Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Daily Message 10.19.11

Motivational Quote of the Day from …
"Most of the stress people experience comes from inappropriately managed commitments they make or accept."
— David Allen: Nightingale-Conant author & productivity consultant

Abraham-Hicks Publications:
When you expose yourself to contrast, you expose your Inner Being and All-That-Is to the same contrast. As you conclude a new desire, you summon Life Force forward into this leading edge experience. And whether you are allowing it to flow through you or not, All-That-Is benefits from that.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Boulder, CO on Saturday, June 2nd, 2001 # 231
Our Love,
Jerry and Esther

From …

Daily Feng Shui Tip:

On this 'Evaluate Your Life Day' it might be worthwhile for you to know that once all that assessing is over, there's a specific spot in your living space that can provide you with heightened personal power and a healthy dose of prosperity and peace. So if you feel that any of those are missing in your life then you might want to claim your personal power by grounding and enhancing your center -- of your home or bedroom, that is. According to Feng Shui, those two areas are critical locations to cure in order to enhance inner personal, emotional, mental and even physical strength. These are the single best locations to cure in order to increase self-confidence, self worth and self-esteem. To adjust this space, simply hang a round and faceted clear quartz crystal on a piece of red ribbon cut to nine inches (or any multiple of nine) in the center of the main living area or bedroom that you sleep in. As you put this adjustment into place remember to visualize your core self being lifted and your entire life filled with health, happiness and prosperity!

Daily Dream Decoder:

An archetype is a way of seeing oneself in a dream experience. Many people dream at one time or another of doing something heroic. We all know what a heroic action is by a sort of mystic human understanding of goodness and sacrifice. This mystic understanding is the archetype-the event of being a hero is an archetype experience.
There are many archetypes in life. Carl Jung formulated these out of his studies of human beings and mythologies around the world. In many ethnic and religious backgrounds, there are myths that embody the ultimate version of various archetype experiences. An example of a hero myth may be Hercules or Sinbad.
We are prone to see ourselves as archetypal figures at transition points in our lives.
Change generally brings about anxiety and self-reflection. Going from education to the work force, singlehood to marriage, or childless to parent are some archetypal transitions.

Daily Wish:
A Japanese custom says, 'To catch a falling leaf means that you will have 12 months of continued happiness.'
If you can catch a leaf falling from a tree before it touches the ground, you may make a wish.

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