Monday, October 10, 2011

Daily Message 10.10.11

Motivational Quote of the Daily From …
"The mind moves in the direction of
our currently dominating thought."
— Earl Nightingale
Abraham-Hicks Publications:
When that which is god — or that which is that which man wants to call "God" — is being understood by man, man has to translate it into the format he understands. But this Energy, this Source that man is giving the label of "God", cannot be quantified in anything that man understands. And as man attempts to do it, the distortions are enormous.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Los Angeles, CA on Saturday, August 4th, 2001 # 222
The realization that something is not as you want it to be is an important first step, but once you have identified that, the faster you are able to turn your attention in the direction of a solution, the better, because a continuing exploration of the problem will prevent you from finding the solution. The problem is a different vibrational frequency than the solution—and all thoughts (or vibrations) are affected by (or managed by) the Law of Attraction.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth and Happiness" # 221
No matter what it is, if you really want it, and if you get out of the way of it, it will happen. It must be. It is Law. It can be no other way. It's the way this Universe is established. If you want it and you relax, it will happen.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Cincinnati, OH on Saturday, September 21st, 2002 # 220
Our Love,
Jerry and Esther


Daily Feng Shui Tip:

'Mitakuye oyasin' is a traditional Lakota Indian greeting that literally translates to 'all my relations.' It is a prayer of oneness and harmony with all forms of life: people, animals, birds, insects, even trees, plants and rocks. And so I thought sharing this greeting would be the perfect way to start 'Native American Day' that is celebrated annually on this date in South Dakota. In fact, many Native Americans have often taught the power inherent in words. For example, those very words themselves manifest personal power as witnessed by a common invocation used for those same purposes. One example of this would be words or phrases such as 'power, powerful, it is powerful, I am powerful.' This chant is used in conjunction with a sage smudge or dried herb cleansing of the living space. The Native Americans taught that by repeating these sacred words with focus, reverence and intent, the energy is then released. They believed that using such words would garner attention and ble ssings from their spiritual aides because such power must be requested from supernatural assistance. You must also be clear that this personal power will only be used in the highest ways and for the betterment of all. So burn some sage or incense today and illuminate the pathway for heightened personal power by invoking the same from your own ancestors and angels. Mitakuye oyasin!

Daily Dream Decoder:

Dreams of poison often fall into general categories of power, suicide, or revenge. Poison is a powerful image for us, as from childhood we were all taught the dangers of it.
Power dreams often involve drinking poison without consequence. Many times, the dream world provides the ability to act without concern for outcomes and to assert free will over social constraints. The poison dream can represent this, depending on what poison was consumed, under what initiative, and who watched the deed.
Suicide-by-poisoning dreams often have little to do with suicide, but much to do with peer-pressure, difficult work relationships, or a lack of personal power. In dreams of this nature, the dream may be teaching you that a certain part of your life is self-destructive.
Finally, the dream of poisoning as an act of revenge may reveal latent or unexpressed anger towards the object of your revenge. Poison is a satisfying way to commit a crime because we often associate it with painful death and sneakiness.

In dreams, facets of personality that never get displayed in waking life can become quite animated. Nowhere is this more apparent than with violent behavior. The violence may be justified or random, but it is often extremely graphic. It is so graphic, in fact, that you should understand that this is normal-albeit disturbing-and that its presence is almost always an exaggeration of another point.
Violence can be an off-shoot of heroic behavior, especially in rescuing dreams. Terrorism in the news has made all of us aware that the enemies can be in our midst. Kidnapping dreams, escape dreams, and protecting dreams are other versions of this type of violence.
Violence may come unexpectedly, as well (suddenly, you are just stomping some poor guy's head with no apparent provocation).
Often these dreams deal with repressed anger towards authority figures. While wanting to become physically aggressiv e toward others is a common desire, it should never be acted on in waking life, and it very rarely is. However, the dream releases the anger for you. If you have recurring dreams of this nature, you may want to consider a mediated session with the object of your anger; or re-arrange your circumstances.
If you are the aggressor, does the violence frighten you or make you feel powerful?
If you are the witness to violence, do you feel ambivalent to it or does it somehow affect you?
Message Received in Code

The dream plot often is forwarded along by very unusual events (e.g. suddenly the room turns blue and everyone disappears). Other times, a cryptic message works its way into the dream event.
Often the code is symbolic rather than alpha-numeric, though it can be either. Other times, it is a riddle. Whether or not you can decode the message becomes the dream conflict.
If you can decode the message, does it mean anything to you? It may make perfect sense to you, but mean nothing to others in the dream, or vice versa. The point is that the message was decoded, showing insight. The relative meaning lies in whether or not the insight can be appropriated by the dreamer.
If you cannot decode the message, you may be experiencing life as incomprehensible at some level. This dream reveals that truth of your conscious life. The key is to look at who in the dream serves as a source of knowledge about the c ode.
Who gave you the message?
What was the reaction of others is when they learned of the message?
Are they worried for you, nonchalant, or joyful?

Daily Wish:
Throughout the Caribbean Islands, a charming custom holds that certain colors can affect your destiny in specific areas of life. Sometimes colored beads or tiny colored-glass cylinder-beads are braided into a straw bracelet or necklace. There are always seven beads, though the wearer has the choice of wearing seven of one color for concentrated wishing or all seven colors for a general wish for good luck in all categories. Once a day, the beads may be stroked and a wish made that fits the colors.
The wishing stone appears often in folklore; it must be used for good, not evil, or it will have no power.
A stone with a hole in it is a 'wishing stone.' After making your wish, place the stone near your bed or over a doorway. The stone retains its powers and can be wished on again and again. The wishing stone with a hole in it probably derives from the 'hag-stone,' a naturally perforated piece of flint used as a charm against evil or hung around the neck for good luck.
Any stone from a place that is a 'spirit-home' to you (close to your heart) can be endowed as a wishing stone. Rub the stone gently as you make your wish. The more often it is used for good, the more powerful it becomes.
If you find a round stone, spit on it and throw it over your left shoulder as you make a wish.
As you skip a stone across a body of water, make a wish. Count the number of times it skips. If it skips an even number of times, your wish w ill come true; if it skips an odd number, the wish will not come true.
If a buckeye (also called a horse chestnut or, in England, a conker) falls from a tree you are under, pick it up and hold it as you make a wish. Buckeyes are supposed to be particularly effective if the wish is to relieve a headache or other pain. Some people carry buckeyes for good luck.
(Ohio and Pennsylvania)

Inner Whispers:
  "As one participates in life there are moments where the individual feels helpless navigating through all the dramas.  The spiraling effect of choices by the ego can place one in a fragile position often defined a despair.
     Despair from a spiritual definition is where a consciousness chooses its self into a corner where  no matter what decision is made the end result is non-movement in the soul's evolution.
     This can trickle back to the linear moment as a paralysis of sorts for the soul & the linear self.  The ego not sure what to decide becomes agitated with the end result negative beyond the comprehension of the physical self.
     What to do?
     A return to the soulful moments are imperative.  By placing a value upon the energy of the self rather than the perceived actor in place there is opportunity for a renewal of energy.
     It is important to stop the negative thoughts through meditation or another physical/soulful process.  There are no standard processes as each of you are unique representations of your soul.
     Look despair in the face & consciously decide to make different choices.  It will not be easy.  Many linear (inappropriate) things will fall away.  The goal is to jump start the soul energy.  By doing so a new creative opportunity will become available.
     Let it go."

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