Friday, August 5, 2011

Daily Message 8.5.11


"Failure is a detour, not a dead-end street."
— Zig Ziglar: Motivational author and speaker

Personally, I would be delighted if there were a life after death, especially if it permitted me to continue to learn about this world and others, if it gave me a chance to discover how history turns out.

-Carl Sagan

Abraham-Hicks Publications:
Nonphysical is not asking you to ascribe to some specific label or stand in specific corners or in specific synagogues or churches with specific words. You are beings who are blessed and who are deserving of Well-being, and you will find your Well-being in many different ways — and the labels simply do not matter.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Dallas, TX on Saturday, March 13th, 1999 # 155
What is it all about? To get things done? No! Because you do them, and you undo them, and you do them, and you undo them, and you do them, and you undo them... What is the point in all of it? It is the thrill of the process along the way. Physical human minds keeps thinking, "We have to be going towards some end." And you kill each other by the millions trying to decide what is the appropriate end that you are all going toward. And we say: well, there's your flawed premise. Because there is no end that you're going toward. We are all on a perpetual cycle of joyous becoming. We will never get it done, ever, ever, ever, ever.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Spokane, WA on Tuesday, May 30th, 2000 # 156
Our Love,
Jerry and Esther

From …

Daily Feng Shui Tip:

On 'Work Like a Dog Day' I might normally be tempted to share some Shui regarding man's best friend. But what if your workplace is too ruff to stand? You shouldn't have to work like a dog in order to get by or even get ahead at your job. You should be using your innate talents and pushing your passion for your paycheck. If you think 'Woof Woof' instead of 'Woot Woot' when thinking about your job, then this next cure's for you. Take any 'natural' container (terra cotta, ceramic, crystal or glass) and fill it to 70 percent capacity with uncooked rice. For the next 30 days, at the close of the day, add all the coins that you've received that day to the container of rice. If you don't routinely get change or coins during the day then make it a point to do so. On the last day count up all the change and donate ten percent to your favorite charity, even if that only amounts to a dollar or two. Then watch for an opportunity to get paid to do something you really love. This cure really does work, and so will you! Does the container need to be positioned in your Career area? No. Does it help if it is? Yup.

Daily Dream Decoder:
Team Sports

Team sports are prevalent in our world and seem to be increasing in popularity and diversity. Dreams of team sports include the dreamer as observer, player, or coach. Many times, it's a dream of wish-fulfillment -- just wanting to be a sports legend. However, it the coaches and other players seem very familiar to you, or are actually people from facets of your waking life, the dream has more to say.
Most times, the dream is about participation and connectedness to the common goals held by others in your life.
Being a team player and getting with the program are emphasized often in work and family these days. Whichever of the three roles you most identify with determines your self-awareness within the team sport.
Observing from the audience may indicate that you are feeling off the team or outside the action. Observing as a player who does not enter the game indicates that you feel others are ambivalent about your skills, or you yourself may be so.
Being a player shows your willingness to participate in the game. If you have too many roles on the team or do the work of several players, it may be that you are feeling as though people expect too much from you.
Finally, being the coach is a position of leadership, control, and decision-maker for the success of others. In this case, determining how the team did is important to appreciating the message of this dream.

Searching for treasure is often about adventure and life wisdom as much as it is about a desire for money. You may have very real financial needs that inspire this dream. However, the treasure may bea symbol for wisdom and experience that you seek to acquire in waking life.
To gain insight from this dream, consider the nature of the treasure being sought. Sometimes, the object of the quest is an artifact of historical or cultural significance as opposed to monetary. If you are able to conclude this search by finding the object of your quest, you are probably about to acquire new insights into your life and whatever relationships are symbolized by the treasure hunt.
However, if you spontaneously discover treasure in the midst of a dream story where it would not be expected, another scenario is possible. You may not be fully aware of your opportunities in waking life. Your subconscious may be saying, Look, dummy, right at your feet! The answer. Dreams of this nature are not too unusual and should be given close scrutiny. The elusive answer to a problem may be closer than you think.

Daily Wish:
Catch a lightning bug. As you cup it in your hands, whisper your wish to it. Set it free. If it flies out of sight instead of landing nearby, it has gone to make your wish come true.
Put a lightning bug on the back of your ring finger, as though it were the jewel of a ring. Wish for some kind of jewel. If the bug glows, you will get the jewel some day. If it flies away without glowing first, you won't get such a jewel.
Upon hearing the first whippoorwill of spring, immediately take three steps backwards, pick up whatever lies beneath your left heel, and make a wish. When you hear the first whippoorwill of spring, hold money in your hand and wish for more.

Click here for Daily Motovations

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