Friday, July 15, 2011

Daily Message 7.15.11

"You've got to jump off cliffs all the time and
build your wings on the way down."

— Ray Bradbury: American author
Motivational Quote of The Day

"If what you did yesterday seems big,
you haven't done anything today."
— Lou Holtz: Retired football coach, author, motivational speaker
"Inspiration does exist, but it must find you working."
— Pablo Picasso:
Was a Spanish artist

Motivational Quote of The Day

"As we increasingly master our perceptions, beliefs, and
thought/feeling patterns, we magnetically attract
that which we most desire."
Luanne Oakes: Was a holistic doctor, author, and composer

Abraham-Hicks Publications:
You can never have a happy ending at the end of an unhappy journey; it just doesn't work out that way. The way you're feeling, along the way, is the way you're continuing to pre-pave your journey, and it's the way it's going to continue to turn out until you do something about the way you are feeling.
--- Abraham                                                                                                                
Excerpted from the workshop in West Los Angeles, CA on Saturday, August 6th, 2005 # 128
The Thoughts I Think Determine the Relationship I Attract... You are the thinking, Vibrating attractor of your experience; and the thoughts you think determine everything about the life that you live. As you turn your attention toward the positive aspects of the personalities and behaviors of others with whom you share your planet, you will train your point of attraction in the direction of only what you desire. Not only does the power of your thought determine which people make their way into your life, but the power of your thought determines how they behave once they get there.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the book, The Vortex, Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships # 133
It is very difficult to understand what anybody else's experience is. There aren't enough words to really understand what anybody else is living. Physical beings want things to be the same. They want people to think the same. You work rather hard at sameness, but you will never win that battle because, from Nonphysical, diversity is known to be the most beneficial part of the game.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Maui, HI on Sunday, December 14th, 1997 # 132
If there is not something out here on the leading edge summoning what has come before it to it, then eventually there must be endedness.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Francisco, CA on Saturday, March 1st, 1997 # 134
Death is an inevitable cycle. But sickness before death is a symptom of resistance. Most people think they've got to get sick to die. But, you could be like the cat who chooses to get run over. Or, you could just lie down in your bed happily one night, so content and thoughtless, wanting nothing in this physical world; and just reemerge into Pure Positive Energy... You can play it out any way you choose.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Sedona, AZ on Saturday, August 27th, 2005 # 135
Our Love,
Jerry and Esther

From …

Daily Feng Shui Tip:

Today's energies invoke the weather in an odd sort of way. It's 'St. Swithin's Day,' named after a British bishop who was as famous for his architectural savvy as he was for his philanthropy. He is also associated with a famous rhyme that maintains that whatever the weather is like on this day, so it will be for the next forty to follow, especially if the forecast is for rain. There's a little ditty that goes along with that that reads like this: 'St. Swithin's Day, if it does rain, Full forty days it will remain, St. Swithin's Day, if it be fair, For forty days 'twill rain no more.' Just in case this weather report holds true and it rains today, let's part the clouds in a different way. Some Eastern European customs say that if you burn the herb mugwort in your fireplace when a storm is brewing, the smoke will disperse the winds and rain as it enters the atmosphere. So if you find yourself in the midst of one summer storm after another, courtesy of a prediction made by a bis op who might have been all wet anyway, burn some mugwort to send smoky signals for the rain to stop. It's time to bring some sun and some shine back to your beautiful summer days!

Daily Dream Decoder:
Disfigured Objects or People

We are used to the modern proverb it's all screwed up as a metaphor for situations and relationships that fail to meet our expectations. Dreams of this nature often reflect our verbalization of people or things that fail to fulfill our needs. How many disfigured people or objects you encounter in your dream is an indication of what facets of your life are not meeting your expectations. Can you ascertain how the object or person came to be disfigured?
Does the disfigured object continue to work, or does the disfigured person seem unaware of what you are seeing?

One of the reasons we respond so strongly to dream content is because it often is an exclamation point rather than a period. Dream statements exist in the superlative as often as not. This is especially true of the interpersonal relationships-some are revealed as the best; others as the worst. Over time, no interpersonal event is more draining than the nag.
Who is nagging you and why? Some dreams include the nagger as a caricature of nagging, and the droning eventually becomes funny. Other dreams create a symbolic avoidance of a person because of a fear of nagging. The final version of the nag is the forward, ongoing sapping of your emotional strength through the dream story.
There may be a facet of your waking life where you have chosen denial as your modus operandi. Nagging dreams may be a specific attempt to draw you back into dealing with it.
More often, the dream is about a person that you are taking too seriously or not seriously enough. The interpretation depends on your waking relationship to the individual, the content of the nagging as it reflects actual waking priorities, and your honesty in the relationship.
Are you meeting the expectations of others responsibly or do you feel inherently inadequate?
Are others directly criticizing your inadequacy at certain levels?

The ocean is the place of origin for all life. Especially in Jungian interpretation, this is a place of creativity, fertility, and birth. There is also a lingering sense humans have of rising up out of the collective origins of life in the oceans. It is easy to see the Darwinian influence of these ideas. More importantly, it is easy to see the lack of connection some dreamers could have with this approach to dream interpretation.
Given the widespread popularity of boating, scuba diving, and cruise vacations, numerous people have experiences with the ocean that were not available in the past. It may be that the dreamer has one of these connections to the ocean, rather than a general perception of fertility.

Swimming in or lying beside a pool is the ultimate wish-fulfillment dream for many people. The rest and relaxation of sunning outside is a wonderful invitation. However, depending on who is in the pool, you may be missing out somewhere in waking life.
Evaluating this message depends on who is in the pool and what they have in common with people in your waking life. Perhaps you need to be less of a watcher and more of a joiner.
Do you feel as though you should be 'part of the action' instead of on the side, sunning yourself?
If the water seems somewhat unwelcoming, there may be underlying feelings that the pool represents something you are being lured into against your will. In this case, the occupants of the pool may be people whom you generally trust, but also have some misgivings about.

For some, the ocean can impart a sense of fear and foreboding, especially if they can't swim. Its ultimate vastness, coupled with their lack of swimming ability, can appear in a dream as a ref lection of some insurmountable struggle they may be having in waking life.

Pain in dreams is an interesting phenomenon. Sometimes, a peculiar sleeping position becomes the trigger event for a painful dream. It's the body's way of saying, Hey stupid, roll over. However, the ability of the brain to produce physical stimuli that match the dream event is an amazing thing. It makes dreams that are emotionally realistic even more real.
Many times, the pain sensation is related to a particular facet of body awareness or relationship disparity. Nowhere is this more apparent than in dreams of injury, infection, and amputation where physical sensations accompany visual images. Try to recall where the pain was centered, and relate that body part to aspects of your life that are applicable.
Was the pain caused by you, another person, or an object? Was it caused purposefully, or by accident?
Did the pain feel so great as though it may lead to amputation, or was it merely a nuisance?
In dreams, we are often faced with dilemmas that create a lot of anxiety for the dreamer. Some of the things we do not know directly in our self-awareness are unknown because the trauma of unmediated awareness would be devastating. If dreams cause psychological pain, it should be treated much the same way as physi-cal pain.
Does it hurt enough to get help, or just a little bit when precipitated by peculiar actions?
How often does it occur, and is it staying the same or getting worse?
Does it interfere with daily routines because the lingering pain is so troubling?
Do you feel you have enough knowledge and resources to treat the pain yourself, or does it feel as if the pain has deep roots in your life?
Depending on how you answer these questions, you may wish to seek professional help dealing with the psychological pain of dream events.

Daily Wish:

If you receive a letter with an 'X' in the signature, meant to indicate a kiss, tap it three times with a finger as you make a wish.
When you sign a note or letter with an 'X' to indicate a kiss, first touch your lips with one finger, then touch that finger to the 'X' as you make a wish on behalf of the person who will receive the letter.
When you are reading, if you see a capital 'X' or a five-letter word with an 'x' in it, you should interlock your hands so that the knuckles meet and your fingers form five 'x's. Bob your hands five times, make a wish, and then bob your hands five more times.
If you see a balloon flying in the air, make a wish on it.
If you see a hot-air balloon in the sky, make a wish. Even if you can't see the people in the passenger-basket, wave to them so they can take your wish through the air as they fly.
When you see the first red robin of spring, throw it three kisses and make a wish. If you neglect to throw the kisses, your wish will not come true.
When the stars are out, choose the first star your eye catches sight of (selecting is taboo!) and say the following verse: 'Star light, star bright, First star I've seen tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might Have the wish I wish tonight.' Make your wish. A wish made on the 'first star' should never be told to anyone or it won't come true.
(United States)
A lesser-known version is to select a star, say 'Last star I'll see tonight,' wish, and then close your eyes and turn away, making sure you don't see any more stars that night.
A variation of the above 'first star' chant is that after making your wish you must turn around three times, touch a tree, find another star, and then look back at the 'first star' you wished on so that your wish will be answered.
(Connecticut and New York)
When you see the first star at night, make a wish and say:
'I see specks, specks see me,
I'll see somebody tomorrow
I don't expect to see.'
Look fixedly at the brightest star, wink three times, wish to dream that night of the person you will marry and go right to bed.
(United States)
Count nine stars for nine nights in a row, each night reciting out loud as you count:
'One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight, nine;
Wish be mine.'
Then make your wish. On the last night say, 'And so should it be.'

From The Secret Daily Teachings
Criticism can be very subtle in the way it creeps into our thoughts. Here are some examples of criticism to help you become aware of its subtlety, so you can eliminate it from your thoughts:
The weather is awful today.
The traffic is terrible.
The service is really bad.
Oh no, look at the line.
He/she is always late.
How long do we have to wait for our order?
That motorist is a lunatic.
It's so hot in here.
I've been on hold for so long!
These are subtle things, but the law of attraction is listening to them all. You have the ability to appreciate something in every single circumstance. There is always something to be grateful for.

May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne
The Secret... bringing joy to billions

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