me later and scold me, telling me I missed him. I am crushed, because I've always been fascinated with Methuselah.
In this dream, the old women have particular knowledge about an ancient, wise figure that they offer to share. However, the dreamer does not fulfill her obligation to the knowledge that was offered to her, and so it went unreceived. She felt responsible for missing the chance to gain wisdom by giving in to laziness.


Your Ability To Create

     "When the sun rises as your day begins, be sure to recall your relationship, not only with your soul, but with all that is.

     Often this is lost amongst the dramas and misgivings that one anticipates in the commencement of daily life.

     Tucked beneath all the need, desire, and conflict, there is a glimmer of energy that only you possess.  It's not there for any other reason than to embrace your energy as you proceed down the path of creation.

     Be sure to pause in appreciation of your ability to blend with your soul.  Realize its potential by bringing it forward even in the most dire of circumstances.  The lack of embracement may allow difficulty to pile up.  So be patient in the discovery of your ability to create a beautiful day.

     Beauty is said to be in the eye of the beholder.  One should also know that it also resides in your mind and heart.

     Allow it to blossom.

     Appreciate the beauty of the smallest detail.

     Bring it forward step by step, hand-in-hand with your soul and the universe.

     It can be done."

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