Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My love of music ... turns to nothing-ness to networks BOOOOOO 5.24.11

Check out my youtube page:


I am a LOVER of music. Some people love food, some people love TV ... ME? I love music. And I love ALL kinds of music. I am able to appreciate EVERY type of music in one way or another ... Just check out my youtube and see my playlists. I'm all over the board.

One of the things I did this morning, in my quest to feed my musical appetite, is go after my hunger for musicals. Mainly, R&H originals from the 50's. I grew up spending a lot of time with my grandparents, who dated during the time when these hit the big screen. Needless to say, they mean a LOT to my grandparents and luckily for me, I was able to benefit from it. I knew all the songs to South Pacific, Carousel, Oklahoma, Cinderella, and many more. So this morning I was listening to "Nothing like a Dame" and "Cock-eyed Optimist" which reminded me of a conversation with Mark recently. I started singing some of the songs from The Music Man and he had never heard the songs let alone of the movie ... UH WHAT?! ♫ 76 Trombones led the Big Parade♫???? Marian Librarian? Pick a Little Talk a Little?! Big Trouble in River CITY?!!!! Who is this guy? LOL I began to youtube all the songs from the movie ... oh man does it make me want to get up and SING! HAHAHAHA!

The problem I came up with though, is as I was going through those songs, it lead me to clips of one of my favorite recent competitive singing shows, The Sing Off. Acapella groups blow my mind and it makes me miss singing a WHOLE lot.

My FAVORITE group was Street Corner Symphony: Check out Street Corner Symphony

I was saddened when I went to their site ... they have to ASK for money to put together an album?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! What is wrong with the network? They were the true talent on that show and they don't get enough network love to at least produce ONE album? SMH It's a travesty ...

Forget it ... I'm going to go donate ... and you should too. Check em out, they are totally worth it.

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