Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Daily Message 11.2.11

Motivational Quote of the Day from
"Great acts are made up of small deeds."
— Lao Tzu: was a mystic philosopher of ancient China

Abraham-Hicks Publications
The best you can do for anyone is to thrive fully and be willing to explain to anyone who asks how it is that you are thriving, and what it is that you've discovered—and then, just relax and trust that all truly is well.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Buffalo, NY on Tuesday, May 20th, 2003 # 245
Our Love,
Jerry and Esther

From …

Daily Feng Shui Tip:

On both 'All Soul's Day' and 'Plan Your Epitaph Day' I think we can see an theme connecting us to the energies associated with the dearly departed. So it's as good a time as any to talk about some funeral Feng Shui. According to this ancient philosophy, if a loved one has passed on, their name, occupation, date of birth and death, and some main characteristics should be written on the back of a photograph that will then be housed in a wooden frame. This piece should then be placed on a table very near the coffin for the length of the funeral ceremony. Afterwards, this framed photo is taken home with a family member and placed in the Ancestor/Family area where it will remain in a prominent position for the following 49 days. After that time period it should be kept in a place of honor, preferably still inside the Ancestor/Family arena. Some doctrines from this discipline say that this particular piece now contains some of the vital essence of the departed and that their spirit will now protect and guide from the otherworld. Perfect funeral fodder for a perfectly energized 'All Soul's Day.'

Daily Dream Decoder:

The fox is a predator of great cunning and wiles. As such, to dream about the fox is to see oneself as either possessing or being victimized by such attributes. The focus on this symbol should be your sense of fear or kinship toward the fox. Whether you like or dislike the fox will determine the representation of the world and your relationships in it. If the fox is an adversary, the object that the fox is trying to take from you may be revealing.
A fox appearing in your dream should indicate that the qualities you most associate with a fox are somewhere at play in your life; either by you against someone else, or by someone else against you.
Is there someone else in the presence of the fox that shares its qualities? Is there another person in the dream who seems to be approaching you with caution?

Daily Wish:
Early horseshoes were made to hold seven nails -- seven is considered a lucky number. The earliest horseshoe beliefs started in Greece, where the first horseshoes were made during the fourth century.
If you find a horseshoe, rub it seven times while making a wish.
If you see a horseshoe, spit on it, make a wish, and throw it over your shoulder. If you pick it up with your right hand, throw it over your left shoulder; if you pick it up with your left hand, throw it over your right shoulder.
If you see a horseshoe, throw it over your head, quickly put your hands over your ears, and make a wish. (Some traditions say that if you toss a 'wished-on' horseshoe, you should not hear it land or see where it falls.)
Make a wish for good luck when you hang a horseshoe on a wall. Just having a horseshoe hung is supposed to bring good luck. You have two choices of how to hang it: Hang it with the ends pointing up, so it captures and holds good luck for you. Hang it with the ends pointing down, so the magic in the horseshoe pours out good luck for you.
(United States)

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