Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Daily Message 9.27.11


"Wealth comes from knowing
what others do not know."
— Aristotle Onassis: Was a prominent Greek shipping magnate

Abraham-Hicks Publications:
We want you to understand that abundance expands proportionately to match desire, and that there is great untapped abundance not yet allowed by the very humans who have created it. When your life experience causes a focused desire within you, the means to fulfill that desire is created at the same time—but you have to be on the Vibrational wavelength with your desire in order to see the path to the fulfillment of it.
A belief in shortage or lack will prevent your discovery of the path to your own creation, and any feeling of resistance indicates that you are on the wrong Vibrational path. However, in your understanding of the never-ending abundance of this Universe, you will feel personal delight whenever you observe anyone’s alignment with it, for their achievement can in no way diminish yours, but can only enhance it.
As you focus upon your breathing and the music and words of your meditation recording, you will deactivate your usual resistance to abundance, and you will discover the satisfying feeling of positive expectation and success. And then, the manifestation of that success must come to you. It is Law!
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide # 209
Our Love,
Jerry and Esther

From Astrology.com …

Daily Feng Shui Tip:

I'll bet if you asked Anne Tyler she would tell you that it's no accident that today is 'World Tourism Day.' This day is dedicated to learning how to effortless travel with only fortune and luck keeping you company. First, be sure to tie nine or 18 inches of red thread, string, yarn or ribbon on the handles of every piece of luggage -- because it's always nice when your bags arrive at the same city as you. And don't forget to download an image of the Mystic Knot, a cosmic travel companion that keeps your trip running smoothly. If you encounter any challenges along your way, simply take out this knot, run the hand you write with over it three times in a clockwise direction and watch the unexpected unravel. Placing a small statue or crystal figurine of a bear in the 'Helpful People' area of your home while you're away will ensure that su casa es his casa and that no one else can claim that right. In Feng Shui, the bear represents masculine energies, and as such he is tasked wit h protecting your space with strength and courage. He is also regarded as a potent charm against any break-in or potential robbery. The bonus inherent here is that having a bear image in this space is also believed to strengthen and encourage good health for the male head of household, especially if he travels a lot. Lastly, put some salt out in the space you will be sleeping in during your time away. A few packages of salt from any diner will do. Leave it out in some sort of open container and it will absorb any negativity left behind by 'predecessor' energies. So, go ahead and do any or all of these travel cures the next time you become a world tourist. You just might find what a long, strange trip it's been!

Daily Dream Decoder:

Strangers in dreams can be very puzzling. Most often they are simply displaced persons and images that are drawn from the list of persons we know by face and name (sometimes they represent our own anima or animus). Strangers can reveal a tremendous amount of information about how we are experiencing the world. Different theorists have offered numerous explanations of who these characters are and how they worked into our psyches. Organizing the cast list is a useful endeavor for interpreting any dream.
Anima/Animus as Stranger
Carl Jung theorized that in the Self there were female counterparts to the male personality and male counterparts to the female personality. These counterparts are psychic projections that appear to us in dreams. When a female stranger shows up in a man's dream, her behavior can be a projection of the feminine side of his personality. This is conversely true for wome n who dream of male strangers. These strangers don't often have sex appeal for the dreamer, though some may. What is more common is a soul-mate friendship.
Understanding these characters is helpful because we learn how we want others (particularly the opposite sex) to perceive us. The corollary is how we are afraid they perceive us.
A second dimension to the anima/animus character is the desire to express what perhaps we are unable to express in waking life. Women may have animus characters in their dreams who show tremendous anger to compensate for a feeling that they cannot show in waking life. Likewise, men may have anima characters who cry due to the pain of life -- an emotion they may not feel the ability to indulge. These strangers are often benevolent to us. They may be helpful, protective, or supply information to solve a problem. When they are troubling, it is often because they are acting out in a way we wish we could.
Displaced Strangers
This is when your dream moves a person from one type of relationship to another. An example would be having a well-known celebrity become your brother or sister. A more common example includes boss or teacher as a parent. In addition to personality roles, emotions might get displaced. This is especially true in the case of anger or sexual attraction that cannot be expressed in waking.
Incubus/Succubus Strangers
These are stranger-lovers who appear in dreams to have sex with the dreamer (an incubus visits a female; a succubus visits a male). They often represent the extremes of the sexuality experience. Either they are idealized lovers in the emotional and physical sense, or they are demonic and repulsive lovers, employed to steer you away from a waking practice that you may know is bad for you.
Shadow Strangers
These are strangers of the same gender as the dreamer who possess the negative attributes of the dreamer. Most often, these negatives are presented in extrem es. It is a very useful situation for understanding ourselves. Each of us has negative traits which we try to cover-up in our public life. Sometimes, we may even develop denial defenses in our egos to refute that we have downsides to our personality. These shadow strangers appear in our dreams to show us our weaknesses.

Daily Wish:
 A New Message From INNER WHISPERS

Be The Positive Thread

     "The physical realm is a tapestry created by those in it.  Each of you have the ability to choose the elements for its enactment.

     Indeed these are troubled times.  Most are moving through either blind or oblivious to the fact that it is unbalanced.  Though it may be shaky, the end of the physical realm is not knocking at the door.  The environment needs attention.  Yes it does.  However, the attention it needs is not one of fear or despair.  To do so only adds fuel to the fire, so to speak.

     What the physical realm needs is for all those who participate in it to be focused and calm.  Yes there is difficulty, but be a positive ingredient during these times.

     Let not the rumblings of negativity continue to create havoc.  Do not be misaligned from what you know is right.  Stay the course and be the thread that draws the tapestry together.  It's not that hard if you stay focused.

     The end of days is not at hand.  The consciousness of the environment is raising.  Be the ingredient or thread that makes the difference.

     You are not alone.  Many others feel the same as you.  Unite energetically and see it through.  There are some old perspectives that will fall away.  The will be replaced with new vibrant creative forces.

     Be a part of that.

     It is not the end.

     It is the beginning."

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