Monday, October 17, 2011

Daily Message 10.17.11

Motivational Quote of the Day from

"The mind moves in the direction of
our currently dominating thought."
— Earl Nightingale

Abraham-Hicks Publications:
You are always living a reflection of whatever you are outputting. And so, if you get into a little pocket where a lot of people are being rude, it's probably because you are being rude—or because you have been aware of people being rude. Nothing ever happens to you that is not part of your vibration!
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Chicago, IL on Sunday, April 25th, 1999 # 229
Just love everybody that interacts with you no matter how personally, or how peripherally, involved with you they are. The efficiency of the people who deal with you... everything is orchestrated by the manager called Law of Attraction. And your vibration is setting all of it into motion. Everything affecting you is a reflection of the vibration that you are emitting. Spend more time focused upon your dream than upon the reality. The reality gives birth to the dream—but the dream is where you are wanting to put your attention.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Houston, TX on Saturday, January 13th, 2001 # 228
You've trained yourself to face reality. You've trained yourself to tell the truth. You've trained yourself to tell it like it is. So in the beginning, these fantasies feel a little inappropriate, because it's like you're fooling yourself. Sometimes people will say, "Well, isn't this just denial?" And we say, "We hope so!" We hope that you are denying the absence that you do not want. And we hope that you are embracing the presence of what you do. But somehow the idea of denial has become a dirty word to you; like it is virtuous to face the reality of the horror of your own lives. And we would be ignoring anything that did not please us. We would get our eyes on what feels good.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Rafael, CA on Friday, March 9th, 2001 # 227
Our Love,
Jerry and Esther

From …

Daily Feng Shui Tip:

Inside the last few days we've seen 'Sweetest Day,' 'World Food Day,' and now today's 'National Cake Decorating Day!' Sensing a sweet theme here? In fact, sweetened breads and cakes have long been linked to food and folk magic as well as to spiritual and religious rite. Babylonians baked cakes for their goddess Ishtar in the shape of male and female private parts and served them during fertility festivals. Cakes decorated with a herald's rod were offered to the Greek god Hermes, while those with the images of the moon inscribed upon them were eaten in honor of the goddess Astarte. In China, lucky moon cakes are baked in honor of the Autumn Lunar Festival. But the one cake tradition that has stood the test of time is that of the birthday cake. The origin of this custom is unknown but the intent is not. These cakes are created from sacred foods such as grain, butter, sugar and eggs and are linked with the Divine as well as with prosperity, happiness and luck. The custom of deco rating birthday cakes involves the idea that the act of eating words magically transfers the energies represented by the edible icing. Therefore, writing Happy Birthday or anything else on cakes was originally much more than just great gestures, as they were actual assurances that these wishes would come true. Topping a cake with white candles brings protection and purification while pink represents love. Red symbolizes sexuality, blue is for peace and healing, purple is for fortune while green is for growth and money. Don't forget to add your positive energy and love into the mix and the next cake you cut should give you some big old peace!

Daily Dream Decoder:

There is a pronounced difference between being alone and being abandoned. Being alone can be an intentional choice by the dreamer. This usually means finding a time for personal reflection and inner growth. The waking equivalent is the cocooning phenomenon. People are staying home more-regrouping and rebuilding their inner strength.
Aloneness may herald transition or rites of passage. When we move from childhood to adulthood, there are habits, attitudes, and relationships that are left behind. This void can create an image of aloneness. Dreams like this often present themselves as the dreamer traveling somewhere alone. Who is separating from you, and why, in waking life? Is this mutual, at your initiative, or another's wishes against your will?

The longer one's life, the more apparent it becomes that life is not a destination, but rather a journey of searching for meaning, understanding, and ultimately happiness. While we don't necessarily characterize our dreams as journeys, there is a sense in which our waking journey is sometimes affected by our most powerful or memorable dreams.
Many dreams include needing to travel from A to B before progress is made in completing the dream task. Many times, this traveling is the challenge. The elements may be uncooperative or contrary. Traveling machines may be magically powerful or nonsensical and unreliable. Sometimes, we are simply walking across a field, down a road, up a hill, through the forest, or along the cliffs on our journey. The environment around us along the way can be familiar, strange, friendly, anxiety-ridden, and a host of other possibilities. The purpose of the traveling and the companions along the way can be significant.
The journey is often a symbol for trying to find what is needed to bring life into equilibrium. This is the task of finding one's place in the universe. It could also be characterized as the archetypal search for the most authentic self. In either of these metaphors, there is the idea that our souls tend to be a little restless at times. The journey is the task of finding out what the soul needs to quiet that restlessness.
In waking life, this is played out by the I need a change feeling that crops up every now and then. The process of individuating yourself from the expectations and influences of others conjures feelings along these lines. In dreaming, we often travel alone, leaving others behind by choice or necessity, to find what our next task is.
Along the way, who we meet and what we partake in may reveal much about where our individual struggle is in the waking, conscious self. We may encounter strangers with whom ther e is an adversarial relationship or a romantic one. We may encounter mystical strangers who unlock unknown powers within us or withdraw particular powers from us. In either case, the journey is our personal goal, and how we experience others during the process says much about the relationships of our waking world.
Is your destination known to others, or held in confidence?
Do others invite you to accompany them, vice versa, or are you on a solitary trip?
Can others direct you, or are you traveling to an unknown place? Answers to these questions influence the meaning of the dream in your life.

Children are fascinating characters in dreams because they reflect so honestly our own thoughts and feelings. Children are often afraid of what is worth being feared, have deeply held senses of right and wrong and show reckless abandon in both likes and dislikes.
To dream of being befriended by a child can be a complex event. If you know the child in waking and dreaming, this may reflect a wish-fulfillment or projection. If you do not know the child from your waking life, he or she may be a reflection of yourself at a particular time in your past. The main puzzle piece to discern is the nature of your activity and relationship with the child.
Parenting a child can also be a simple wish-fulfillment dream or something more complex. Parenting a child may be a way that your brain is working out some difficulty in your own relationship to your parents or another relationship of responsibility.
Pare nting can also be a power projection dream. There may be a relationship in your life where you feel out of control and want to bring it back under control. Since most of us have felt our parents exert emotional power toward us at different times, we are now doing likewise in the dream relationship.
The converse of this is dreaming of yourself as the child while other figures from your life exert power in different areas. You may have dreamt that you were playing dress-up in the office and your co-workers were all regular adult figures. In waking, you may in fact experience them as more powerful than yourself or even excessively powerful.

Daily Wish:
If you see a queen in person, hook your thumbs together and make a wish.
If you see a real queen on television or in a newsreel, immediately make a good wish on a female's behalf.
Make a wish on the first roll of thunder.
If you wait for the third roll of thunder and make a wish as it thunders, there's a better chance of your wish coming true.
When you see your first dropped acorn of the season, pick it up and make a wish on it. Keep it for good luck.
If an acorn falls while you are standing under an oak tree, pick it up, turn around three times, and make a wish. Put it on a windowsill for three days to make the magic stronger.
An old tradition calls for putting an acorn in the window so that Thor, God of thunder and lightning, will spare the house. (Scandinavia)


Growing Up

     "Often as a child in the physical world one is asked 'What do you want to be when you grow up'?

     The answers vary from child to child as their years advance for each of those children.  It is a typical question asked of various cultures, each one with its parameters & definitions.

     We ask, however, how many of you ask of yourselves what you will be if your soul learns all of its proposed lessons and essentially grows up?

     We realize there is a concept of soulful growth but it is often intertwined with a religious moment or a concept outdated by advancement not perceived by the linear self.

     In the timeline the idea of goal changes as the child develops and considers new ideas & opportunities.  What one ascribed to at age 8 usually aligns differently by the age of 18.  At 28 all of those thoughts may be replaced by ones never considered by the teenager or the child.

     Thus it is for the soul.

     You are ever evolving.  The idea of clinging to concepts out dated by your advancement seems ridiculous in print.  However, there are a number of you who do so out of obligation and/or tradition.

     As you feel yourself 'growing up' spiritually it is important to consider the progress of your soul and what is necessary to maintain it in the linear.

     Releasing concepts no longer relevant to the soul is imperative.  It is not perhaps turning away from god, but actually turning inward to the self & soul, the ultimate manifestation of god."

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret and The Power 

From The Secret Daily Teachings
No human being would ever deliberately bring anything to them that they did not want, but unfortunately throughout the history of humanity many human beings have suffered pain, sorrow, and loss because they were not aware of the one law that affects their lives more than any other.
The course of history has now changed, because you have the knowledge of the law of attraction and you can create the life you deserve. You are changing history!

May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne
The Secret... bringing joy to billions 

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