Friday, September 28, 2012

Daily Message 9.28.12

Motivational Quote of the Day from
"You can't just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they'll want something new."
— Steve Jobs: was an American inventor and businessman

Abraham-Hicks Publications
It's interesting that the path to peace often is war. We, like you, don't agree that it's making things better, but we don't think they're wrong; and we understand the thinking behind it. And if you get involved in every disagreement of every point of Consciousness, your life's just going to be in a scramble. Finally you have to say, "This isn't about me. I didn't wage this war. I didn't pick this war. I don't understand this war. I'm not going to think about this war, and I'm not going to use it as my excuse to not feel good any more."
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Philadelphia, PA on Monday, May 3rd, 2004 # 575
Your improved state of emotion will not be limited only to the 15 minutes that you are participating in the guided meditation, but will extend into many of your other waking moments.
When you make a decision to look for positive aspects in the experience that is unfolding right now, you will create an expectation that will allow an immediate manifesting of evidence to support that Vibrational shift. In other words, the more you look for positive aspects of your current life, the more positive aspects will step forward to reveal themselves to you.
During your 15-minute guided meditation process, you will have found a way to feel abundance without the need to see evidence of it. But, over time, you will be able to see what you were not able to see before. And with a bit more time, you will become completely expectant of good things to come into your experience.
The fastest way to bring more wonderful examples of abundance into your personal experience is to take constant notice of the wonderful things that are already there. The abundance that you allow is always a perfect match to your expectation.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide # 576
There is nothing that you can do that is worse for yourself, than to do something that you believe is inappropriate. And so, get clear and happy about whichever choice you make. Because it is your contradiction that causes the majority of the contradiction in vibration.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Los Angeles, CA on Sunday, July 25th, 1999 # 577
Our Love,
Esther (and Abraham and Jerry)

Daily Feng Shui Tip from

Get up and go today because it's 'National Women's Health and Fitness Day.' But what can you do if your get up and go has gotten up and gone? You could possibly be suffering from what's called 'adrenal fatigue' or 'adrenal burn-out.' Adrenal fatigue happens when the adrenal glands, those that help the body fight stress and that regulate cortisol and adrenaline, become increasingly overwhelmed. When you suffer from extreme adrenal fatigue even the smallest tasks can seem insurmountable. One way to revivify the adrenals is to take a Siberian supplement Rhodiola. Also known as Arctic Root or Golden Root, Rhodiola has long used been in traditional holistic medicine to help build the body's immune system. Research suggests that this herb can help beat fatigue, fight depression and insomnia and prevent episodes poor memory. So if you can't seem to find your mojo because you're always on the go but you want to find your fitness finesse again, try some of this remarkable remedy and you might just find you again. So run to your nearest health food store. That way you'll employ all of today's energies and advice!

Daily Dream Decoder from

Oars are an archetypal sign of man against nature struggles. It is our labor against the elements that represents what we are striving toward. To dream of rowing a boat or anticipating doing so is to dream of your struggle against circumstances. You may be feeling overworked or outright overwhelmed by trying to keep your head above water financially, relationally, or vocationally.
Are you straining in life to make progress? Do you feel as though you are working with inadequate support in your vocation, marriage, or other relationship?
Are you rowing against a prevailing wind of negativity or distractions from your aspirations?

This is the ultimate scavenger. If you dream about a vulture, it may be that you are feeling like a bottom feeder or that others are picking your bones clean. It is seldom a comforting dream or herald of good prospects for the future. A vulture appearing in your dream can also be symbolic of loneliness.
Was the vulture eating or hovering over the feast of other animals? What was it eating?

Obviously, one would want to examine possible trigger events, such as other weddings in waking life, before too much interpretive work goes into this dream. This dream may be simple wish-fulfillment or personal anticipation. However, if you aren't in the midst of such activities, other scenarios may exist.
Initially, it is worth examining other commitments in your life. Are you becoming over-committed, or on the brink of making a major commitment to an employer, romantic partner, or other relationship? This dream may be commenting on how appropriate the commitment is for you. If the wedding goes well, you may see yourself as entering a sound union. If the wedding is a catastrophe, or your role in it is unclear, you may need to reexamine your commitments.

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