Thursday, May 26, 2011

To the Non-Handwashers ...

Ew ... First of all. EEEWWWW ... Yes I'm talking to you. And when one of you walked out of the restroom today, toilet still flushing, stall door still swinging ... yeah I noticed ... and you, yeah you the one with nasty feet that I recognized in the stall next to me? Oh f yeah ... I noticed. And you, yes you the habitual scratcher? The one whose strange colored slacks I saw you wearing earlier in the day? Yes, yes, yes, I NOTICED ...

I don't know how to express the urgency in this matter, but I'm demanding you all change your ways. This disgusting behavior is exactly that ... disgusting. Where are your manners? What did your parents teach you? What are you teaching YOUR children? I can tell you this: I'm never, I repeat, NEVER inviting you or your children over to my home. Your kids are not allowed to play with my kids either. When I bring papers to your desk for you to review, you are getting your OWN copy which I do not want back. And honestly, now I feel bad for the cleaning lady who takes your recycling ...  This has gone too far and for too long. I have had enough. And so have the other ladies around the office. Oh yeah, we talk about you nastiness-ers. We made a list. And every time you do something gross, and we know about it, we DISCUSS IT. All of us. We see you coming, we try to never use the same stalls as you and we wait until you leave and spray down the entire bathroom with disinfectant.

Earlier today I blogged about change, I think your day has come. Here's to a clean tomorrow. =)

Now GO! WASH YOUR HANDS ...  But unlike my kids, I won't demand that you let me smell them. I'll just hope and pray you've decided you're better than this.

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